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Everything posted by Jacilynda

  1. I know!!! She first asks them to pay for their own meal cause the grooms family can't afford it. But then her fiance comes up w/ enough money to pay for the whole thing. So she says that they will cover but they will leave out a jar at the wedding to leave their cash contribution for paying for their meals.
  2. Seriously, the bridezilla girls drive me CRAZY they are complete idiots, but I just can't not watch it. Does anyone else have this problem? I have to watch it, but they just drive me insane. Has anyone seen the new one? This girl is getting married and has no money. To me it seems so dumb to start your new life w/ the one you love in debt. It's 2 days before her wedding and her bank acct is overdrawn and her credit cards are maxed out. She ends up going to a pay day loan place and can't get a loan w/out all the paper work she needs and even if she did have all the documentation she could only get $400. And she eats fried chicken.... constantly! Most of us are trying to lose weight and tone to look good but these girls are always shoving their face full of junk. Then the other girl and her mom! Seriously the dress her mom is wearing is like a high school prom dress. Do mother of the brides really wear such things to their daughters wedding?
  3. where are you in Canada? I'm in Montana near the border of Alberta. I can do it if you'd like.
  4. Amanda just had her ttd w/ juan carlos. here is the link to their photos. This shoot was amazing and is everything I would want in a ttd session. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t26554
  5. Is there anywhere else you could save some money and go w/out and get a photog? I think that photography is an area that shouldn't have a tight budget at all and should be a place to splurge... its what you get ot keep w/ you forever. I believe that I have one of the cheapest photographers in RM and I'm having photography for 2 hours and ttd session the next day and its about $1200. I think I only got her because my wedding is a whole year away.
  6. I'm just wearing my actual wedding dress. Some people are wearing the same dress and others are have a different dress. Just search for TTD pictures. You'll find all types of dresses that everyone has used and lots of people have posted pictures. You'll find lots of pictures just searching ttd.
  7. oops here is the site: How to Apply for a Passport Renewal
  8. Here is a site that says some countries and some airlines require that you have a passport that is valid 6 months after your departure date. I haven't found anything that says mexico requires this but your airline may. You should get it renewed before, it's only $75 and better safe than sorry. God forbid that a natural disaster of some kind happen and you not be able to get out in time. Right now its only taking about 4 weeks to get your passport done and you can always pay the $60 fee to have it expedited w/in 2 weeks.
  9. You are not crazy!!! We were engaged in February and we're not getting married til next august and I'm pretty much done planning, just paying. Our wedding is quite small. The only people invited are family and a couple of our really close friends. We're having a reception at home... well more like a big bbq that everyone we know will be invited to.
  10. Jacilynda


    congratulations and welcome
  11. welcome you'll find plenty of info here
  12. Jacilynda

    new to group

    Congratulations!!! There are many quiet villa like places to get married. Once you decide on exactly where you want to get married you'll find plenty of places.... lots are posted on here.
  13. Congratulations and welcome!
  14. oops sorry here's the list: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1016
  15. Here's a list of pics to make sure you get. I know my photographer asked me if there were any pictures that I wanted to let her know. I have made up a list of formals and then I've been saving ttd pictures to give her an idea of what I'm looking for out of ttd shoot. So I suppose you should check w/ your photographer. Like ehegwer he will put you in a situation to make a great moment.... or you may have a photog like mine who wants to know what you're looking for. I don't want these exact photos, but these are the type of pictures I'm really looking for.
  16. This really does happen alot. I say that you keep it for now. Go dress shopping again. Take pictures of yourself in dresses you "LOVE" or like. I always take pictures cause I don't trust mirrors.... and this way you can refer back to it. Also take a pic of yourself in the dress you already have. Just keep dress shopping and taking pictures. Then compare all of these pictures and see what you like. I also suggest when you go dress shopping try on a few dresses you think you don't like or you're not interested in because I dress looks different on everyone... and it always looks different on you than on the hanger. You may find in the end that the dress you have is perfect or you'll find a different one you like and you can sell the dress you have and buy the one you absolutely LOVE!!!! The dress is so important to us but remember the dress isn't what makes you beautiful!
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