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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. This is a great list! I feel good, cause I've been doing all of these things. Although we are going w/ the real flowers. With the cost of checked bags now we can't bring everything w/ us. We need those checked bags for necessities, and now I looked and to check an additional bag, is $200!!!!! And I don't trust shipping. So i guess I will really just cut costs elsewhere and take my flowers and centerpieces!
  2. I guess Montana was left out! Which I'm kind of glad that these crazys aren't all over Montana news, then again maybe we have bigger crazies they are reporting on (e.g. unabomber)!
  3. Has anyone hired a WC for just the day of? I'm trying to find a WC for the day of just to help us set up and run things smoothly, cause we've covered everything else. I worked on everything for myself, cause we did have the budget to pay $1000 + to a WC. If anyone has hired for a day of WC what were you charged? Who did you use?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by barrow I need some help as well, I decided to use [email protected] for my invites. she has made a bunch of invites here on the sight. I made my deposit and have not herd from her since. I sent her 2 e-mails. I am almost panicing. I will try to find a number to call, but what else can I do? I have not even given her all the info for the invitation nor, has she asked for it. It has been about 3 weeks. I am nervous. Did you ever get ahold of her?
  5. WOW!!!! I don't blame shop rite, that's their policy and seriously they could have bought the $2 tube and put it on themselves. But seriously why do that to your children? The children probably won't end up changing their names, cause they'll probably grow up to be angry mean children cause everyone in school makes fun of them. I'm totally okay w/ people naming their children whatever they want to, but honestly if my daughter came home from school and asked to go to Adolph Hitlers house and play w/ him and his sister Joycelynn Aryan Nation I'd say no, and stay away from that family. no one names their kids those names w/ out being KKK or white supremacists. I don't think this went national, cause I didn't hear about this and as crazy as it sounds, I'm a CNN fanatic and have it playing all day and didnt' hear it. We have a lakehouse in Hayden, ID on Hayden Lake and there used to be a huge Aryan Nation complex thing, then they shot a local jew girl and she lived and sued them and took their property. There aren't many of them up there anymore.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sstotz K--in my cheerleading days I found that dirty hair curls best.. so with that in mind, try spraying each individual clump before you curl with a lightweight hairspray (heavy hair spray means droopy curls).. after its all done, do an all over spray, and see if that helps!! Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 My hair does not hold a curl for long. I talked to my hair stylst bc I swear by hot rollers and she said that I am better off with a small-med curling iron and take a small section of hair and spray it really good with hair spray then curl it. I did try it and it held much longer but did eventually fall Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I would use a ceramic curling iron. Spray the piece of hair first with spray gel, and then curl it - hopefully that will work! None of these work for me. They hold my curls for an hour or maybe 2, but especially if I'm out doing something it just falls out. Plus, I'm not a real product person either, I can't stand the feeling of tons of hairspray and gel. I still really recommend hot rollers, try them and you'll be VERY surprised. Digital perms are also great, but pricier. If you don't mind the money try a digital perm!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by missdanelle very cool! I was watching tv the other day and seen this little machine that did the same thing, Plus so much more! Its called cricut. https://www.getmycricut.com/?cid=579...FRQhnAod_3v-SQ watch the video..its amazing! Cricuts are amazing! although they are about $300+ then you have to buy cartridges (30+) etc. I don't really want to spend the money, when i can do it like this so much cheaper, and i don't plan on doing a lot of this stuff, just for the wedding.
  8. we're legally married, we did it exactly one year ahead, for insurance purposes. i'm a stay at home mom now so i needed insurance. some of our closest family members know, and no one cares. plus now we don't have to be there so many days in advance, do blood tests, or wait on translation. also we were going to have to pay $700 for paperwork and the officiant, if we did it at home and just had an officiant it would be $200, but since we're legally married we're actually having a family member (not even a certified officiant) perform our wedding. so we saved $700!!! Some companies do have regulations on your domestic partner other than how long you've lived together, etc. Ours only allows a same-sex domestic partnerships, otherwise you have to go to the courthouse and get a certificate saying you're common-law married, which you might as well just get married cause you can still get divorced from common-law.
  9. Agreed! Hot rollers are the only thing that ever worked for me. My sister is a stylist so i had her put a wave in my hair. its so straight that unless i actual style it, scrunch whatever to have the wave in that day it will just stay straight.
  10. I don't know.... are the hotels all inclusive? Our guests are averaging about $700 per person for plane tickets, and then the hotel is $92/night (including tax and fees, not AI) for a double room. So some rooms will just have one couple and others will have 4 people. 97% of our guests are staying for 12 days. So if we just did one couple per room we're at about $1246 per person. So your probably about right I think.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by dolfinluck Yeah they said they got married that night and the next morning they showed them in the hotel room talking about getting married last night and then showing them looking over the tape of them walking out of the chapel after the ceremony. It was also funny that they made Whitney's going away party look like it happened when heidi and spencer were down in Mexico, when really she moved to nyc back in sept. I'm pretty sure it was the next day. Lo was talking in the after show about it being the next day. And the night they were drinking and talking about it it was dark out, then the video showed them the next day during the day. When they were talking about it, heidi was asking if it was his intentions to convince her to marry him down there. he said the tequila helped and she said it helped alot in convincing her to marry him.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly I am walking down the Aisle to "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder. After all, isn't it abbout ME in that Moment??!!!! LOVE IT!!! You have made my morning!
