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Everything posted by KatyKo

  1. Those are amazing!! You should keep one nice bottle of wine with your label for anniversaries down the road
  2. Great pictures! I love your BM's dresses...where are they from? And your dress is gorgeous!
  3. Thank you FI actually thought that maybe we could just edit the wording for our more formal invite for the DW and give that to them, since they wouldn't necessarily need another invite to that ceremony.
  4. The Garden Ridge store has been popping into my head at random times for the past week or so...maybe I should actually go next time I think about it Thanks for sharing!!
  5. You can also use that code to get $10 off the other shirts too. I ordered my BM's tank tops and used that code and it made them $20/piece and the tanks were orignially $25 before shipping to start with. Of course, I had to use multiple credit card #s to do it
  6. Hello Ladies One set of my grandparents and one set of FI's grandparents are probably not going to make it to our DW because of heat, travel, age, etc... We are fine with that. We are also having a legal ceremony before we go to the DW and so FI and I thought it would be nice to send the grandparents a special invite to come to that ceremony...so they would be a part of our day and feel special for having an invite to it. Anyone done an invite for that? I know y'all have great wording for everything, so of course I want some advice I am sending out my STDs this week and want to include that invite for my grandparents so they will not get upset knowing they can't go to the DW. Thank you!!
  7. Hello Ladies! A friend of my sister is printing my Passport STDs (as we speak). Her family owns a commercial printing company and is doing these for me, for free. The STDs are ones I got from this site (I'm going blank as to who they are from), but they are the booklet passport-like ones. So there are multiple pages and she is doing a heavier paper for the cover and a nice weight for the inside. She is printing 100 for me and giving me envelopes for them as well...all for free. She is so fabulous for doing this, but I obviously want to give her something as a thank you. So I have no idea how much a print job like that would cost. I figured in order to come up with a monetary value for the gift, I should know how much money she is saving me! Anyone have any ideas or advice? Thank you!!
  8. Such a wonderful idea...thank you for sharing. I have bookmarked my publisher now, so I will remember when I get to that point
  9. I am confused on this issue too. I have Passport STDs being printed, but I wasn't sure if I needed to put an RSVP in there or not. They will have the info on the travel agent and I will know who has booked, so is another RSVP just double that? Yikes!!
  10. That dress is stunning...I think it would definitely look better with some curves
  11. I was on a business trip during the end of last week and FI was nice enough to wait on me to get back to watch it. He picked me up from the airport and we drove straight to the theater. It was definitely amazing! Best one yet!! And I still got sad every now and then, knowing that we lost such an amazing artist. Heath will surely win an Oscar for his performance.
  12. What TA did you use? That is horrible and so scary!!
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your family gets well again.
  14. I plan to get the legal part in NC and then just have a symbolic ceremony once we get to DR. We are still going a few days prior, but just because we want to get everything set before our guests arrive, and they are all coming 2 days prior to the wedding.
  15. I didn't know about the BDW group either! I also have a minor facebook problem I have gotten a little better about that site though, now that I am obsessed with this one..yikes!!
  16. I would love, love, love to enter This is a wonderful opportunity! Thank you!!!
  17. My FI has a lot of "guys only" things - whether it is his guys' night every Thursday or the 5-6 college football games him and his friends travel for. I don't mind it at all. It is kind of annoying that none of his friends have girlfriends or want girlfriends, but I'm sure that will change eventually. My girls and I have girls' night every Thursday and we go to concerts, take trips to the beach, movie nights, etc..without the boys so he should have his time too. I honestly think it makes us miss each other and keeps our relationship strong. I have dated other guys who didn't have or want friends and it was a bit smothering to me. I like having my people and he likes having his people and then it is double the fun when we all hang out I wouldn't give up my girls' nights/trips for the world, so I can't say anything to him about his boys' nights/trips
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