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Everything posted by Jenn6603

  1. Heather, You might be ok... I have been in contact with the chief concierge at the resort and he tells me that all renovations will be complete by November... PM if you continue to have troubles reaching Diana and I can pass along some other contacts at the resort. Jenn
  2. Hi Heather, Diana was really hard to get ahold of - I found though that in the past two weeks things have greatly improved - I did speak to her on the phone a few times last week and the week before... apparently they had had (or she had) problems with her email... She did say that the problems now were fixed and I have noticed that she gets back to me within 2 business days... usually around 5-6 pm central time... I'm really looking forward to hearing back after your wedding and how everything goes! I do have a few questions for you... How many people are you having? Are you getting one of their packages? Did you hire a DJ? I am at the 5 month mark and trying to work out all of those last minute details Thanks! Jenn
  3. If you are using Kristin, you do not have to deal with the resort - Kristin takes care of all of that (I spoke to Kristin and really wanted to use her)... As far as a welcome reception, you probably could do something informal at the resort - just tell everyone to meet there! I suppose it would also depend how many people you have... We only have a grand total of 30 so we could easily do that (and a few of those will not be at the resort)... Jenn Jenn
  4. Hi Sarah, I'm pretty much your neighbour (am in Edmonton)! I am getting married at Dreams PV a few weeks before you - February 24... I had my bridezilla moments a week or so ago when I couldn't get in touch with Diana for a month! Turns out there were issues with their email... a few phone calls back and forth and everything was sorted out... I can't help you with a photographer - we are bringing our own... We really lucked out. What day do you arrive? We are staying for two weeks. PM me if you want to ask anything more specific - I would be glad to help wherever I can... I know the PV area quite well - have been there several times and my mom has been going annually for the past 12 years. Jenn
  5. At Dreams, the mariachi is $700/hour... the trio is quoted at $300 or $500 (I can't remember)... the DJ is $170/hr but I think that is with me providing my iPod and/or CDs... if they have to provide the music it would be even more expensive. Jenn
  6. Thanks everyone... I didn't sleep much last night - tossed and turned with this whole situation running through my head (along with many others - I think I will write a book when this is all said and done!!) I will call my mom today and explain that I would prefer she not wear white... I just think that she doesn't get it... I don't think she understands that this is a "wedding" wedding... I think she expects that I will be in some sort of orange sundress or something (although she has seen my dress!!) and everyone will be in shorts and flip flops... thanks again! Jenn
  7. and I am not sure how I feel about this!!! My first thought was WTF?!? Then I wondered why not? Its not a dress, its dressy capris and a shirt type jacket... It is a very dressy outfit but I am not so sure how I feel about it... She is walking me down the aisle... I am wearing a white full length wedding dress... I don't think she realizes that although this isn't a traditional fancy schmancy wedding at a golf club or what-have-you, I still want elegance and some tidbits of tradition! Is it still bad etiquette for someone other than the bride to wear white? Or am I being old fashioned? I guess I am just looking for some input... I am not sure what to think anymore! Thanks. Jenn
  8. Mishka... I love your blog!! You have some fantastic ideas and it is so gracious of you to share them! Thank you! Jenn
  9. Mishka - those are all great suggestions - many of them bringing memories back - I want to sneak back to PV, even if its only for the weekend! We love the fun at Pipis - especially the gargantuan (and dangerous!) margs! Do you know if they will take reservations for large groups (25 ppl)? I know they normally don't, and part of the fun is sitting and waiting on the sidewalk, but having 25 people sitting and waiting for enough room could take hours! I think it would be fun to have our group go there one night as part of our wedding activities! Jenn
  10. welcome to the forum! I am a PV bride as well - we picked Dreams... You'll love this forum - it has been very helpful! Jenn
  11. Thanks everyone for your support and comments! I think I needed my mini-meltdown to feel better today (sometimes you need to let it storm before the sun can shine, right?). I just had a ton of that negativity happen yesterday, a mere 7 days before deposits need to be in, and it was time for me to snap!! I have good thoughts today - am off to get my hair done and pick up my dress I don't post a ton on here (we have dial up and it is ridiculously slow) but I do lurk... its nice to know there is a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to your rant when you just need to let it out. thanks a ton!!!! Jenn
