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Everything posted by hmj

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MomentsThatMatter If you send me 2 or 3 of your favorite pics... Let me work some of my magic on them! Our gift to you! haha Seriously... I will touch them up and send you something special. Lincoln & Lori send them to: [email protected] Thank you! I really appreciate that! And I will totally take up on the offer! :-)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I am combining your two threads Thank you! You're quick! If you could also delete my response where I REposted all the pics that would be fantastic! :-)
  3. We decided to forego professional engagement pictures and instead had a friend of ours take some. I am pretty happy with the way they turned out!! I'm even happier I finally figured out how to post pictures!
  4. Alfred Angelo in "tealness" Not a color I would have originally thought I'd like, but it actually looks great!
  5. I have been looking for a song for the sand ceremony, but after reading this, I will probably need one for the signing of the marriage certificate too, huh? Well, huh. I will have to ask my WC about that. I have been looking for songs for that and also the wedding party entrance (originally thinking "You've Got A Friend" by James Taylor, but I"m not totally in love with that song). Thanks to this thread, I now have some great ideas! As for my entrance, I believe I will walk down to Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel and we'll walk out to something like "How Sweet It Is" by Michael Buble or "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" or "Good Lovin'." Not sure yet... Obviously. :-)
  6. That is just crazy! Cool! I will be sure to keep my eye out for you! We are going the cheap route and go with the...I can't even remember! It's not the basic package, it's the one right above it. With the current economy though, we could probably go with one package up b/c a lot of our friends/family aren't going to be able to swing it financially. With fewer people going, it would be about the same price to go one package better as what were estimating with all our family/friends going at the package we chose. Who knows though. Right now I"m in the process of picking out flowers... I think I'm going to drive Claudia nuts with all the pictures I'm sending! :-)
  7. I was on depo for 5 years, got off and immediately got my period regularly. (I got off it b/c I was gaining weight.) Anyway, I agree, that I would not get your next shot. My friend got off depo (after 7 years of being on it), got on the pill and a year later, they were pregnant. (Right on schedule for them.) Anyway...everyone's different, but if you want to have kids relatively soon, I'd get off it now.
  8. We are getting married in Mexico and will be using our iPOD. Better get started on making those playlists!!!
  9. I just added all that up, yeah, it will definitely be about $12000!!! Ha! On a good note, however, our 10 days resort costs are almost paid! :-) WOO HOO!
  10. We don't have a set budget. I know, I'm breaking rule number 1 of wedding planning. But, our 10 days in Mexico (2 different resorts) is costing almost $5000. Our photography is $1700, our package (the 2nd to cheapest one) is probably going to be about $2500 and then with OOT bag expenses (about $10 or less/bag) and spending money... We're hoping to have it all wrapped up in $10,000-$12,000. We're saving our butts off so it should be paid in full with NO credit cards involved at all, and that's the most inportant thing to us. I wish I could afford more though, there are so many things I would LOVE to do, but just can't justify.
  11. Hi! Sorry for just getting back to you now. I don't have a lot of information b/c I haven't been married yet, but I just asked Claudia about a cocktail hour also and she said it was $9/person. Not sure what that all includes, but that's how much it costs.
  12. I LOVE all these stories! Even though meeting people online is very common and I was actually at a wedding last weekend of someone who met her husband on eHarmony, for some reason, I still get a little embarrassed about it. But, it's our story, and if the happiness that I feel now is the end result, who cares how we met! Darin and I met on eHarmony. We were a GREAT match right from the get go. We had emailed long emails back and forth and he called after a couple weeks of that. Then we had LONG conversations and met a couple weeks after that! Two and a half years later, we're engaged and a little over 6 months away from getting married!! I have never met someone who is able to challenge me the way he does and STILL bring out the best in me. He is absolutely the person I have been looking for.
  13. I think it looks GREAT!!!!! 7 months is WAY too long to live with a cut and color you hate! I would've told you to cut it. I just cut and colored mine and am SO happy I did. GREAT decision!!!
  14. We are getting married at a Barcelo resort in Mexico and planned on renting their guitar and keyboard for the ceremony. I was thinking...$100 or so. Ah...NO. $600 for 45 mintues! But, Claudia tells me, "We have our own pianist and singers who can sing anything and they are $300." The plan the entire time was to have our friends sing at the wedding. I don't want a stranger singing if I have the opportunity to have friends sing. I am SO MAD. Any advice? I am seriously considering packing a guitar in a hard case (if I only had a guitar and a hard case). That just leaves the issue of the keyboard. I'm just so mad b/c it's SUCH a racket!!! I could BUY a guitar while I'm down there for $600! ARGH! Help!
  15. Hi All! Quick question... I'm the MOH in a wedding this weekend and I'm wondering when I give my speech? Am I the first to go? If so, do I just interrupt dinner and start talking or how's that work? My speech is all written and everything's a go, but I'm starting to freak out about interrupting dinner! This is my 2nd MOH speech, don't remember being so nervous the first time around! :-) Thanks!!
  16. What a terrifying experience!!! It's always good to be reminded of what to do in that type of a situation, so thanks. I'm glad you are both OK!
  17. These pictures look GREAT!!!! My FI wanted to do our own pictures and I was like, "Well, we can at least ask a friend to do it," but seeing your pics gives me new hope to give it a whirl! Great job!
  18. I have a question that you might have posted already, but I can't find. Where did you get your blue jeweled starfish in your bouquet? It's so cute! Thanks!
  19. I do not think AHR STDs are necessary. Between word of mouth and the actual invite, I think you'll be just fine. I plan on sending out the AHR invites in April, probably the weekend before we leave for the wedding or when we get back. Our AHR is June 20.
  20. I also have teal BM dresses and will be using orange, yellow and a few pink flowers. I think orange will be great!
  21. hmj


    Welcome Sah! This is a great site and I'm sure you'll learn a lot from it! Lots of support and suggestions on here!
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