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Everything posted by quiche

  1. KHarrod - Have you sent out your STDs yet? If so, what type did you send?
  2. How about getting a wedding band custom made to suit your e ring? Do you have your heart set on an eternity band? In my opinion, the simpler the band the better it would look as a set. I agree that the band in the first pic takes away from the e ring.
  3. Yay!!! Just checked my VM and the travel agent has confirmed that I can have my date and time!! Now I just need to proceed to step 2 which concerns paperwork and I'll be one step closer!!! Since we'll all be there at the same time, we have to hookup and meet while there!
  4. Hi Wenna, If all goes according to plan, we will be there at the same time!! No, I haven't sent out save the date cards just yet as I'm still waiting on the confirmation to come back from the RIU. As soon as I get it back, STDs will be going out. How about you?
  5. Anyone know how long it takes between the date/time you request and when that time is removed from the availability calendar? For example, I go to the site today and request 9/5/09 @ 4pm...someone else goes to the site today and requests 9/5/09 @ 4pm, and on and on. Is this date given on a first come first serve basis? How many requests are allowed for same dates/times? Just wondering, because my travel agent requested 9/5/09 @ 4pm and I've now gone back to the site to check availabilty and that time slot is now unavailable. I have not received any official confirmation and am wondering if that time slot went to someone else.
  6. Hi Ladies, I've booked my wedding at ROR for 9/5/09! I am aware that this is hurricane season but my date was flexible for monetary reasons. I'm willing to take my chances. But I would like to hear about the experiences of brides who married in Jamaica in September. More specifically the weather during your stay. Thanks!
  7. I have relatives who are sisters..named Tuesday and Wednesday.....NO JOKE!
  8. Actually...I think this needs to be moved to the chit chat section. Sorry!
  9. I like both, but you look more "spirited" in the strapless dress. Again, they are both beautiful. Don't cry ;o)!
  10. I've noticed all the nice siggies here on the forum. I'm wondering how I can go about getting one for myself. Anybody know how?
  11. I'm just starting to plan my December 09 wedding. It seems far away, but it will be here before I know it. I can't wait!
  12. quiche


    Oh my! I'm going to like it here. Thank you all for the warm welcome!
  13. quiche


    Hi Ladies & Gents, I'm so happy to have found this site and can't wait to start planning. I will be getting married in December 09 and have not selected a destination just yet. I live in the DC/Metro area and want to go wherever I can get the most for the money, but still have all the frills, scenery and romance! Any suggestions are soooo welcome! Thanks!
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