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Everything posted by *Heather*

  1. YAY KATE! I hope you and Bill are having an amazing time, and I can't wait to hear about everything when you get back! CONGRATULATIONS!
  2. I have a feeling it wasn't a "bridesmaid" dress but more like a "normal" dress from their website...?
  3. Are you using Photobucket? If so, just copy the IMG code and you'll be good to go!
  4. Woohoo the first 2 work! But yeah you're right, the cocktail shaker ones totally don't work, I got the same problems that you did. Darnit. Thanks for trying If anybody else knows how to get ahold of the Cocktail Shaker font, I'd really appreciate it!
  5. Ahh! No pictures! I wanna see...I just ordered swatches from J Crew for some bridesmaid dresses! I love their stuff!
  6. Congratulations! Can't wait to see pics!
  7. Welcome Kara! Where is your wedding?
  8. I got a response back pretty much right away - within a day or two for sure. Are you emailing someone directly, or just using a general email address? Maybe if you direct the request directly to someone (I've been dealing with Lola), you'll get a better response. Do you have Lola's contact info?
  9. Good link Carly, thanks for posting that! I must have missed it when Amy posted it.
  10. Happy Wedding Day Amanda! Hope everything goes off without a hitch! Fill us in when you get back
  11. Bianca you are amazing! This is why I nominated you for member of the month If you find Cocktail Shaker please let me know! You're the best!
  12. Ugh, your taxes are so much lower than ours! Our highest tax bracket is more like around 50%, and it starts pretty low, i.e. I think I hit the highest bracket within the first year of working after school! Boo Canada. I guess we have our healthcare system to thank for that one!
  13. Do you guys get tax credits there? I know in Canada we get spousal credits, and certain things will automatically go to one spouse over the other depending on income, which can help. Nothing major though.
  14. Lori, seriously, stop working and come play on the Forum! It's your BIRTHDAY! :)
  15. Wow. I already have my dress, but this is really tempting! I wonder if the prices will be good...has anyone gone to this before?
  16. *Heather*

    Cabo Bound

    Welcome to the Forum! Good luck with Cabo Azul. I hope they get back to you soon. I think they work on things that are only in their immediate future so maybe May is too far out for them? I agree it sucks though. I'll cross my fingers for you because Cabo is an amazing place to get married!
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