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Everything posted by 2bebridejamaica

  1. I am always checking the reports and possible tracks of the storms. Oh this freaks me out to no end. I just dislike hurricanes in general for everyone with the upheaval of things and how lives change in most of these countries... they will always be devistating to me.
  2. I LUV LUV LUV IT! Perfect Becks.. he really has a way. I love seeing pics of you and Chris.. reminds me so much of Jay and I.. Just makes me smile !!
  3. YAY.... And yes I am proud to say I am a total picture whore.. LOL... They look perfect and you look sooo happy.. love how these teasers came out!!!
  4. I agree with Becks on this one. Our wedding is Nov 8th in Jamaica and our AHR is tentitively planned for Jan 10th 09. With the holidays right after we get back from our HM... I didn't want to compete with other parties or have people choose what to attend. Plus, I didn't want to rush into something else right away... savor the lazy days before the AHR. This way you are not planning both at the same time. We are still trying to find the ideal place. With it in Jan everything is pretty much open which is a good thing. I don't want anything super fancy but we need to accompidate for our families all over the state and espec our elders (they have a drive time of an hr max). So where they are located we need to have something an hr in between everyone. It will all work out but having things spread out is a good thing...
  5. Yeah I'm in totally agreement on this one ... pantyliner looking.. with the possibility of it falling off ... Not for the price either... and in the pics ... doesn't sorta look like some naughty toy.. LOL.. I think I have guttermind tonight.. LOL
  6. Christa that is funny! Jay said the same thing.. he said they better chop it up and bring home every little piece to us from Fedex. I knew that was high but it is extemely high from all of you ... what a rip off... totally not going to do it now..
  7. What happened... I was horribly sick all weekend and I came on this morning and I was reading a thread and it says Banned.. WHY
  8. Congrats and welcome to forum!!
  9. Very cute new addition to the house! We love Boxers and plan on finding one soon after the wedding and craziness dies down. Petfinder has tons of little boys and girls waiting for their mommies and daddies to take them away!
  10. Don't worry and don't change your plans. When you get down you will be able to see everything perfectly and it will all fit into place. I swear they do this to us just to add more stress! I decided I am not making anything permanent now till we get down to Jamaica and I get to see EVERYTHING laid out for me.
  11. I love it ... very nice ... I like the flow-y-ness at the bottom
  12. I love it very cute.... I like the personalization of the Yankee hat even though I am a SOX fan.. LOL
  13. OMG where did you find that That was the dress I wanted too 8o(. I looked in over a 100 mile radius of me and even a trunk show tried to get it for me but no one carried the dress and I was too affraid to buy it online.. because I had to see it!! OMG it looks wonderful on you!!!!
  14. To start out the day .... I was all over the place with work knowing that my second fitting was lastnight and I couldn't wait to see my dress. I got an email from my BFF who said she was coming with me to go see my dress. I was super pysched since only an hr before she wasn't going to be able to make it. Jay was going back and forth with her and well he offered to take her son while we went.. YAY!!! At this point I was jumping for joy that she was able to come .... I left work early ran all the way home picked her up and we were on our way... (Now mind you I work 47 miles from home and the dress shop that my dress was at is only about 20 miles from work.. so in total I went 184 miles for a complete day) But I didn't care I was driving all over the state Carrie was coming with me!!! Soooo anyway we went to the dress shop she was sooo exicted and I was just excited she was with me. I put my dress on and Carrie was completely teary eyed... needless to say I ended up balling because I am emotional wreck anyway when it comes to seeing anyone emotional. MY dress on the other hand... the bustle was all wrong .... I had to fight with some chick I had never seen before telling me that it was done the way I approved at teh first fitting.. it was horrible I had shelf ass with weird bunching on it... finally Carrie churped in and said "well she is the bride and she doesn't like it, this is her dress".. LOL... I giggled to myself... but this chick just was rude the whole time. After we had fixed the problems I went over to the jewelery and was trying stuff out since I have to pick anything yet... This chick yet again comes over and says to me "Your playing now?" WTF!! Yes!!! Anyway... I am just done sooo I change and get out of the place.... All I want is a Margarita at this point. We go out to dinner and grab a drink... I felt better venting and talking about all the wedding stuff with Carrie. Well the bill comes and before the waitress even is at our table I hurry to whip out my cc to pay for dinner... she quickly goes away and Carrie looks at me and tells me I shouldn't have done that... NOW here is my big part... Carrie told me from day one she was sooo excited for me but she being a single mom would not be able to make it to ... I totally understood and she has helped me through everything no matter what it was and I have bounced everything off her. She would have loved to go and be in Jamaica for me but it wasn't in the cards. So anyway I paid for dinner... and I start to cry.... I thank her for coming today because it was sooo important for her to be with me to see my dress because she is my "family" and I love her to death. She needed to see my in my dress before the wedding. Carrie starts to cry and tells me to stop... as I am winding down in mess in the middle of the resturant.. she smiles and says.. "I"M COMING TO JAMAICA SILLY, NOW STOP BEING SAD!" I'm floored to the point that I can't even move or speak. OMG she is coming to Jamaica No friggin way ... Carrie is coming to Jamaica!!!! I jump over from the other side of the table and hug her and cry the best happy cry I could.. next thing you know the manager comes over and asks if everything is alright?? We feel horribly stupid for being silly in the middle of a 99 but who cares. So in the end ... I LOVE my BFF .. and my wedding is now complete... who cares if I ended up with no BM's and people bagged us... CARRIE is coming!!!
  15. Well I went lastnight formy fitting... my dress isn't done BUT I did get to see the bustle they did ... YUCK.. They needed to change it. It was a 3 button .. But they put the buttons in a straight line below my butt and it looked horrible.. I had shelf arrsss with some of my fabric bunched above the line. Thank goodness my girls were with me, I was at a total loss. Well lets hope it's fixed. They ended up moving the main center point up 4 inches (yes that is how low they put it before) and then angled the outside 2. Sorry Tara for no pics.. my damn camera battery was dead.. should have checked it before I left.
  16. Congrats and welcome to the forum from another Jamaican bride.
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum from another Negril Bride!!!
  18. I Luv it! A little province New Brunswick... Megan. I'm in Mass and we have been up in your neighborhood a bunch of times for weekend getaways.. love it up in your neck of the woods.. Congrats and welcome to the forum too!!
  19. Wooo Hooo Congrats Alyssa!! I can't wait to see the pics!
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