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Everything posted by jamaica2009bride

  1. Welcome to the forum! Good luck with your planning!
  2. Welcome to the forum! Always nice to see another Canadian!
  3. Yeah, we were trying to decide whether or not to prepare our own but as soon as I read these from Chandlyn we are 100% doing our own. I'm not crazy about these vows at all. FYI, if anyone is thinking of writing/preparing their own vows, there is a GREAT vow repository here on another wedding forum. FH and I completely "stole" the ideas of these brides for our vows. Kvetch: Vows => Giant Vow Repository Here! If you are at all sentimental I would get some tissues ready- some of the vows there made me cry like a baby! The best ones are a few pages in. There is also a reading repository, which is where we got our unusual readings. Kvetch: Vows => Can we make a giant ceremony readings repository? Hope these are as helpful to some of you as they were to me.
  4. Hi ladies If anyone is wondering about the vows for the ROR I have attached them here. I receieved them today from my TA. I believe they are the same ones from last year. The only thing she requested the vows for the civil ceremony and they still say "holy" so I guess they use the same vows for both civil and religious ceremonies. RORvows.doc
  5. Thanks for posting. That helped us decide to definitely prepare our own vows. Did you have a civil or religious ceremony? I noticed the vows say "holy" so I wonder if civil would be different?
  6. JUSTUSTWO: Thanks for answering my question! How long did your ceremony take? Without any input from the bride and groom, would it just sort of be little intro from officiant, vows, signing, and that's it?
  7. Congrats and welcome to the forum! You'll find lots of planning help here!
  8. Welcome to another Ocho Rios bride! You can find lots of wedding pictures in the wedding reviews section of the forum, just do a search! Happy planning!
  9. I am referring to the civil ceremony as well. I referred to the minister because my TA told me that she thought a minister performs the ceremony regardless of whether it is civil or religious. I just thought of another question...Did anyone bring their own "readings"? We would like a passage read from a book but I didn't know if this would be ok?
  10. I have a couple of ceremony questions...I've searched for the answers already but no luck! I apologize if this has already been discussed, if so please point me in the right direction! Has everyone who has gotten married at the ROR followed the same ceremony "template"? What is the ceremony like? Short? Does the minister say much? How long does the ceremony run? Did you choose readings or not have any? Did anyone prepare their own vows? Are they open to the couple having lots of say in the ceremony itself? Thanks everyone!!!
  11. So are mics optional? Or do you only wear them if you are having a video? And why were only the grooms mic'd? Is there anyone who had guests say they couldn't hear the ceremony? So many questions!
  12. I'm so glad I found this thread! I thought I was the only one who didn't want to send invites for a DW. I'm torn, really, FI doesn't want to do it because obviously we know who is coming already and he thinks it is a waste of time. I do agree, and I am a bit concerned about wasting all that paper! I sent out an email to most people we know, but there are some people that didn't get the email, or don't have email addresses (i.e. FI's grandparents), or I don't have their email address...I would mostly be doing it for FI's family who is pretty traditional and for people who didn't get the email but I want them to feel included. ARGH!! I have no idea what to do. I keep going back and forth between sending them and not sending them!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  14. Welcome to another ROR bride! Happy planning!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sally I would love to have a bonfire can they do fire works too? Hmmmm....good question. I'm not sure...anyone else know?
  16. You looked beautiful. Congratulations and thanks for posting such a detailed review!
  17. What a nice story! Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  18. Congrats and welcome!! You'll find tons of great ideas here, these girls are on the ball!
  19. Congrats and welcome!! Everyone here is sooo helpful- happy planning!
  20. Welcome and happy planning from a fellow Atlantic Canadian!
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