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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. I was laughing so hard.... then I realized Montana ended up a red state! My county was blue so I think I should be included as well! HA!
  2. Ooooo this is fun! I am a stay at home mom and I love it. I'm just getting started as a WC and its alot of work to get started.
  3. free shipping on shutterfly (for anything) SHIPPINGONUS ends 11/8
  4. Oooo, I also say take pics while trying on dresses, cause mirrors can be deceiving!
  5. I suggest that first you should take a couple hours and go into a bridal shop. Take in a few different dress styles that you like and try these styles on. Also, try on some styles you don't think you would like. Sometimes you'll find the dress that you really liked doesn't work for you on your body. And a style you weren't so fond of looks AMAZING on you. Then you'll at least know if this dress is going to work for you. Also try on a white and an ivory and see which you like best. Then if this style works for you then I say get it. Especially since you can return it. (On the bottom of the page click on about us and then the 3rd paragraph has a link to their return policy and you can read it in detail) Then if you get it and this specific dress isn't what you were looking for, you have time to return it and just be out shipping + 10%. But I would try on this style first just in case. If it really doesn't work for you and your body then you don't lose out on shipping both ways and 10%. Good luck, let us know what happens!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle and also i always tell my FI about girls on the forum to the point that he knows a couple of them by name now! lol l Ha!!! This is sooooo me. My FI knows your names and even some of your wedding colors or photos.... cause anything great I show him and say look this is "so and so" and he remembers! Terrible!
  7. I also loved this dress in the pictures! But then seeing it in person I hated it too. You probably could easily sell it on ebay. I second (or 3rd or 4th, whatever number we're at) with the idea of David's. Although I know you are in Canada so that might not work.... I'm at a loss
  8. Oooo.... I actually don't like wedding dresses being different color than white or ivory. But in all honesty I really like this!!! Where did you find this? I don't want to wear my wedding dress to my AHR but I would soooo wear this!
  9. i agree, sweets! Get what you really like! You can easily sell the others to BDW girls
  10. Oh, can't believe I didn't mention this since I worked for the airlines. If you were to get your friend to take your bag, then when you go to check in you can ask to be put on the upgrade list. Most airlines will take some miles from you if you get confirmed off the list. But, if you mention that it's your wedding/honeymoon and it would be nice to be in first while asking to be put on the upgrade list, 90% of the agents will probably just change your seat to first w/ out charging you or taking your miles. Just a tip!
  11. I don't think it will all come out by april Sorry. If i were you I would go to the salon and have the color stripped.
  12. you are so trusting! I'm a hands on bossy have to know kind of girl. I've sent an email to my photog and waiting on her suggestions. I must have pictures,etc before we decide on a place, and we don't have 5 hours to do it....
  13. Do you have any one who could take your extra bag? Then you could upgrade w/out spending extra money for first class. First class is amazing and addictive. You'll never want to move back on the plane again, but you won't get the full effect of first class on a 3.5 hour flight in my opinion.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl oooh! i've been eyeing those bags at walmart for awhile but every time i looked they were still like ten bucks! my only issue is i thought they'd take up a lot of packing space ... not sure how many you're doing. I know half of them were $10 and the other half were $12, but they went to $3 yesterday afternoon they said. I have 16 of them. It's not too bad for me to have overweight bags. I used to work at the airport for Skywest running Delta and United, and I'm friends w/ everyone there. So they just let it pass, and I won't have to bring them back. I'm also taking beach mats for everyone down there, but alot of our family is only packing one bag, and the majority of us are flying together so we're just going to check our baggage under their name.
  15. Well... I would say that you just use a few miles to try an upgrade at the gate, and not use your miles for first class. We have travelled the world and I don't know how much you have traveled. We always make a huge overseas trip somewhere each year, and then we go to Bangkok every year as well. And I used to work for the airlines. Definitely consider extra baggage, but 3.5 hours is a VERY short flight. At least in my opinion. We take first class on 15 hour flights, but to us 3.5 hours is nothing and not worth using our miles for when we could save them for a 12 + hour flight. I guess it would depend on how much you plan on traveling. Personally I would just try to upgrade at the airport.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan does that leave only north caronlina undeclaired? North Carolina & Missouri Montana and Alaska went to McCain and Indiana to Obama. This was soooo close though when you look at each state individually.
  17. My FI is a computer sci major and complete computer guru. One of those guys who builds his own computers. We have 2 desktops that he built from scratch for us (and is always buying parts to update them!) and actually broke the screen on his laptop and ordered a new screen and took it apart and fixed his laptop on his own, and says it doesn't matter. It is good the first couple of charges, to actually drain the battery and then charge, this helps your computer actually use its entire battery life when unplugged before needing to be charged again. Just like a brand new cell phone. I leave my laptop plugged in all day, every day.
  18. So I was doing some grocery shopping in Walmart tonight, and I had bought some christmas presents for my FI earlier today. I needed to buy some wrapping paper for this season. That way I could wrap his presents, and not worry about him accidentally seeing them. Then I walked past an aisle and saw all of their summer bags on sale. So I bought our OOT bags for $3. Here is a pic of them. This isn't all of them, just one of each color. There are 2 different ones that I bought, there is a picture of each w/ a pop bottle so you can get an idea of how big they are. I'm so excited! One more thing off my list to get!
  19. I agree!!! I have a lot of respect for McCain with that speech! He is a great guy, but I think his campaign just got a bit too heated. Waiting to hear from Barack Obama!!! Mama For Obama!!!
  20. No suggestions Bummer!!! I was at least hoping some of the photogs might have some ideas? Even if they were a couple minutes apart that would be okay.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina i baracked the vote today. in addition to all of the other reasons posted, i also felt that obama is most suited to repair our foreign relations and restore trust between us and other countries around the world. I agree! I think its very important to have a president that can be respected by other countries around the world.
  22. Another option, because your wedding is just about a year away, more than likely you should be able to find your dress at a sample sale by your wedding. So you'd have the same dress, but much cheaper!
  23. I am a "die-hard" republican, BUT I voted for Obama. I strongly support Obama with his education, health care, war, etc. Now, I'll probably be the outcast here, but I love Bush, but I think we are in need of a drastic change. I was a supporter of McCain, way back in the beginning. I didn't have anything against Obama, but I was a supporter of McCain. Then throughout his campaign, I saw a new side of McCain, that I did not like. He became very nasty, disrespectful, rude, and dug way too far into to personal business of his opponents. Obama, on the other hand, was very consistent. I did more research on both of them, and I really support Obama's plan. Then when McCain chose Palin, he lost me. I feel Biden is the perfect candidate. There are too many issues with Palin, that I don't even want to get into. Our family is split too, although we all discuss everything respectfully. FI and I are both republicans, but we both voted for obama
  24. WOW!!!! Everything is incredible! Where did you get your luggage tags?
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