They're only banning together because they want the power, and they'll do anything to get it. I didn't vote conservative in the last election either but I really think there is something wrong with our political system when people are allowed to overturn the public's choices. It would be one thing if the vote was 2 years ago, and the party in power had done some really bad things, so the other people overturned them...but less than 2 months ago?! The public spoke. It's embarrassing that the other parties can just form a group and take the power, regardless of what the public voted. I understand that it was a minority government, but if that's the issue, we should change the way our political system works and change the way votes are counted. We shouldn't allow people to just do whatever they want, regardless of what the vote said.
I really do think this is embarrassing for our country. And I'm a little afraid of what this coalition government is going to do...