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Everything posted by Jenn6603

  1. I like the catamaran idea... I will have to do some research. As far as the fishing trip, I will see if I can get the info from the Best Man - he has done all the looking into... I know that there are many that offer it. Doing the zip line is out... I bet almost everyone would go (and know that many are planning to) but I am TERRIFIED to!! I'll post any info I can find out... Jenn
  2. I am just getting ready to order my starfish (star of the sea) bouquet jewel... Did anyone use more than one in their bouquet? If so, do you have a pic? I am trying to decide if one is sufficient or if I should order 2 or 3... the shipping cost is the same whether I order 1, 2, or 3! Thanks! Jenn
  3. These are great inspiration pics! I am going to see my hair dresser this saturday with a few pics in tow... We'll do some trials and I will take pics and post. I hope to take the pics with me to the salon at the resort so they can copy the hair... I am luckier than most though - my stylist is also my friend and traveling with us for the wedding so she can make sure the resort does it just right! Jenn
  4. We are having a small wedding as well - 30 guests including Scott and I... and 4 of them are kids... we are not doing a program or anything like that... We will have favours - that will be it. Our group is our family and closet friends - plus we each only have one person standing up with us. There are soooo many fantastic ideas that you could incorporate but I didn't want to be hauling a bunch of stuff down with me... maybe will consider some of the other things for our AHR... Jenn
  5. With only just over three weeks to go til we depart for PV, I am trying to come up with a fun thing for the girls to do while we are there... The guys are all chartering a boat and heading out to fish for about 4 hours on one of the days we are there... I need something fun for the girls to do! We range in ages from late twenties to early seventies, and some of us are not as adventurous as others... I thought about chartering a van and doing some sort of shopping thing - that may still be an option... but are there some other cool things that someone can suggest? Thanks! Jenn
  6. Amy - your stuff is amazing! I love it all! We have traveled to the Melia Las Antilas and it is our favourtite spot in Varadero. We are hoping to get there at the end of March this year (second honeymoom, lol)... You are so lucky to have your wedding there! I don't think you could ask for a better resort when it comes to the staff and service! I can't wait to see your pics. Jenn
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Thanks ladies! From what I understand from reading that other thread is that some provinces will change the name on your birth cert and some won't (if you legally change it that is). I guess I'll have to ask a registry agent here in Alberta to get the official word on that. Hey Kathy, Let us know what the Alberta registry says... I will be facing the same thing in just over a month! Jenn
  8. We decided not to do a ceremony program... we have a small group attending and we only have a maid of honour and best man... we will also be doing the sand ceremony. We will be verbally thanking everyone by name at the reception. I know that doesn't help with your request on how to do the program, but I just wanted to let you know what we chose to do... Jenn
  9. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by!!! AND, I am getting really excited! I had my first fitting yesterday and all went well - looks like mainly hemming! My veil should be ready by Friday (my mom is making it)... we are buying the groomsmen's pants and shoes today... we picked up our wedding bands last weekend. I just have the "crafty" to dos left (I think!!)... - luggage tags - PV info booklet - OOT tumbler inserts - finalize ceremony - schedule of events I really cannot believe it!! I am a little nervous about the reception and the ceremony and the flow of events but figure no matter what happens, it will be absolutely the best day of my life!!! Jenn
  10. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by!!! AND, I am getting really excited! I had my first fitting yesterday and all went well - looks like mainly hemming! My veil should be ready by Friday (my mom is making it)... we are buying the groomsmen's pants and shoes today... we picked up our wedding bands last weekend. I just have the "crafty" to dos left (I think!!)... - luggage tags - PV info booklet - OOT tumbler inserts - finalize ceremony - schedule of events - make playlists for iPod I really cannot believe it!! I am a little nervous about the reception and the ceremony and the flow of events but figure no matter what happens, it will be absolutely the best day of my life!!! Jenn
  11. We are bringing a photog with us but he is also a wedding guest... We are not getting a permit - if they are a friend just taking pics, I can't see a permit being needed... we will also be using the resort photog as it is part of our package. Jenn
