Can I join in on this thread? I am freaking out too because of various reasons:
-wedding was originally supposed to be in April but both (yes both) maid of honor and bridesmaid got preggo and were both due in March! So rescheduled for Oct, then bridesmaid who had a miscarriage, found out she was preggo again and due mid Sept! Didn't reschedule this time...
-now my original maid of honor (1st cousin), decided to quit her job and stay home and says she really can't afford to go! She had over a year to save up $$$!!!
-AHR has become mega stressful. For various reasons it had to be pushed to end of August. I have had people tell me that they want to see us have a ceremony there becuz since they aren't going, it is the real wedding to them WTF?!
-the friends and family who aren't willing to shell out $$$ right now due to the economy.....why didn't we get married a few years ago?!
-my grandma telling me she can't believe I am not getting married in the Catholic church and is disappointed that I have chosen to get married on the beach.
This is the second marriage for both my FI and I, and we wanted something different. Since we weren't going to do the anullment process we weren't getting married in the Catholic church. But we both fell in love with the idea of a destination wedding. With all the stress we are under right now, I kind of just wish I would have eloped! (