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Everything posted by hmj

  1. Just wanted to let you ladies know there are 20 oz. plastic cups for sale at Wal-Mart--4 for $1.97. At my Wal-Mart they have teal, green and pink. The green is more of an olivey green. Anyway, I thought it was a pretty good deal, so I cleaned them out of the teal b/c they are the exact color or the BM dresses!
  2. Our GM (and ushers--7 total) are all getting the Reef Bottle Opener flip flops. The BM are all getting beach cover ups (100 different ways to wear them, I think they're so cool!) and butterfly necklaces (made out of abalone-sold at World Market). The necklaces are in memorium of my friend Meghan who died 5 years ago from cancer. Butterflies have kind of turned into our thing to remember her by. Also I will be getting their jewelry and already bought their shoes. I would love to do more, but actually, the necklaces and cover ups are already $40 and we're broke. If more $ magically turns up closer to the wedding, we will likely be doing a bit more for our wedding party that is doing so much for us.
  3. You know, I don't specifially know of any other lines without looking, but I am adding a blue sash at the waist of my dress. It's the satin off the bridesmaid dress. So, that might be an option, depending on the kind of dress you end up with. FYI--I was looking at ebay yesterday trying to find a dress for my TTD session and there were some dresses (2 or 3, I think) on there that had color in them. They are apparently made in China (or wherever the factory is) and shipped over. It might be a bit risky, but it's there nonetheless. So now you know! :-)
  4. I thought the same thing about the STDs "really" being necessary. So, what we decided to do, was an email STD with a link to our website, etc. There are 6 people who don't have emails, so we just got some cool paper and printed off EXACTLY what the STDs look like on the internet. We are getting married April 24, 2009 and sent out the STDs last Saturday and will be sending formal invites via snail mail in early October. People are already booking, so I'm glad we sent out the STDs early. It's EXCITING! We will also be having an AHR (actually 2 since my FI and I are from different states) and will be sending out invites with RSVP cards for those in April, but will mention the AHR on the invites that go out in October. So, that's what we're doing.
  5. Well, I haven't received my actual WC yet, but I have asked this question to a general wedding coordinator at the resort and she said that actually, I can just pay for a day pass for my photog and her assistant. So, we'll see how that goes! :-) I will be sure to print out that email and bring it along to the wedding. At first, she told me that I had to pay for them to spend the night, but then when I told her a photog (Claudia Rodriguez) told me I only had to do day passes for them, she said that day passes would be fine. I am not having Claudia or her group do my wedding, Cecilia Dumas is, so my guess is that it doesn't matter who the photog is, that's the new policy--IF you ask for it. (I did tell them that Claudia is not doing my wedding.) So, anyway, that's what I know!
  6. I agree with the others and would NOT recommend shipping anything to Mexico. My friend lives in Mexico and works at a school where she has had 2 things shipped to--one showed up, one did not. Her old roommate was also supposed to receive a birthday package but it never got there. She even says for us not to bother mailing her cards and things like that b/c it'll never get there. I know it's a pain to have to pack an extra suitcase or 2 (or 3), but at least you have the peace of mind knowing it'll get there. Plus, it will end up being less money to pack it than the ship it.
  7. Image of bridesmaid dress - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I don't know how to post pictures, but this should work. Not the color I was going for, but 3 of my bridesmaids tried it on and they all have very different skin tones and they all looked great in the color! So, there ya have it! I actually really like the color. I am also getting an extra yard of the satin and having a sash made to go around the waist of my wedding dress. I'm thinking now that I should have ordered 2 yards in case I want it to hang down longer... I should get on that b/c the dresses will be ordered next week!
  8. I just had to share my ridiculous dream I just woke up from. I dreamt we were at our wedding that was being held in a room that was not only not on the beach, but had no windows, stained carpeting and was just plain ugly. Then I walked up to FI standing at the alter and he read his vows right away. Apparently, I had asked my mom to write my vows for me (WHAT? apparently I was very busy and stressed), but all it was was Bible verse after Bible verse after Bible verse in a font that I couldn't read and kept screwing up. The sheet of paper was folded in half and when I opened it up, to find more Bible verses, it was on an 11"x17" paper. I just said, "uh, forget it. I can't do this," and quit reading. THEN, I was doing something during the wedding and mentioned to a BM that "Oh, and there is no photog either. This is just going great..." I think the reason I dreamt that part is b/c I've emailed her a couple times lately with no response. She's on vacation, and I'm really not nervous about it when I'm awake so I don't know why I'm being such a nut when I'm dreaming, but whatever. I think the lesson here is "no matter what happens on our wedding day, it will NOT be as horrible as that." I just thought it was funny b/c I was just talking to my friend who asked me, "Have you started dreaming about it [the wedding] yet?" ha! YES!
