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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lrfriendly I just emailed them myself. They list them in lots off 100 and I only need 35. We will see. Thanks for the tip!! Oooo ya I ordered 36!
  2. OMG I LOVE the dresses! I've been debating about the flower print one all day!!!!! I can't wait for the Vitamin A suit sale tomorrow!
  3. oh well sorry! i'm paying $45 for my centerpieces as well. Although because of the flowers I wanted almost every other vendor was going to charge more than her cause they had to special order a certain flower so Shavon ended up being the cheapest, and I ordered A TON more stuff so in the end after lots of searching shavon ended up being the cheapest for everything w/ me including shipping
  4. Isaura what are you looking for centerpiece wise? Do you have a pic and what flowers are you wanting? And what price range are you looking for? Most places will probably charge a little more for a rush, some might not even attempt w/ this time frame I'm working w/ Shavon from fresh real natural touch artificial silk wedding bouquet flowers She's really great and I think she has great prices. I think the best way to really get them at this point is through a good recommendation. Let me know what you are thinking and I can tell you if Shavon has done it or can, etc!
  5. Hey girls Rue La La has a badgley mischka boutique today and a vitamin A swimwear boutique starts tomorrow!!! PM for an invite if you need one!
  6. these are so cute! I'm sure the guys will love them Erika!
  7. lady you look STELLAR!!!!!! I agree I think it looks even better after settling! Oh and I love your hair! It looks sooo good down w/ the flower! I can't wait to see you all done up!! 3 WEEKS 3 DAYS!!!!
  8. I have 25-25 guests, we're planning on our first dance, garter and bouquet toss. If you want to do it, do it! Even if only 5 people come, if you don't you may regret it later and wish you had so just do it if you want to!
  9. I don't know about the details of RPtB but I needed an odd amount of chair sashes from Elegant perspectives and I just emailed them, she charged me a $1 each when she lists them for $1.29 each I think which saved me over $10
  10. oh my gosh I'm shocked! Every girl nominated was definitely deserving!!!! this forum has really been such an AMAZING place!!! You girls are the best, my wedding was nothing w/out your help and inspiration! i only hope I can give as much back! thank you!
  11. YAY Wedding date twin!!!!!! I feel you honey!!!!! I really really do! We have lots of people who were originally coming and lots of new people! I won't go into detail about my situation (if you want to know and think it might help you out PM me I'd be glad to you help you!). We have 2 months and some days I cry, some days i'm sooooo angry. Yolanda is right on our day we won't be thinking about those people who didn't make it. Honey, they are the ones missing out, not you!!!! I've been struggling w/ lots of things. Here's what I've done thats really helped! I started using the blog feature on BDW. Its really nice getting out how I feel and not expecting any kind of response. Also this weekend I wrote up my planning thread on Word (which I'll add to as the day gets closer) but it really helped me get excited for our wedding and this day I've been planning for. Stick in there! We're definitely here for you!
  12. I'll give one! We should trying coming up w/ a mini challenge the night before so when we get up the next day we can plan for them whether it be before work/day or later on. Do 30 minutes of cardio, its very good for you!!! Raises your metabolism and gives bursts up calorie burning. If you can do 2 30 minute cardio sessions do it!!! Also if you have a boot camp style workout video or class you can do that will work as well. You can burn 450 doing 1hr of boot camp! I will post some beauty tips later on things we can do (beauty wise) that also help remove toxins, diminish appearance of cellulite and help your skin glow!
  13. I'm just using my iPod so I don't need a no play list.
  14. I bought mine here: eBay Store - ELEGANT PERSPECTIVES: Satin Sashes, Chair Covers, Tablecloths I needed a different amount than she had listed and emailed her. She gave them to me for $1 each!
  15. Oh I'm too big of a bitch and people know better!
  16. I think Foxy gave great advice on this! I've seen lots of topless photos, but not any fully nude. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I am not modest, so I didn't mind. Des, you kill me!!!!!!!!!
  17. I bought this suit as a gift for my BM hosting my shower. It ties at the neck so it leaves plenty of room if you're taller, its also spandex so it stretches nicely. You can return anything to VS, if its w/in 90 days you can get a refund to your source of payment, more than 90 days is in store credit. Also if you have a VS near you many of them carry their swim lines and you could try it on.
  18. there are lots of threads on eyelashes (extensions, fake, mascara) Here are some I did off doing a couple different searches of eyelash, extension & mascara http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15119 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25040 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t22562 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11073 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3710 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t41266
  19. bandeau is really hard w/ DD! Look on this thread. there are a lot of us girls w/ DD. If you want a bandeau for larger mamas go w/ a one piece bandeau! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t38466
  20. You can still get a tan w/ sunscreen. You should wear sunscreen period, even on a daily basis its good for you!! If you have a good base tan before spending alot of time in the sun you won't get noticeable lines, if any. thats why i use a tanning bed, like in my previous post cause I wear all kinds of strappy shirts during the summer once I get a base tan I have no problems w/ lines and I live in MT the only thing to do is be outside! Hiking, floating the river, at our lakehouse, etc!
  21. I have lots of old navy flops I use them daily, but I want a nice gift for our guests cause any of them probably have as many old navy pairs as myself and i'm positive not one of them owns a pair of havaianas!
  22. I would ask him to pay shipping to SA! Well, do you have this in a contract or just voiced? If he were to send it through USPS in an international flat rate box it would only cost $40 to SF. We shipped alot to Botswana, and much much more when we came home!
  23. HA! I know I was counting how many pairs I need and almost forgot myself! WTH was I thinking?!
  24. i picked #1 cause if your dress is golden in the sun I think #2 would just be too much gold especially if its your only jewelry
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Corvette79 if its a halter why not just tuck the straps into the chest area for the days before the wedding? i know what you mean, it might not look as fab as you want but at least your wedding pics will be awesome! that is what i am doing you can't do this sitting or standing up! I personally go to the tanning bed to start off my summer cause I don't like tan lines period and I wear different types of shirts. And especially cause I have a strapless wedding dress!
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