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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by candicemarie So we totally planned to not do an AHR, but just decided last nite we're going to have one afterall. I'm hoping for it to be super casual, more like a party than a reception, but we'll see. These things seem to take on a life of their own! We are sorta doing a football party. We know our friends will love this. We're doing the taco bar & nacho bar for super cheap on our own, kegs, cupcake stand from a local bakery, we'll show a slideshow and mingle and then when the game starts we'll watch and during halftime we'll switch back to pics and such. We aren't formal people at all! So this works well for us and our friends and family, and people don't feel like this is a gift grabbing type of party.
  2. I haven't decided if i will participate or not and had spoke to ann about hosting, but have alot going on as the holidays are approaching. Alot of people seemed concerned about posting their before and after as it has never been required. Maybe Gina you could have everyone email you their before pic and you can make a folder in your email and keep them in there and then at the end have them email you again their before and after that way not everyone has to see, and you can refer back to your folder on the pics. Girls i think the before and after at the end is to eliminate cheating which was our end drama the last season. I personally don't think we should have to make this a rule, but kinda do. I know some of us weren't upset about the end drama we were upset that people weren't participating in the thread and just weighing in. we do this to motivate one another and help each other. last season we spent alot of time talking about how bad we were doing and alot of people didn't talk on the thread at all. So i think maybe if you all agree that there should be maybe a rule of having to post on the thread at least twice a week and really help each other, not just your weight and congrats to the weekly winner, real actual participation. Just a thought! I will decide if i'm in or not as the 23rd is pretty soon!
  3. You girls are SO great! Some of you have even saved your favs on there and I LOVE it!!!!!!! I love seeing the pics that everyone else likes!
  4. Staceysbride! No problem i'll do $20. The shipping is $5 let me know if you like this and I'll PM you the info and get them out tomorrow!
  5. The bouquets have been SOLD Luciel I actually bought them from a seller on ebay elegantperspectives but I don't think they sell the sashes anymore... but i could be wrong!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM Um GORGEOUS!!! Ive already told you that your TTD pics are beyond words - so unique Your ceremony location is so beautiful!! You look so great and you and Joe are so happy in all the pics. Congrats again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you lady!!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J WOW Jac!!!!!! Amazing, agree with everthing Yael said above. Good think I am home from work today I need the time to look at all those pics HAHA!!!! You kill me. Definitely much easier to look through them in categories. Last night we chose all photos and spent a couple hours sitting in front of the computer both trying to get close enough! HA! I don't know how to choose which ones to get printed and what size, and where to put them, and how can I decide on a book!!!!! I tried to set out my favorites and see how many i had.... I even left out some of my favs cause i was trying to not pick to many but I still ended w/ almost 400!
  7. Its different for every photog. There are a few girls who have been lucky enough to get photographers who haven't had the chance to do a destination wedding and do photography for free for their travel expenses. But most will work out some kind of a deal w/ you w/ travel and their packages!
  8. Thanks ladies! Vikki- I so agree. My all time favs are the ones out on the rocks.... it was actually a dead part of the reef but the ocean and the greenery are so amazing!
  9. I'm so excited. Joe and I spent 2 hours going through all of the pics last night, and only doing a quick glance!. Our wedding pics are awesome. I wish there had been a little bit more editing on our TTD but really I'm so happy w/ them I'm not complaining! Warning there are alot of pics! Its easier to look at each category instead of all photos! Wedding & welcome dinner: http://www.pictage.com/717104 TTD: http://www.pictage.com/717611 Enjoy them as much as I do!
  10. Hey girls this is an old thread and Island Princess actually picked #4! She has the dress and it looks amazing on her. The thread w/ pics is floating around here somewhere. This thread came back up cause Jen was wondering what style # the 4th dress was. Which i believe its D797 Jen!
  11. It has to be more than just this ding setting him off about you "disrespecting" him and not doing what he told you. There must be some underlying issue
  12. WOW! I'm not really sure what to say. I can't believe how big of an issue this has become. BIL is a cop and if this had happened in a parking lot here a cop would just come over make each of you sign a form w/ your insurance info and each one of you get a copy and you deal w/ it from there. Although since we're friends w/ most of the cops in town they would laugh at anyone who even thought of filing a report for someone hitting your car w/ their door..... I mean seriously have you never flung open your own door and hit another car. I have several times, and I didn't do it on purpose i accidentally just pushed to hard. I also don't leave them my info saying hey sorry I hit your car when I opened my door..... who does that? They make touch up paint for a reason. You can go into any automotive store they have small bottles of paint for every make and model to match exactly... like $5 a bottle. Tell your FI to take a midol, take a bath and go to bed.
  13. I think these are absolutely beautiful! But.... you cannot pack these on a plane, especially if you have alot of them... they are flammable. Just something to think about. Australia put a temporary ban on the use, supply and sale of sky lanterns for 18 months a week ago. Due to fires and the lanterns being so hazardous. A whole country is using the next 18 months to decide if these are so hazardous that they need a permanent ban. Just a small side note there. Plus I have to agree, wind on the beach, and drunk people, you need 2 to light one and you can't have wrinkled corners, etc is just maybe too much for wedding where drinking is involved. I think these may be better for a funeral. To light for someone who has passed and you're not drinking. Just saying....
  14. I just got married in Akumal which is on the east coast. The hotel only has 21 rooms, but they also have 20-30 little bungalows. the beach is really nice! They clean it every single night and the reef closes in the bay so there are big waves, there is great snorkeling. The staff was the best service EVER! and its a small quaint little town. Check out my review and pics. The hotel site is Hotel Akumal Caribe MarieSam was also recently married in Akumal. Tulum is cute as well The hotel in Akumal doesn't close during hurricane season but the restaurant owned by the hotel closes at the end of August for the hurricane season
  15. DISLIKE! So KFed is all i can think........ gross! hockey
  16. I can't believe I haven't noticed this thread yet! An AHR is almost, if not, entirely for others. We are having our AHR in a couple weeks. Nothing will even come close to DW and I don't even want to try and make an AHR even close. We did not even invite friends to our DW. We found out in the beginning that my BF and DH's BF wouldn't be able to come. Also we knew many of our friends simply couldnt afford to make it. We didn't like the idea of only having a few of our friends make it, and not even our best and closest friends, so we decided to just do a private family ceremony. We didn't have an engagement party, so our AHR is something for our friends to feel included really. I'm not wearing my dress again, not to mention I trashed it and my train is ripped, I accidentally ripped out my bustle while dancing, etc. We're doing a big taco bar, nacho bar, some kegs, cupcake towers, a band, we'll show pics, but we're also doing it over our local university football game and we're using a projector and playing the game outside. So its a get together w/ family and friends to eat, share pics and stories, drink and root on our beloved Griz! We have everything ordered, we're spending $600 for 100 of us, so we didn't break the bank. Its very laid back not give me gifts, etc. I don't have a problem doing our AHR, cause I knew from the beginning this is going to be for our friends because we chose to do a wedding that they couldn't be a part of.
  17. Oh he's still going around! I just used him at my wedding and just set him up to be sent off to marryinghimagain for her wedding!
  18. Update!!!!!! dress, fans, sashes, bouts, veil, and centerpieces are SOLD! AVAILABLE: BM bouquets & linen pants
  19. There are couple of threads on this! Here are some: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t44781 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t42831 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41429
  20. I just taped our LED lights around the wire holding the lanterns open and they worked perfectly!
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