  12. argggggh. I am really feeling like I just want to cancel this whole thing that I have spent all this time and energy on (my wedding in PV) and run away, say the vows and just come home and say, "guess what? since you all complained so much, couldn't follow instructions, didn't want to offer any assistance, and just were pretty darn laid back about it all, we decided you obviously didn't want to be part of our big day so we ran off and did it without you!" hmmph. I am tired of my SIL saying things to me like, "well, i dunno if we can come... we'll see..." I am tired of my very own sister telling me, "guess what? I think my friend might get married in the same resort as you - we are just trying to see if we can get her a date in the same week you are getting married so we can save some money!" I am tired of people now avoiding us because they have received our "save the date/travel arrangement invites" and they aren't sure what they are doing. I think they think that the deposit I have asked for them to make by next Friday is really a joke (we picked the most popular time of the year PLUS a top resort - the bookings need to be made NOW... plus we only invited our CLOSEST family & friends). I am tired of family whispering behind my back while they discuss how selfish we are because we are getting married in Mexico instead of in someone's backyard here. Oh yeah... they are quite disgusted that we didn't pick spring break so their kids would be out of school - if they come, their kids will have to be taken out of school (which would have been more expensive)... and I am really tired of my own mother trying to make me feel like I don't deserve the wedding of my dreams because I am 42 years old and I have lived with my future husband for 2 years (this is both of our first and ONLY marriage!) - if she asks me if I got a "wedding wedding dress" one more time (and wedding is written twice on purpose), I will scream!!! ***sigh*** I am just wondering if its even worth having people there? The thought of us hopping on a plane and just going on a 2 week vacation is much more appealing... sorry... just needed to vent. Jenn
  13. we already had 9 guests staying off resort (they travel to PV every year) and the resort only allows 50% of the guests to be from off-resort (plus you have to pay extra for them to come for the wedding). We didn't want to chance that more than 50% of our guests would be off-resort so we told all guests that the resort had a policy regarding off-resort guests and we had already negotiated the maximum number of allowable guests... if we end up with less guests so be it... my mom's not happy with my decision (because its her husband's sons that want to stay off-resort) but too bad! (jeez that sounds a little harsh, lol) I guess the way I look at it is that we did a lot of research to pick a resort and we also negotiated an excellent price - I did a ton of work so having guests just go do their own thing wasn't really an option for me... Jenn
  14. Do you have a copy of what you sent them? I would use that copy of what you sent them to show them that it was their oversight and they may waive the fee for the second proof. I am a designer and if I am provided info from a client and miss key information in the design, I will go back to the drawing board (no pun intended!), make the revisions and NOT charge back for the time, proofs, etc. However, if the client failed to provide me with key information at the beginning, and we are at final proof stage and they notice that something is missing, I charge for my time, etc. In some cases designers will charge to provide another proof as there are costs involved (is this a paper proof or a digital one such as a PDF?) - traditionally I only charge for high quality colour proofs unless I have built that into my price (ie. three revisions, etc). If it is a PDF and I am emailing it, I do not charge for the proof itself... let us know what happens. Jenn
  15. Welcome to the forum from a fellow Albertan! Jenn
  16. Thanks for everyone's input... after much going back and forth, we have decided to just book with Gaby (yes, I finally got in touch with her!). So, now I can relax a bit... at least we have a date!! Jenn
  17. Congrats! Me and my guy dated many, many years too - our friends and family never thought we'd get married! Welcome to the forum! Jenn
  18. I'm with ya about being overwhelmed! I know that I need to relax but its hard! Welcome to the forum and congrats!
  19. I would run a test copy at Kinkos or where you end up going to print the actuals... Unfortunately, the you cannot count on all printers printing out the same colours unless your monitor is calibrated (and sometimes it needs to be calibrated to the printer). You may have some additional print settings that you can select or deselect - unfortunately though I am on a mac not windows so cannot direct you to where those could be found... when I send a doc to print, I can alter the way it prints by asking for less saturated colour, brighter colour, moreso like a photo, etc... It is all dependent on the printer tho and what options it has... Sorry - I hope I didn't confuse you more! Jenn
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