Quote: Originally Posted by purrfected Jac- doesn't it always seem like when you have somewhere for the $ to go it almost always has to go somewhere else!!! We still have payments to make on the wedding ourselves. I know that it will all work out in the end, but it is still stressful.
I can't believe that August is just over a month away! I still have so much to do! I know it will all work out....OMG, I think I am becoming the girl that I swore I never would be...a bridezilla! I was a bridesmaid in a wedding 2 yrs ago and the bride drove me nuts. (She is my Matron of honor) I had dreams of torturing her the way she tortured us but it is way too much work to keep harassing my girls!
Good luck to all of the August brides!
Tammy Oh my gosh, I swear is life in general! Everytime we have some great and grand planned something unexpected always sneaks its way in, I should be prepared for it by now!
I have to admit alot of my stress has come from Joe's Aunt, she made some decisions we weren't expecting, especially after I worked my a$$ off to help her and then she changes her mind completely and ended up costing me more money. i've been avoiding her, but last night finally talked to her and it was REALLY REALLY good.
I am so not a stress/ worry person... I always have the mentality of oh well that's the way it is but for some reason weddings have their way of getting to people!
I work for FFIL in his lab and do large projects for him that companies request, which is great cause i only work an hour or 2 a week but make lots of moolah, but the last one i did that company was 12 weeks late on paying me!! So we are in need of that money to finish paying for our wedding and have lots to play w/ and its a different company and the last situation is not normal, but i still have a fear it will happen again! But last night we worked out alternatives and I'm now determined to be stress free this month!
Oh ladies I hope we're all stress free, and love every last minute of our planning! In a couple months we'll be bored again!