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Everything posted by KatyKo

  1. Very cool...can't wait to check out the site! Thanks for sharing
  2. Well here is another girl with forehead wrinkles and darn crows feet from smiling too much...and I'm 25
  3. How exciting! You better cancel all your plans to go get it
  4. I really like the blue one too, but I realized that it wasn't what I pictured.... I think the fuschia/magenta color is more in line with the theme I have in mind and they are more casual and would match the flowers I have fallen in love with I actually got to try the dress on in a store, so I know my girls will love it
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel I second that. We are not going to do a ceremony for the legal stuff. Are you having a party when you get home? Since we are only inviting like 5%-10% of our family to the DW we are having a blessing and AHR for everyone when we get home.... I am having an AHR, but I was just hoping to have something special for just the grandparents...our families are both very close and they would feel very special if they got to see us "really" get married. I guess maybe we could just do a nice meal after the signing of the papers. Hopefully I will come up with a brilliant compromise I mean I do still have 9 months (or a little less) to figure it out!! Thanks everyone
  6. I love the memory frame idea...and the candles. Such a sweet way to remember those who can't make it (in person) to your celebration.
  7. First off......I believe we all know how those emotional times of the month can be...plus, you can whine/rant/whatever as much as you want here I agree with LC Rachel. My FI and I have acutally started doing "date nights" and they are just wonderful. Just last night we went for dinner and a movie...we went on a Wed. night because movies are cheaper...but it was still very nice just to be with him, just the two of us. You are probably stressing a little more because your big day is coming up so soon...GET EXCITED!!! I hope this helped...a little
  8. So I went about a month ago with my girls to pick out BM dresses. We actually found 4 dresses in all the right sizes that they liked. The dresses were around $40 a piece, which was a steal...here they are... So then a couple of weeks ago, I finally faced the fact that when I pictured my wedding...these dresses were not what I pictured. So I returned the dresses - no problem - and started looking around again. I found a great find at Forever 21!! And the dresses are only $16.50!!! So here is what I just ordered for my girls...except in the Magenta color, which in real life is closer to Fuschia than what you see on their site. I absolutely love them and could try one on in the store to make sure it will be a good buy. Hopefully I won't change my mind again! And if anyone is interested in getting this dress, or any other from Forever 21...here is the site... http://www.forever21.com/product.asp...4124540&Page=1
  9. I actually bought a halter dress because (1) I absolutely loved it...duh and (2) because I always have a halter tan - even in the dead of winter - because I have always worn halter swim suits. I am considering what to do about my BD photo session...tanning bed or spray on..because I too am scared of tanning beds, but don't want to be orange or look "dirty" as my sister says.
  10. Hello Ladies...so I am having a conflict (with myself and with FI). We have decided to get the legal marriage done before we head to Punta Cana, that is not an issue...the issue is how to do it. Only one set of our grandparents are actually going to get to go to our DW...so I thought it would be nice to invite all the Grandparents to witness the legal marriage in Charlotte. In my head, I was thinking it could be a very casual, short ceremony, maybe in a park or something where we are legally married and then go to brunch/lunch/dinner with everyone, so it could be special for them. FI wants to just go to the court house and sign the papers. He is trying so hard to see it how I see it, but he doesn't want anything to take away from our DW. He says he thinks it will be weird to "get married" twice in a couple of weeks. I think it is very sweet how he feels, but I'm not sure what to do. I can totally see how he feels, and just signing the papers would be just fine with me...but I guess I was just trying to have something for our granparents to take part in...and watching us sign papers through a window just doesn't seem that special Any ideas or suggestions?
  11. I was thinking of doing a bridezilla or corpse bride or something I thought that would be cute. FI won't tell me what he is going to be, he likes to do really random, but very creative things and likes to keep it secret
  12. Those are so great...I know you are so excited to see the rest!!
  13. That was a stressful part of our decision to do a destination wedding as well. I'm sorry that you are having a hard time, but keep looking around. Have you looked at Occidental Grand Punta Cana? That is where I am having my wedding. They have very reasonable wedding packages and rates...the only expensive thing for us is the flight, but that would be expensive no matter where you go these days. I believe our guests are looking at a little over $1,300 for 6 nights/7 days, all-inclusive, plus direct flight from Charlotte to PC. Hope that helps...good luck!!
  14. IMO it doesn't matter how much it costs or how big it is...it is the marriage that counts, not the ring. Of course, I am glad to have my ring I wouldn't want to part with it, but I told FI up front that I just want to be his wife, I don't need bling in order to say yes
  15. I never knew that my dreams were realty...personal chocolate cakes in minutes...who knew?? I have to try this...
  16. I want to wear my dress again. I am doing a rustic theme for my AHR and plan to wear cowboy boots (as long as it is as cute in real life as it is in my head) with my dress. I have been going back and forth with this whole thing because I want to do a TTD and I was afraid I would hurt the dress because it has so much lace, but then I saw Becks' TTD session (we have the same dress) and now I really want to do the TTD with my dress and still wear it at the AHR
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