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Everything posted by catandcleo

  1. AAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! Please don't post things like this! (Actually, post away - but when i get in trouble, i am blaming you!) I'm not allowed to buy any more bathing suits. I bought 5 when VS was having their semi-annual, and now i am cut off. And some of these are sooo cute!
  2. your stuff looks really wonderful - very neat ideas. Great job! I might be a little nervous about having the oil lantern by your sign-in book though. You would be devastated if it got turned over and spilled and ruined something - or worse, caught fire! (Sorry - i don't mean to be debbie-downer... it's my insurance background talking!)
  3. depending on where you are getting married and if you are willing to have a less personalized cup, a group of us are putting together an order over here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t27620 alternatively, there are always other people within the threads wanting to combine orders. Generally the places with no minimum orders seem to be the most expensive, so you actually spend just as much as if you bought the minimum quantity on other sites. Good luck to you - and if you find something fabulous, please let us all know!
  4. hmmm... koozies... with mood cups. Now THAT'S a pretty awesome idea! Great find on your part - your guests should be soooo pleased! I wish their koozies came in a wider variety of colours, though. None of those will really work for me. <sigh>
  5. At that quantity, though, it shouldn't be too hard to find some more Jamaica brides on here to go in with. Good luck!!
  6. I agree with the majority - A will definitely get them moving! (They're all great, but as a first 'fast' dance - def. AC/DC) I think we are going to use Kiss "I Was Made for Loving You" - because it is a 'lovey' song, but it never fails to get people on the dancefloor!
  7. Hi ladies- If any of you are getting married in the Mayan Riviera and interested in the logo we are using, a few of us are planning on putting in an order either today or tomorrow over at this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t27620 Sorry Tara- to hijack your thread, but thanks for the most awesome idea! These really are the coolest cups!
  8. Zappos is awesome. I would try to stay away from dyables if at all possible - you could end up with Smurf feet, and i am guessing this is not the look you are going for!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by monicaswave I would also be interested. Have you guys ordered already? Nope, we decided to wait a bit longer to see if anyone else was interested. Let us know what you need!
  10. Good news ladies - I just got the following response from the company: Hello Elizabeth, Thank you for your interest in our mood cups. Yes, you may order "in-between" quantities. The 250 500 1000 2500, coloums are where the next "price breaks" are, however you are free to order in between amounts. For a free proof, simply email us your art and we can get it back to you in 24 to 48 hours. please advise, Andrew Frankel V.P. Sales and Marketing Pens Promotional, Pens Personalized, Inexpensive Pens Personalized, Cheap Imprinted Pens,Customized Pens and Custom Beer Bottle openers by Vendo Direct.com The Bullet Line, by Vendo Executive.com Toll Free: 1.866.381.PENS (7367) So, not only can we order 263 cups if we so choose, but we also know that their customer service is quick.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy Hi there, I don't mind putting in the order, as long as we split the shipping to me, and then each individual pays for the shipping to them...does that seem fair to everyone? Let's leave this post open for another few days and see if we can find anyone who wants them......just to see if we can get to $250. Woudl you like to email me the hi-res art? [email protected] I will e-mail that to you in a few minutes. As for cost - why don't we do it the easy way... Once you put in the order and get the final total, we will just divide the total by however many cups we each get. Then add on the postage to each of us individually. Would that work for you? Do you have PayPal so that we could all get you the money quickly and easily? I am going to contact the company and see how the ordering goes - if it has to be in lots of 250 (because we DEFINITELY don't need 500!) or if once you get to 250, if you can add other multiples. I'll let you guys know. Is everyone okay with black print? I am okay with the "Assorted Frosted" combo, but would also be okay with the "Frosted changes to Blue" option. Anyone else have any preferences?
