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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. I love this dress! I actually was debating between this dress and another for my wedding. I ended up getting the other just because it was a little too much for my very casual wedding... but it is comfortable and I'm sure you're beautiful in it
  2. if you're going to the virgin islands or Puerto Rico you will get baggage fees... unless you fly business or 1st class. which is the way to travel in my opinion. if you ever fly first you'll never go back to economy.... unless in my case i can't fly 1st anymore cause of our baby
  3. i love target! Everytime they have stuff go 50% off I start going everyday cause they're only a mile away and everytime w/in a week they go to 75% off and scoop it all up!
  4. Welcome and congrats! I'm getting married on 8-8-09 as well in RM
  5. welcome and congratulations
  6. although remember AA charges you $15 for your 1st bag checked and more for extra bags
  7. Are you wanting $50 for each or $50 total?
  8. This is so much fun! We love to travel. We've been to 1. US 2. Canada 3. Mexico 4. Guatemala 5. Belize 6. Honduras 7. El Salvador 8. England 9. Denmark 10. Netherlands 11. Germany 12. Austria 13. Switzerland 14. Italy 15. France 16. Belgium 17. Spain 18. Portugal 19. Turkey 20. Egypt 21. Tanzania 22. Mozambique 23. Zimbabwe 24. Botswana 25. Namibia 26. South Africa 27. Lesotho And we're going to New Zealand and Australia in 2 1/2 weeks! And then to Thailand in February. We loved Africa! We lived in Botswana for 13 months and when we're finished w/ school we plan on moving back to Africa.
  9. congratulations... you're little one will be the joy of your life
  10. congrats & welcome
  11. congrats & welcome
  12. welcome and congratulations! you'll love Akumal!
  13. If we're bored... are you kidding me... we live to see peoples pictures! These are so great! Can't wait for wedding pictures!
  14. Congratulations and welcome
  15. Hey! I've been searching, but can't find a template for bubbles. I have the octangular bottles of bottles. Does anyone have a template for labels for them? Thanks ladies!
  16. I honestly think you can go wherever you want. Parents are paying for our travel. We're spending $5500 in Akumal w/ a beach wedding and our reception is in a huge palapa on the beach. We're getting a 4 course meal from one of the best restaurants in RM for 50 people. We a dj, cake, chair rental, flowers and photography (that includes ttd the next day) and extras all included
  17. I saw those at our michael's, but I'm wanting them at least 10" in diameter. I bought some cream ones that are 10" from target. There were 5 in a pack and each pack was $7.99. I just want some blue, pink, and green
  18. welcome and congratulations!
  19. congratulations and welcome
  20. I'm getting married in Akumal and we're doing our own private wedding. We're having the ceremony in front of the Cannon House, and the reception in the North Palapa of the Hotel Akumal Caribe. I've been able to plan out our entire wedding. I haven't been to the hotel either but i know several people who have been there. My wedding is in August so I've had lots of time to do DIY projects. I'm almost done and i've only spent $5000 total and to book a WC it was another $1100. So my mom and mother-in-law will be setting up everything for me on my wedding day.
  21. I take it back... I was looking at the wrong size. These are about $10 more than ordering from paperlanternstore.com I am willing to pay $80, I just want to get more than 30 lanterns for that price.
  22. thanks! I've been looking for a while. These are the cheapest I've seen thus far
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