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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. They are at Walmart in the seen on tv section for $9.88 w/ the different sizes. I saw them a week ago. I'm going to get them tomorrow and we'll see how my fine hair does!
  2. Where are you having your wedding? I haven't heard of this in the RM anyway, but do know its common in the states. There are alot of VERY talented WC here who have been around for a while and in their area have become known to do amazing work and there is a demand there for higher priced work who have a minimum that they work in. I'm trying to think of what wedding show it was on TV but one of them introduces the WC and they state what price range they work in. This is common especially in larger areas. People who have alot of money to spend want to make sure they have a reputable WC who has worked w/ this kind of money and could put it to good use. Some WC have a set fee and some charge a certain percentage of your budget Don't worry about it. There are still plenty of great WC who don't have a minimum budget.
  3. i was searching to see if the coupon was online since alot of them are, but couldn't find it but found alot of people tried doing what you did and they weren't able to buy all of them at once. Target has a policy (its listed on their site) but they will only accept 1 coupon, you can use a target coupon and a manufacturer coupon on the same item, but not multiples. So it will depend if the cashier lets you like they did w/ you, although it would suck to pick up 20 tubes and only be able to use 1 From what I've read the coupon came from a redplum newspaper insert but redplum only keeps one week up on their site at a time, but they had one a few weeks ago for the travel size first aid kits too!!! So we just need to keep our eyes open i guess!
  4. you can take in a pic of them and they can look them up and locate who has how many. Thats what i did for the orchids i bought from them
  5. Cute! I got an email from Coach the other day w/ a printable coupon. It started yesterday and ends on Sunday so some of you wanting to go could use it, but its for 20% already reduced prices so if those are $39.99 they'd be $31.99 w/ the coupon, here it is: https://e.coach.com/servlet/website/...ikpgmwHnLEmkNL
  6. WOW This thread has really taken off! Here is the current list: 1) phillybride09 - june 24 - dreams cancun 2) kathleenanddan - july 17 - beaches boscobel, jamaica 3) jacilynda - august 8 - akumal, mexico 4) marryinghimagain - october 15 - dreams puerto aventuras 5) meli122 - november 7 - royal, playa del carmen 6) angruck- December 12- Dreams tulum 7)cdnvb9- December 29- Dreams Huatulco 8 )kpuckrin- January 12- BlueBeard's Beach, St. Thomas 9) ebredhawk- April 28- Dreams Punta Cana Unfortunately we only have one starfish right now and he's white! Lisa posted a pic of him in her bouquet on page 5. Some of you have mentioned your confused. The starfish is being passed around first come first serve. He has a journal w/ him to document where he has gone and done. Its a fun thing for the BDW girls and also covers a something borrowed! When the bride comes home she sends him to the next girl. If someone had one they were ok w/ sending around that would be really great. Just cause he's in such high demand and we have alot of overlapping of dates. Some of you were looking for a blue one, here is one i found: Starfish Bouquet Jewelry - 3 colors imppearl- the 3 girls at the end of Dec and beginning of Jan are really close together and having friends/family send him so its a tight squeeze. Maybe we can get another one going soon.
  7. My daughter is our flower girl. She will be 15 months old. I don't know about saying too young, it depends on your child and their maturity level. Cattie definitely wouldn't understand throwing petals so we are just having petals cover the aisle and Cattie will have a pomander and her cousin & my FSIL will walk her down. She will walk in between them. She has seen the pomander and ran off w/ it once, and she LOVES it!!! She had a temper tantrum when we took it away! I don't know about vows, great idea though! Good luck!
  8. Well I'm glad you finally got it! Did you know it was a 5x5 book? Or did he tell you what size? I think if you are really disappointed you should definitely consider the disk. Do you know how Mesita liked her book? Was it comparable in quality to yours?
  9. I dont think so! Joe's best man didn't really realize what his duties were and i brought it up to him. They are doing something in Mexico the night before...... good thing our wedding is at 4! Don't worry about it! I'm sure he'll love a night out on the town!
  10. WHAT!! Definitely stop in there. Your right, they shouldn't be doing this after 1 week!
  11. Hi hun! You might want to read about the rules of the forum. You can be banned for posting a thread to share a photog. Here are some links to the rules, please go over them! Good luck! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32313 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t29110
  12. Hi hun! You might want to read about the rules of the forum. You can be banned for posting a thread to share a photog. Here are some links to the rules, please go over them! Good luck! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t32313 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t29110
  13. I read a people interview w/ wes about everything being taken out of context. Like the only guy to make it to the top 4 w/ a girlfriend, he claims he was asked that and he repeated it and they aired it out of context. I still hate the guy. I think he was a weasel on the show and is trying to weasel out of it now, off the show. What about the comment at the rose ceremony of if I go home at least I'll be having lots of sex. He's a disgusting pig. I'm sure ABC definitely took stuff out of context since he was such a weasel and ass ABC realized he was the guy to get, but he brought it on himself! Its not like the other guys were making these comments to take out of context to begin w/.
