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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. I agree w/ amarillis theres a lot of stuff at home. Use things he thinks your sexy in, he'll really like that. I don't know how close you are to waterford but they have a Fredericks store and they have sexy bralette sets for only $24 Frederick's of Hollywood - Lingerie, Bras, Panties & Corsets
  2. WOW! We have some cases here and really all you can do is wash your hands and be careful. Don't freak out, as of now its still milder than the regular flu. By sending these kids home are you putting them on busses or planes? If so maybe you should just keep and quarantine them instead of putting them somewhere crowded where they can continue to infect others, the more it spreads the more its going to mutate and cause more issues as it goes.
  3. I've been slacking! I need to get w/ it!
  4. oooo HAPPY BIRtHDAY LADY!!!!!!! You know you're BEAUtIFUL!!!! I hope you have great day you deserve the best!!! 2 weeks and 3 days! So relax and enjoy your birthday today!
  5. white flowers is overkill for me but may not be for you! I really like having some splash of color w/ our flowers and sashes. my BM's wanted cheap beachy dresses which was fine by me. We also went w/ bra top dresses so we don't have boob issues! Only I should be having boob issues LOL!! I think its gonna look good since the guys are in white shirts and linen pants. Here is the dress we decided on: Victoria's Secret - Tube Bra Top dress And we used a coupon code and got $10 off each dress, so in total w/ shipping we spent $25.99 each.
  6. Shannon did your sis have an ivory dress? We really are going to do a splash of color w/ sashes, Joe wants us to sew a colored fabric strip along the bottom (we'll see about that) but we'll do hair flowers too. We decided on simple strapless white dresses from victoria secret.
  7. I've just been reading this for the last few days and taking it in. If you have indeed called and never heard back from him I think the only thing you can do is go to his studio. I was thinking what trish said w/ it being ridiculous that you could get your books that quick. Other members have waited months. I know you told him you wanted it soon and he said ok but if it isn't in writing its just a he said she said. I don't think you really have anything you could take to small claims and get something from him. I've been waiting for Mesita to jump in as I remember her saying on the other thread that she had booked him too. When was the last time either of you have talked to him? Maybe you should lay off him a little. people don't want to deal w/ someone who is going to jump on them. I don't know if you've left him messages but if you have and you've come across really worked up that could make him not want to deal w/ you. I know last time you got really worked up he was away on family emergency and felt horrible when he did reply. i personally don't think 1 month from your shoot is a long time to have to wait for prints and a book. Especially since it was done for free. What kind of book are you getting? Did he tell you a specific time frame of when to receive it? trust me I'm a HUGE bitch and i'm the first to jump on someone when they deserve it. Although I really honestly think the best thing is to try and be nice and understanding. Call him again, leave a nice message, a really nice message, explaining you were really hoping to have your book soon and were just wondering if he could give you a time frame of when you should be expecting it. thanks! thats it, don't go deep into detail of you said i said it turns people away. the only other thing is patience. Don't get all worked up, you've used Mesita alot as an example, and it sounds like she hasn't heard much from him and the only real difference is she has everything in writing, and we don't even know if he'll really follow through w/ her either
  8. You should check bath and body now. I bought my oils in January during the semi annual, which is going on again right now, and they had the oils in store for $1.50 each. I know they're $3 online, but you might want to check in store
  9. the problem is BM problems long and lots of drama. We have decided on white and decided on dresses, but someone had pics of their wedding w/ girls in white and i really liked it and wanted to see the pic to reassure my decision! We're actually doing white dress and colored sashes and hair flowers
  10. ok we're really struggling w/ BM dresses. A while ago someone had BM's and they wore white/ivory dresses and they even did a ttd shoot together. I thought it was Morgan, but don't remember and can't find pics. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? or have pics of a bridal party where BMs are wearing white/ivory/off-white?
  11. I LOVE My itouch plus theres lots of great features on them for doing your own music for a wedding!
  12. LOL! I really only remember this because I LOVED them and thought I'd really want to do this for every chair and then spend a fortune on flowers! I'm glad I could help!
  13. I can't find it online right now!!!!! It is plum (but came in black and white too) a very sexy one, w/ gold chain, kinda, on the top a halter, and chains on the sides of the bottom. I've seen a bunch on line but not the same one. I'm shopping for more right now!
  14. If you stay til the 8th and come to my wedding I'll let you touch them!
  15. I'm w/ Erika I would DIE! I know dieting doesn't always fit into our lifestyle, but when you find something that works that you like its all about changing our lifestyles to better ourselves. On a side note I'm very excited you wanted to go to the gym!!!!
  16. thanks Marise! I of course LOVE Christian Louboutin and Manolos and was set on flats first. But decided I really wanted heels for my 1st dance and later found the only alterations i need on my dress is to have it shortened but if i have heels I don't need any alterations. But Joe didn't want me to spend so much on shoes cause he knew I would end up putting flip flops on (we're getting havaianas for everyone). But I found these and he agreed. I really liked Jess' shoes but they were in yellow and I wanted pink, blue, or green so these are kinda like jess' w/ heels and in pink!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie great job jackie! um i LOVE your cool patio! looks like a fun time when the weather is good! jealous! Oooo I love our backyard! I'll post pics soemtime. I was under the pergola we built, we put in a garden this summer and at some point we're going to redo our deck on the other side of the yard. You'd love it! Quote: Originally Posted by mrsrhbtobe I love these! Did you just use hot glue and the larger bobby pins? Thanks for posting these:) I bought orchids at Pier 1 to make orchid garland for our aisle and just pulled the flower off the stem, but they are put together in 3 or 4 pieces and often fell apart so i was gluing them together and tying them on so these I cut off the stem so they stayed together and just hot glued them on to regular bobby pins. I'm going to have bobby pins holding up half of my hair so I knew a comb wouldn't really work around the bobby pins. So we'll pin my hair up, put in my veil and then pin these in just above my veil.
  18. Woohoo thanks lady! I bought a VS swimsuit this weekend that was normally $76 for $28 so its a great sale I might have to get more!
  19. ahhh I didn't but wednesday is 7 for all mankind and I'm soooo jumping in there!! they've been doing lots jeans for $69 that are normally $170-$220 so I'm dieing to see the 7 jeans boutique!!
  20. I have FINALLY decided!!!! Here they are my beautiful Louboutins!
  21. I bought them all over. I bought alot off of ebay, some from other BDW girls, target, and michaels. I have assorted colors and sizes.
  22. oh my gosh its all finally coming together!!! So my fired BM is my BM again. I'm actually really happy about it. "firing" her made it all click to her, and she realized how much stress she was causing me and not helping. they finally booked their tickets and said if I wanted her as a BM she would LOVE to be one, if I didn't she totally understood. How can I say no? My BM's are my sis and Joe's 2 sis, she' is joe's SIL and I'm closer to her than the others. She also jumped in and asked my BM doing my shower if she could help and such. I'm still looking for shoes, need to paint parasols, buy our FG dress (I've already picked it out), I'm buying Joe knew shoes, do BD shoot and pretty much just finish paying for everything. the last few weeks have been very productive!
  23. there is a thread somewhere on all the nice things you can do w/ music on your iPod. You can also change it to only play so much and what part of the song right on your ipod for your ceremony and such. Hopefully I will have mine soon!
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