  9. I really really really want a Boston! Seeing the pics makes me want one even more! But, now's not the time! Thanks for sharing though. SO CUTE.
  10. I agree, I don't think there really is protocol. Our photog will be picking us up the morning (hopefully not too early!) after the wedding and taking us to the beach where we'll be doing our picutes. I plan on wearing another dress as I will be having 2 receptions and wearing my dress to both. Craigslist, here I come!
  11. Thanks for posting this! I drive by the Aveda Instutite EVERY DAY on my way home from work, and I always think, "I should get my hair cut there!" And then I forget when I get home! I just made my appointment! Woo hoo! That's a FANTASTIC way to save some cash!
  12. FANTASTIC pictures! I just booked her for my wedding and TTD (SO glad I did that after seeing your TTD pics) and this just reaffirms my choice! And it's great to hear that you'd recommend her also! She seems cool over email, I'm glad to know you thought she was good to work with too!! Whew!
  13. OK, so I really don't need to write this b/c everyone else has, but wow. Those are some pretty hot pics! Ryan will definitely love them!!!
  14. Absolutely beautiful! The dress, the location...how fun!!!! Yea! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. So, so, so cute and creative! I LOVE them!!!! I would be so excited to get that in the mail!!! Great job!
  16. Really stupid question I am getting married at Barcelo Maya Beach resort. Not in Cancun, but the question might still be relevent. Anyway, I just booked last week and now I'm wondering how this stuff works. They have a DJ as part of the wedding options, but they let you go with someone outside the resort? Or is Carlos one of the options they let you pick from if you sign up for a DJ as part of the wedding package? I'm wondering b/c photography isn't included, yet they don't let you bring someone from off the resort unless you pay for their room (and their assistants). I just emailed someone at the resort, but I don't know if I'm emailing the right person and usually they take a while to get back to me anyway, so I thought I'd check here first!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by acire The reply was from the wedding sales coordinator...how did you get in touch with a WC? My TA said she's sending over someone's name. Hasn't happened yet, so we'll see.
  18. hmj


    Welcome and Congrats! I think you'll find this forum very helpful!
  19. Welcome! This is a great forum with lots of fun ideas. It's nice to see what other people are doing and read that other people are going through some of the same stuff you are!! I'm learning a lot!
  20. In the etiquette section of more than one DW book I've read it says it's OK to have a shower and to register. I would personally only want people invited who were invited to the wedding, but I'm also inviting a TON of people to the wedding, so that might be different. If you're having a reception after the fact and everyone knows you're having a reception, then I don't think it'd be too big a deal to invite people who aren't invited to the wedding. Also, what does "AHR" stand for? I can pretty much figure out all the other acronyms, but this one I'm having trouble with!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by verrow23 I like number 1, but 2 is really cool. Both are beautiful. I don't think you can go wrong on either choice. I totally agree. They're both beautiful. I voted for #2, but I think #1 is very pretty as well.
  22. Since everyone has posted their 2 cents, I think I'm going to also! I have also been in the same boat. My sister completely and totally flipped out telling me I'm selfish, mean, rude and inconsiderate when I told her we are for sure having a DW. This went on not only on the phone, but also in VERY LONG emails. My mom said, "Honey, I don't think she meant all that, but we're all very concerned. It's a lot of money to ask your friends to spend on you." It's funny b/c all my friends are super excited! My parents don't really make any comments and never really have, but I know they're not happy with my choice. My sister, on the other hand, brings it up wherever she can in conversation. When I point out the fact that I realize she's annoyed I'm having a DW, she continues to say, "I'm over it! I think it'll be fun!" Right... Reading this thread has really helped me too! I continue to feel guilty, but it's lessening. I've booked my resort and am SO excited with everything I've planned so far. That's helped me get over their rude comments! :-)
  23. Hi everyone! I am so excited! I just booked our wedding at Barcelo Maya Caribe. We had booked our wedding at RIU Playacar until we found out they could not accomodate more than 60 people for the reception. On the slight chance that there could be more than 60 people attending, we had to change it. After having a little bit of a freak out this AM, we are now booked at Barcelo Maya Caribe for April 24, 2009 at 3:00!!!!!! I'm SO excited! I think I like it way more than the RIU! I haven't contacted the WC yet, but I do have her email from the TA, so I will get right on that. I am learning SO much by reading all the posts on here!! What a lifesaver! Any advice anyone wants to give that's not on here already, feel free!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photography by Elizabeth Medina, but we're kinda on a beer budget, so I might be stuck with the resort photographers...we'll see. I feel like photography might be the ONE thing NOT to skimp on. Anyway, thanks! I just wanted to share!
  24. Those look so good! My aunt is doing my invites and I just got the mock-ups yesterday, but I'm jealous! These are so creative!
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