  12. We're going to do the dry erase board/photo idea... We will have a dry erase board and marker... each guest will be encouraged to write a message to the bride and groom on the board (5 words or less) then have their photo taken with their message (I am stealing/borrowing this idea from someone else on the forum!)... I think it will be fun to put all the pics together after in a collage - I imagine as the night goes on, and drinks are consumed, the messages will get more and more interesting!! Jenn
  13. We were just informed by Dreams PV that there are no more fireworks... we were going to have them as our first dance concluded... apparently they have been banned from the resort... so maybe sparklers are too? could it be a liability thing? jenn
  14. great pics! They make me even more excited for my wedding at dreams - only 6 1/2 weeks away! Jenn
  15. our ceremony is at 530 - but we are getting married in February... I am hoping that the time works for still being able to take pics after the ceremony as i do not want to see my groom prior to the ceremony... Jenn
  16. This is a great book but I was really hoping for a PV one (instead of cancun)... I tried a search but it omits the word "welcome" when doing the search and comes up with many not related results... anyone have a PV welcome book they would be willing to share? Jenn
  17. I cannot believe that my wedding is less than 7 weeks away - holy crap! I still have lots to do but am feeling more in control that I did a month ago! Just have smaller things to do now - and it looks like lots of parties! I need to refine my lists and just keep plugging away! Jenn
  18. Mishka does handpainted custom maracas... she can be found on this site - I am sure she will chime in at some point! Jenn
  19. I think its beautiful! My dress is quite similar (I actually have rhinestones also on mine - I think mine is even 'glitzier'!!)... Just imagine how beautiful it will look when the sun hits it!! Definitely appropriate for a beach wedding!! Jenn
  20. Hi Ladies, I am relatively short (5' 1") and am trying to decide on a veil... I have long hair that I will be wearing down (just pulled back at the front/sides)... I am curious as to what length of veil others are wearing... I was thinking either just below the shoulders or maybe elbow (close to waist) length. I am sure that I cannot go for something layered as it would overwhelm my size but I do want something! What are you other "vertically" challenged girls doing? Thanks! Jenn
  21. Mine is a halter but it is quite snug just under the "girls" so it feels like the "bodice" part is supporting them... I have to get my straps altered (they are too long) but when I try the dress on, even without the straps properly done up, my girls feel supported... My wedding isn't for 7 weeks so I don't know if I will have any issues - I sure hope its not uncomfortable!! Jenn
  22. I knew everyone would be happy to hear about the new WC! I had really been stressing out because I could never get email responses with Diana - she would only phone me with answers (and that was only after repeatedly emailing her then finally emailing the chief concierge to explain my difficulties in reaching her)... I didn't like the idea of getting info only by phone - no paper trail! Rebeca truly seems genuine and interested in helping ensure that my day goes smoothly! I feel a little like some of the work done in the past couple of months has to be reworked but I am not worried at all - at least I know that I am dealing with someone who knows what they are doing! Jenn
  23. I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a new wedding coordinator at Dreams PV - and all I can say is "wow!"! It took me by surprise - I emailed yesterday morning before leaving for work (about 6am MT) not knowing there was a new coordinator... I fully expected that I would have to send a second email in a couple days... Imagine my surprise when early in the afternoon yesterday, I had a response!! I had to read it a couple times to make sure I was reading it right!! Her name is Rebeca Gonzalez - she seems to be awesome! I had a few more questions for her yesterday so sent them last night... I had my response this morning! I am feeling much better about my wedding - she even provided more information that I wasn't able to get from either of the two previous coordinators there (yes, this is the third WC I have dealt with!!) If anyone was considering Dreams but turned off by how hard it was to reach the WC, please rethink your decision... Judging by the service I have received in the past two days, I am now feeling more excited than nervous about my wedding (omg - its only 7 weeks away!!)! Jenn
  24. I have been to the bullfights in Puerto Vallarta - as long as you are prepared (many in the crowd were not, we were) it is interesting to see. We only stayed for three fights rather than the whole evening and were fortunate enough to see a female matador. Please remember that although this is not something that we would do in canada or the us, it is part of the mexican culture. I will say that it is certainly not for everybody - you have to go with an open mind if you are going to go. if you are interested in seeing some of our photos from the PV bullfight, please pm me. Jenn
  25. I'm feeling stressed too... the 5-6 lbs down is back and I now have 7 weeks to get down that and then another 5-8!! Tonight is our last holiday shindig - then its back to working out, eating right, no more wine and getting into shape!!! Jenn
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