  13. Girls you should check out the result photos on nbc.com of The Bigges Loser: Families. It's AMAZING the transformation these people made!
  14. I'm still working on my what the party will walk to. I want jason mraz i'm yours but i think its a quick beat that everyone might walk too fast. I'm also going to walk to over the rainbow, but we're using jason castro's recording of it. Quote: Originally Posted by Solidshan83 Does anyone have a reception music list together? I NEED HELP! Here are tons of songs http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t985
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I am DEFINITELY in this time....since I had to drop out of BL 2 due to Noah! I have TONS to lose and really need the motivation! I'll paypal ya before the deadline, Ann! How is little Noah? Have you done any working out yet? I couldn't sit still and started working out 2 weeks after Caterina was born. But, i was wondering if you had started working out or not. If you haven't I really suggest do post pregnancy pilates. It's really great! Pilates is really all about core and abdominal work. Post-pregnancy really helps build up those muscles. The last thing you want to do is hurt yourself. Those muscles really just aren't there anymore. I'm a pilates freak and really really love it. If you wanted I could make you some post-pregnancy cards and send them to you. I know its really hard to find time to work out w/ a newborn. I did pilates while my daughter was taking a mid day nap, or in the morning before she woke up. it's not a hard work out, its VERY relaxing. The work out really does more for you than you feel like it is but is very relaxing, and PERFECT for starting to get a pre-pregnancy body back!
  16. I love it! i would wear it. I don't think you need to be too formal for a welcome dinner.
  17. I didn't want to spend a lot, but I didn't want to go cheap. I knew I would regret it in the end. I'm not a big fan of the canvas bags, mostly cause I knew that none of my guests would use them again. I wanted a bag they would use, otherwise why do bags at all? I waited and just kept looking for bags. Theses are my bags: Quote: Originally Posted by trayce2222 I got mine at Wal-Mart for $3 each on clearance! I saw a post on here about them....below are the pics. They are great and have lots of room.....I'm glad someone on here shared their great find....they are perfect for me and cheap!!!! I'm so glad someone else likes them as much as me! Thanks Tracy! I got them at Walmart for $3 each. These are our favors so I wanted something really worth it, plus these people traveled all that way for our wedding. We do have a few single males coming and we're going to give them a string backpack. I know if you're looking for a cheaper kind of bag you can go with these: Welcome to Ailana Kai they are cheap, cute, and very destination like. I think one of the other girls might have already posted this site. Or if you were thinking along the lines of something similar to the canvas bags Pier 1 has "shopping bags" as they call them. They are totes similar to the canvas, but aren't canvas and are in color. I think right now they have their fall selection so they are all blue & brown, pink & brown, or green & brown. But they are cute, I think people would use them more than a canvas tote and they are $2.99 each. Really if you have the money to spend, wait until you find something you absolutely love and have to have and you'll be happiest. If you don't have the money do some searching, you'll find something for sure.
  18. Has anyone heard from her? I asked for the punch and books right off the bat and pm'd her. She replied saying she'd calculate shipping and let me know to how much the total would be, but I never heard back. I pm'd her again the other day, but still haven't heard anything. It's been a couple weeks.
  19. Congratulations on EVERYTHING!!! I'm so excited for you!! The house sounds beautiful, can't wait to see pictures. What a great christmas for you!
  20. I'm assuming its already legal since they showed the preview of next week where they go to the courthouse and get married.
  21. I know what you're feeling! This morning when I woke up at 9 it was -12 fahrenheit and -40 w/ windchill. Its a little warmer now. It's -21 right now. It's cold, but you don't live in this area and not expect cold. My car starts up great. Although our roads are coverd in an inch of ice. I still go out and get stuff done, it's just more difficult keeping my 8 month old bundled up and happy. If she gets so bundled that she can't move she gets a bit upset!
  22. Did you girls see it tonight? So apparently its legal now, next week they have their legal court house wedding. I'm excited to see the conversation between Lauren & Heidi. I think though, even though most people don't like Spencer, that Heidi's mom needs to back off a bit. I get that its her little girl, but if Heidi didn't like him, she would never have gotten back together with him. And although she may not like spencer, she needs to respect what heidi wants.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by KatyKo That looks so amazing! I am a bit confused on how it works, but maybe I will go to a craft store and figure it out. Thanks for sharing! Make an Etched Glass Masterpiece I actually got the idea from a project on Michael's website. Then I used this site to give me directions. Also the make stencils for the etching cream, and that makes it REALLY easy. But the stencils were $12 and then it allowed you to put like "Our Wedding Day" and the date but not your actual names. Plus I just did it with contact paper, cause if I had bought glasses, etching cream, stencils, ribbon, etc. it would have been the same price as just buying some personalized.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie wow jac they look great! my hubby wanted to do a similar idea with shot glasses for favors but i vetoed that idea, my 80 yr old grama doesnt need a shot glass haha but your flutes turned out great! how long did the project take for one glass?? I did one this morning and it took about 20 minutes. The shot glass idea is a good idea!
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