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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. Kelly, I'm w/ the other girls, it's fine by me. It's kind of like starting a new job, but you have a vacation planned and you let them know in advance! HA! We love you and I'm ok w/ it!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca Its a manufacturer coupon for $1 off any Rayovac batteries. The 2 pack of AAs is only $0.50 at the dollar spot in Target. It is being clearanced. They used to be $1 a piece. The coupon will beep and say that the item is not found. The coupon is a valid coupon and it only beeps because the batteries are under the value of the coupon. They are supposed to adjust the coupon down to the value of the item (corporate policy) but one store I went to just let me use 1 coupon per 2 packs and another just took off $1 per pack. Every store is different. May be too much a headache for some, but I am set with batteries for all my fans! Thanks!! I was in there tonight and noticed they were .50 cents, so I will go get some tomorrow w/ the coupon!!! Thanks!
  3. I'm really confused.... are you talking about a bouquet or just one flower?
  4. We're going from Montana to Akumal, which is only 2376 miles. I would have that Scotland would be much further!!!! We leave for Thailand tomorrow afternoon and we have a 1.5 hour flight to LA, we're staying the night in LA, then it's 18 hours to Tokyo and then another 15 hours to Bangkok.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I bought out the 2 Pier 1s near me! I also went to Target and got like 20 packs of 2 AA batteries for them also. They were only $.50 a piece and to make it even sweeter I had a coupon that made them free. This is a great addition to our OOT bags! Did you have a coupon for Pier1 or Target?
  6. I LOVE Pier 1, I'm in there ALL the time. Well if you didn't know they are having their BIG sale of the year. It's storewide up to 50% off. Well I was in there the day after Christmas and bought some handheld fans. I thought I would share, cause I'm using them for our OOT bags. They were .68 cents each! They do need 2 AA batteries, but i'm just going to get the cheap batteries from the dollar section in Target. Here is the link: Pier 1 Imports - Furniture, Home Accents, Dining, Gifts & More Plus they have sooo soooo much more and its a great time since they are having the big sale!
  7. Thanks i will go look, i didn't get a chance to get there today! I was all over Macys!!!
  8. Alot of the new docking stations have a port for a microphone. Bose is one of the best, and I know that one of their docks definitely has it, but they have a couple different ones.
  9. Also, they are having their semi-annual sale starting next week I think. There's so much! You can get the small lotions and stuff real cheap, and they have all of they're old totes out.
  10. I'm not a real fan of these, but alot of the girls have gotten their toppers from etsy. Alot of people on etsy can personalize them to look more like you, or make their outfits very similar to yours.
  11. Enjoy thew next week ladies!!!! Then we are working towards better bodies!!!!
  12. I definitely wouldn't give them out at the airport. Do a get together and give them out or bring them. Assemble them once you're there. Remember for international you still get 2 checked bags free. We're going first class, so we get 3 bags. Also if you have any guests in the military they get extra bags free. Just have them flash their military id and they get extra free and aren't charged for overweight bags.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by edssbride09 I am bumping this to find out if anyone knows if you can plug a microphone into the bose portable docking station?! I will totally go this route instead of paying $300 to rent their speakers! I think if you have an auxiliary input on the bose system, you should be able to plug in a microphone.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear this! we are all so lucky. And I second that, drive safe girls!!! the roads around here are VERY bad!
  15. What about mini bottles of mexican tequila? Or postcards w/ photos of the area you will be at? Or even small gift certificates to small mexican stores. Or you could do a signature drink that is a mexican drink not one that is drank alot in the US. once you get there, if you have time, you probably could find tons at little mexican tourist shops
  16. You should go through reviews and then, most of the brides have already posted pics cause everyone loves to share their pro pics!
  17. These are the spencer moments we never see! I like this side of Spencer. Also, way to go Stephanie! And spencer actually listened to her!
  18. You can donate them to a hospital, and if you do you can use it as a tax write-off!
  19. We have a few singles, although they are part of our bridal party and don't have much money to come w/ to begin w/. Our hotel is giving us a room free for every 10 rooms we book. So we're just putting them in our free rooms
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Tobi Jessell question for the techies out there...if i buy one of the portable ipod docking stations and it says "compatible with audio devices with standard headset input" does that mean i can plug in a microphone to this and use it as the speaker set?? The only issue would be finding a speaker system that has an input spot and you'd have to get a mic that has the smaller adapter such as this: Samson - Dynamic Vocal Microphone - R10S I'm not sure what the bose system has for input. Here's an ipod dock that has an input port: Electronica Direct - SDI Technologies iHome IH80B Black Speaker for iPod That's like $55 with that mic and speaker, you may be able to find them cheaper if you search for that speaker and mics w/ the smaller jack. Good luck
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 I love this idea and I'm so glad I found this post! I never knew what this process was called or even how to do it. Thank you posting!! Is the etching supposed to last forever? Can you wash it? What about if you etched a votive holder, do you know if you can still light a votive in it, say for a reception? It's permanent. you can wash it as much as you'd like!! I've had so much fun with it!
  22. We did not include in our budget for a WC and I've managed to take care of things on my own, but it would be nice to have a WC for the day of so i can enjoy it. and we are not at a resort that has a wc! I've talked to a few wc but they want to charge full price, which i don't want to pay. has anyone booked a wc for the day of, and if you don't mind, how much did they charge?
  23. I'm working on losing some baby weight. I'm working on about 22 pounds. Are you doing Biggest Loser Season5 ? I am!!!! I counted the other day from the girls that actually posted they were in, but there could be more, and with each person paying $15 the pot is alread at at least $360!
  24. We finally got to 15 degrees the other day, then another snow storm came in. It's cold, but I'm not gonna lie I'm really excited!!!! We now have plenty of snow so I can head up to the ski resort!!!!!
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