Quote: Originally Posted by Christi What is in a raw diet? Is it safe to switch back and forth from kibble to raw? I like the idea of preparing home food so to speak, but also like the convenience of having kibble around too. It's safe to switch immediately from kibble to raw, but I don't think you can switch from raw immediately back to kibble. The raw is actually much more convenient than I thought it would be. Every 4 days or so I put some from the freezer into tupperware containers and then put it in the fridge, then I just take the food out of the fridge to feed him. The benefits of the food far outweigh having to re-fill the tupperwares every 4 days or so.
Just to clarify - for the raw diet, it's actually already prepared and we purchase it in a big bag and keep it in the freezer. It kinda looks like ground beef but there are other things in there too (carrots, some other vegs, some bone). We don't actually prepare the food for him every day.
This is the brand we use:
The Ultimate Diet