  12. well, i only need about 100 (realistically, i don't NEED nearly that many, but that should be a good number for the AHR and some leftovers for home, etc.) So far we have: Beachbride08 - 50 Davematthews16 - 25 (do you mind taking the extra 3 just for the sake of rounding?) Tracy - 60 Me - 100 That puts us at 235, so almost 250! If no one else wants to pad their order a bit, i can easily take the extra... i have a sister in college and plastic cups are like fine china to her and her friends. As for shipping, i can certainly take care of it if necessary, but it might be easier if someone else could manage it. (I have a post office box in Washington state, but i would have to go pick them up, take them back to Vancouver and then sort them and re-package them and ship them. Like i said - it's doable, but it would definitely be much easier if anyone else could do it!) Anyone interested? Oh, i also have the logo in a hi-res file, so whoever puts in the order, i can send that too.
  13. I haven't ordered from there, so i am not sure about customs fees, but depending on where you are in BC, you may consider getting a mailing address across the border. I am in Vancouver and have a box in Blaine,WA and it is sooo handy for all of this stuff.
  14. ok, i can do that... let me play around with the logo and i will upload another. My logo is in brown and turquoise, but i would be perfectly fine with just having them printed in black. brb... Ok, what about this? i can also move the wording around a bit - either centred, left justified or right justified. which would you prefer? (I am undecided at this point so very open to suggestions!)
  15. Is this still available? If not, would you mind telling me what brand it is, or where you got it? It is so simple and lovely... Thanks!
  16. Ok, i think this is the right place for this thread because it is not really a "buy, sell, or trade" - more of an offer/proposition. In reading this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t26420 , i had the same thought that so many other ladies had "Wow - those are fabulous, but i just don't need 250!" Custom Color Changing Mood Stadium Cups So, my offer to you ladies is this: Would any other Riviera Maya brides be interested in splitting an order? I was planning on having this logo (or a variation thereof) put on them. It is basically my logo but with no names or date, that way it would be a bit more suitable for more people. What do you guys think?
  17. those really are quite fabulous... but i can't imagine how i could justify 250 cups!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by boarder_gal4 OMG!!! i want that, if you like cupcakes check out original cupcakes this is where I'm getting my "diva" cupcakes for my wedding! yeah - that place is here in Vancouver, and their cupcakes are SOOOOOO obscenely wonderful it's not even funny!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I'm doing something different in the way of veils...I purchases off-white silk (about 2 yards) and took the lace off of my grandmother's wedding dress (also the one that my mother wore) and it fit perfectly around the whole perimeter of the veil. My dress is champagne so I'm not worried about it clashing but it gives the dress that perfect bridal look. It's pretty long and lighweight but it makes the whole dress look very old Hollywood style. that sounds beautiful!
  20. glad i could help - and glad it's not just me! hope it all works out with your BMs... you know what they say - weddings bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. Hopefully they will come around!!!!
  21. My faves are: Craftster.org - Crafting community, including craft forums about knitting, crochet, sewing and more. HGTV - Decorating, Home Improvement, Remodeling, Gardening & Landscaping Ideas : Home & Garden Television Better Homes and Gardens - home decorating and remodeling ideas, gardening, recipes, and more and of course Recipes, Cooking Tips, Home Decorating Ideas, Crafts, Gardening, Food and Dessert Recipes, and Entertaining from Martha Stewart... and for inspiration, i like Apartment Therapy
  22. Your stuff looks awesome - especially the bouts! (As an aside - do we all say 'bouts' because it is shorter, or is it really because none of us can spell the full version? I have tried oh so many times, but sometimes even spellcheck doesn't recognize what i am trying to say! LOL)
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by hanna ooohhh... chap stick on a leash... that is perfect for a chap stick addict like me!!! Thanks for the post, I will have to check this stuff up. I agree - even with minimum orders, i myself could probably make use of at least 10 of the lipbalm leashes!!! If i have less than 4 flavours in my purse at any time, i feel like i am lacking! Hmmm... wondering how hard those would be to DIY?
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by TheTomato Just got a response. She loves the idea that someone will use the dresses again and said she's happy they will see another beach. Yeah! That's fabulous - congratulations!
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