Well.... I just looked at fees for an extra bag to Mexico. We have to take Delta out of our airport, and its actually a delta connection. Delta connection only allows a max of 4 checked bags per person. Normally this wouldn't really be an issue, between the 2 of us that would allow us 4 extra bags, but its $200 per extra bag now!!!! That would be $800 for 4 extra bags!!! We just went to australia and new zealand, we had one checked bag of clothes for both of us, another checked bag full of shoes diapers and extra baby stuff (for a new infant), a carry on with all of baby clothes, a carry-on of extras (games, extra clothes for us in case, hygiene stuff, etc), then we gate check the stroller and carseat, this would allow us 2 extra bags to check without being charged, and i already have a box of stuff to take.... I think at this point it may just be worth the money to pay for real flowers down there. Its $200 an extra bag, geez and its alot of hassle with how much we already bring with our infant who sits in our laps so she isn't allotted any extra bags.