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Everything posted by KatyKo

  1. Your pictures are stunning!! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the one of you and your BMs laying in a circle on the ground. You were such a beautiful bride Thanks for sharing!
  2. I'm facing this situation too. Most of our friends who are single are planning to just room with someone else, but some people won't have anyone and it is quite a jump in price for them. I think our resort allows for a 3rd person in the room, maybe they could be added to another 2 people's room? Not sure if that would work. Good luck!
  3. We were originally thinking about doing just the BBQ-Southern thing, but my Papaw is coming up from Savannah and I thought it would be awesome if he brought some fresh shrimp off the boat and we did a Low Country Boil (shrimp, potatoes, corn on the cob and sausage). You can have some slaw and maybe some salad and it is a yummy and filling meal. A friend of ours had that at their reception and it went over really well. Good luck!
  4. I take my pup to daycare just about every Wednesday. She loves it. It was a great way to socialize her as a young pup and now it breaks up her week so that she isn't home alone every day while we are at work. I take Tessa to our Vet (who also provides daycare) and it is $21/day. Pretty expensive when you add up how much it is per month, but it is so worth it for her. She is so pooped at the end of the day
  5. Looks like such a great party!! You look like a natural pole dancer haha I want to try that too!!
  6. So exciting! I had my first fitting a couple of weeks ago...I was really nervous too. I think most people's weight fluctuates a little bit, so I think you should be just fine Can't wait to see pictures!!
  7. These thoughts are great to hear. I am 25, but I don't plan to have children for quite a while. Of course, since I am getting married, everyone is already pushing it, but I just know it is no where near time for me yet and my FI feels exactly the same way. That may change in the next 5 years or so, but I don't want to have a baby just because I need to have one before I am 30 or 35. I guess if I end up waiting too long, I could always adopt Thanks for the words of wisdom, as always.
  8. My FI is involved sometimes. He wants me to give him projects...and I have, but I have yet to see anything come of those projects, LOL. I am the kind of person that would just rather get it done myself than delegate, which is normally bad, but I love planning this wedding, so in this case it works out. We shall see if he makes us a sand ceremony frame, if he has clothes for the wedding day, and if he finds a cake topper (since he doesn't like anything I have shown him).
  9. I would love to hear thoughts on this as well. Thanks for asking
  10. It is beautiful! Classy, chic, sexy and tropical I (as many of the other girls) would love to know where you got it from.
  11. Ooooo...I love, love, love birds and trees. I'm trying to incorporate this into my rustic wedding reception. I'm thinking a vintage looking bird cage as a gift card holder, bird nest decorations with candied almonds that look like egs in them and a cake with branches and a nest or bird topper. Thanks for sharing...these inspirations really help!!
  12. Thanks for sharing...this is awesome! Glad this one got bumped!
  13. So cute! My FI actually pulled something similar on me. It was our anniversary and after dinner he wanted to go have a beer with the boys. And I said "okay" even though I thought WTF? On our anniversary? Little did I know it was just a ploy to get me to the area where we first met where he popped the question. These boys are so silly Congratulations!!!
  14. Good luck!! We are sort of in the same boat as you when it comes to the waiting game on a house we are trying to buy! It is so hard not to get excited
  15. Good to know there are still people out there! Thanks for sharing
  16. Congratulations! Sounds like the beginning of a wonderful life together. Welcome to the forum
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze Katy, Maybe we can still combine the shipping and the price could possibly drop. She said she would do 1/2 of mine in orange and 1/5 in pink, so I cant see why she would not be able to do your logo/colors and just combine? She seems really nice so I will def. ask! Definitely!! Just let me know. I would love to see the logo you are using too
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze They will do 50 :-) $67 plus shipping, one color Awesome!! Thanks for finding out for us. I think that is a better deal than the site I found...since these are bigger, have a handle and I think are about the same price as the other. Thanks again
  19. I really want to do a "first look." I have seen so many of these shots and they always make me emotional I think it is just such an intimate moment and for me, I would rather share that close to my FI than at the end of the aisle, although I completely understand wanting to wait as well. For our situation, we are getting legally married in the states before we head to the DR, so the bad luck thing wouldn't reeeeaaallly work since we would technically already be married I also think it is such a great idea to do the rest of the party's pictures before the ceremony as well. I was very bummed to think that I was going to miss cocktail hour, since we aren't really having a reception at the resort after our DW...now I think doing this would allow me to enjoy that time with my (then) husband and all our guests. Thanks for sharing this blog!
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