  14. LOL Amarillis!! Thats so funny cause Joes 3 older siblings are half Thai and definitely look it. One of his brothers lived in Thailand through the school year and would come home for the summer but he has long hair and he often grows out his beard and he really looks like al quaeda, no joke!!!!!! So we are always waiting on him through customs, especially since hes a big paintball guy and he takes paintball guns and such. And now our wedding is in 2.5 weeks and he's grown out his beard again!
  15. These are from last year so if you're wanting them you will probably have to order in from other stores and should grab them quick. Pier 1 doesn't ship very quickly from other stores (i did this for orchids for orchid garland) But I bought these last summer. They are actually from spring last year cause I bought them in mid summer on clearance for .68cents. They work pretty good, but the blue flaps often fold back and catch and stop working but .68cents is a good price so we're using them in our OOT bags!!!
  16. there is a morilee dress really close to this dress although the detail is in all the same places but different. Bridal Gowns Informal bridal bridesmaids Prom Flower Girl Quinceanera Stores And i guess she was actually married in February so this dress could be from a spring or summer '08 collection
  17. I've been searching all day, but it could be a discontinued dress since she just got married she probably bought it last fall
  18. Like said don't worry about your hair color. The only thing they would ever even use the hair color is if something were to happen to you, god forbid. You should really always put your natural hair color on there. My daughter got her passport when she was 3 months old for us to go to Australia & New Zealand and her eyes were blue. My concern was what if her eyes end up brown and we travel over seas a couple times a year. I called and asked and they said no biggy. They use your pic to identify main features, and check to make sure the photo isn't fraud and of course your passport is linked to all kinds of things such as trying to travel to another country w/ a felony or what may be a felony in that country, etc. Oh and her eyes are now brown!
  19. Place cards are used to guide guests to their seat, w/ their table # etc. If you aren't having assigned seating there isn't much of a need for them. We are only having 1 large u-shaped table and i'll have assigned seating, but the placecard will be on the table not having their own table. Also we made a small menu and each of our guests picked what soup/salad and entree they wanted so their selection is on the back of the card and the waiter will take it from them to bring them their meal.
  20. Its so funny about the whole Ed not performing. I don't know when I saw it I wasn't really thinking it. I got the idea that of course they have this great chemistry but when it comes to the moment of sexiness and romance she just wasn't into it not necessarily Ed not being able to perform. I don't know maybe its just cause I've been in a situation where we really like each other and spend time together and make out, whatever. but you get in bed and you know where its going, but you aren't feeling sexy and romantic and its just not there. I would LOVE if Reid came back!
  21. I've always been a fan of Kyptin and was SO happy to see his progress yesterday! I definitely thought she was going to pick Reid and Ed. I'm not a fan of Ed. I think he weaseled his way back in. I feel like he went home and took care of work and once finished he came back, clearly putting work before her. I don't really blame him your job is important but if he did it once he'll do it again. Plus she doesn't have lots of fun w/ him like she does w/ Kyptin and Reid. I think she only picked Ed cause she felt guilty when he was begging her and she knew for sure in the end Ed and Kyptin would propose, but I don't think its really what her heart wanted. I dont' really know what happened for sure between them in the room, but from now on shes going to be trying so hard to make it happen that I think she'll just be dissappointed, not feeling it and really forced so it won't be what she wants and probably won't work. She should have kept Reid where she didn't have to try so hard. She's so set on getting engaged, does she realize you can break off an engagement. I just dont get it. She was really feeling Reid and had the connection but he doesn't throw around the "L" word and marriage, he just wants to be sure its going to really work. I just hope she ends up w/ Kyptin at this point but so curious what this new stuff to come up in the finale is and who confesses it!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by MObride09 Hi Ash H. I am also getting married at the Barcelo Maya Palace. My date is May 29,2010! I am flying in my own photographer as well. For the price, I'm getting 3 days worth of coverage and perks that would not be possible with a resort photog. The Barcelo has changed its rules about outside vendors, however, I have been told that as long as the photographer is a paying guest at the resort, they are allowed.... I just wanted to ask you if you have clarified if having a photographer stay a few nights there is allowed? Just curious for future brides. I had read about the new rule from another photographer and it didn't sound like you could book a few nights stay for them. Alot of girls have just booked rooms for local photogs before. But i was thinking this wasn't allowed and you had to use the resorts photog unless you had notified them by a certain date. just wanting to clarify for future Barcelo Maya girls
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