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Everything posted by catandcleo

  1. you lucky girl... for my work, i make and use Excel spreadsheets daily. I sometimes see them in my sleep. (I think i might need to change careers!) I am glad you found something to help you out!
  2. everytime this post pops up, i read "I dyed my crinoline AND myself" - i don't know why. I wish i had a crinoline to dye because it the coloured ones look so fun under the white dresses!
  3. because starfish are so fragile, i would worry that bleach would damage them. as mentioned, a matte spray paint might be your best bet.
  4. if your hair is like mine - super straight and fine, then them putting a wax product in it just sabotaged the 'do. For fine hair, wax just seems to weight it down and drag the curls out. a "root lifting" spray works better. That being said - my wedding is a month from tomorrow and i still have no ideas because i have the exact same problem!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan's girl We ordered it from Banana Republic. They don't ship to Canada though so we had to have it delivered to North Dakota and then we drove down to pick it up. Freckles - i see you are in Vancouver too, so hi neighbour! If you are nervous about waiting to find one in the stores, or don't find one on-line, you could always get one custom made. There are tons of places in town that will do it, depending on how much you want to spend. If you decide to go the mail-order route, there are a couple of places you can get packages shipped to in Blaine just over the truck crossing border. It makes life SOOO much easier for all this wedding/mail order stuff! Mine has been an absolute godsend! If you need the info for one, feel free to PM me.
  6. that's just really odd looking to me... and i agree, it does look like a panty liner just stuck to your skin - which in NO way could be comfortable! And that poor girl in the "Before" shot - the reason her panty line is so awful is because her panties are too small. Nothing that fits should create problems like that!
  7. Hey ladies - I have a couple of books that i bought early on in my DW planning. I read them and ended up not using them for much, so they are in basically new condition. I was boxing up a bunch of books this weekend to donate to the local library, but figured i would see if anyone on here could use them first. Free to anyone who wants them - you just pay the shipping. (PM me your address and i will get you a shipping quote.) These are the books: Amazon.com: The Everything Destination Wedding Book: A Complete Guide to Planning Your Wedding Away from Home (Everything: Weddings): Shelly Hagen: Books Amazon.com: The Knot Guide to Destination Weddings: Carley Roney, Joann Gregoli: Books I also have a couple of magazines I will throw in if you are interested. Can't remember exactly which issues off the top of my head, but one is a Destination Wedding magazine and one is the Martha Stewart Weddings (both Spring 2008 issues - i think)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel Try this website. You may find something here. I've bought plenty of shoes from them, for me and my daughter. Hope this helps. Women's Shoe Brands | Best This place is wonderful - and so cheap! I have been to the stores, but didn't know they had a website!!!
  9. try Shoes & Handbags - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com Shoes and footwear for men, women & kids at Onlineshoes.com. Shoes from Shoebuy.com - Free Shipping & Return Shipping Overstock.com: Online Shopping - Bedding, Furniture, Electronics, Jewelry, Clothing & more also, you could try the Victoria's Secret website. They have other brands too. and i just checked - yep, Amazon.com also sells shoes in addition to, well, everything else under the sun!
  10. i think it is cute. What could be throwing people off is the weird pose the model apparently thought looked "provocative" but in reality just looks, well, bizarre. The shoulder detail looks really nice in the other photos.
  11. For all of you Canadians who are planning on DIY-ing your cake topper (or anything else that requires flat back crystals), and don't want to order them by the gross (which seems fairly common!),they are on sale this week at DeSerres.
  12. i agree with what everyone else here has said (budget, save, DIY, etc.) with a few additions: We have an airline rewards card, so we have started putting EVERYTHING, down to the smallest $4 purchase, on our credit card, thinking if we are going to be spending the money anyway, we should at least get something out of it down the line. (Of course, we are those people who pay off their credit card every month too, so it is like paying cash - but with the side benefit.) It doesn't help pay for the wedding now, but next year when you are burned out and desperate for a vacation, you have a nice start for your anniversary! If you have a cash back type card - even better, but be conscious of paying it off because you don't want to rack up your card and be paying tons of interest on top of your wedding costs. We also booked our trip on airline points that FI had accumulated through the last few years travelling for work (and again using our credit card), which cut the cost almost in half. As for how to cut costs - little things add up. Instead of the daily Starbucks run, we started buying coffee beans at Costco and making our coffee at home. (At $10 a bag, we get about 3-4 weeks worth of coffee, vs. $1.50 per cup per person 6 days a week.) We also started bringing our lunches from home. (That was HUGE - at approximately $10 each per day - we are saving $100 a week!) We stopped eating out as often (which also helped us lose some weight!) and just started asking ourselves "do we really need it?" when it came to impulse buys. We also do our grocery shopping several times a week, (convenient for us because the store is on the way home from work). Before, we would go and buy a bunch of produce and stuff and it would go bad before we used it. Now, we buy enough for a few days and use it all up before buying more. No more waste, so we are saving money there. Little by little it really starts to add up. Just figure out what things you can cut out or cut back on in your daily life.
  13. not to sound like a broken record - but like everyone else says - Why not? If they are both your best friend, there is no reason you should HAVE to choose - have them both and enjoy your day!!
  14. i am so sorry you guys seem to be having such problems... Seriously, i have only had good experiences. Here is the contact info for the woman who handled the miami side of mine. (I am no longer dealing with her, this close to the wedding. Now i am dealing directly with the WC on site.) But whenever i had any questions, she was very quick to respond, or to get them answered by someone else if she didn't know the answer. YUDELKA KOK (the fiance got a huge kick out of her name... he's apparently 12!) WEDDING SALES COORDINATOR-MIAMI PHONE 1-800-635-1836 EXT 6531 [email protected] Palace Resorts Cancun.travel | The Cancun Convention & Visitors Bureau Webpage
  15. Congratulations! Now get rid of the other one FAST so that you can't have any second thoughts!
  16. Well, then it's good to know i got most of them if even a DJ can't come up with more! I will definitely include the other two on my second round - the Bar/drinking/booze section! I will post that, hopefully, some time this week for anyone who is interested. (Probably not til the weekend.) Quote: Originally Posted by DJaysEntertainment That's a lot of'em in that list! All that I could think of (DJ for 18 years) were on your list. 2 "related" songs that don't have Mexico in them, but are "tropical" and popular/fun are: Two Pina Coladas (Garth Brooks) 5 O'Clock Somewhere (Buffet/Jackson)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by 411Bride I notice that a lot of people outside where I live (NYC) go for e-rings that are not diamonds... any reason why? Or any reason why we do? I just find it odd... isn't the symbolism of a diamond supposed to mean forever? Just curious I can't speak for everyone, but for i think it is just a matter of personal preference - just like the metal you choose, gold, white gold, platinum, whatever. I chose a sapphire because i have always loved sapphires. They have such character and personality. To me, diamonds are pretty, but they just don't really do anything for me. I wanted something special and unique... and since 90% of brides have diamonds, well, i wanted to go a different route. I think more and more brides are wanting something unique and suited to them. btw - "Diamonds are forever" is an advertising ploy put forth by DeBeers to increase the popularity of diamonds and thus make more money. You guys might find this article interesting... The History of the Engagement Ring
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Sometimes I write "UPDATE" in bold when I update my top post. Just so it makes sense. I think editing the top post is a great way to keep a thread organized. Like if a question is asked & then gets resolved, it helps to put an update in the top post so people don't keep answering. Ok, thanks - i will do that as well! Thanks ladies!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 They are amazing. Probably not very fun for a little guy though. I am sure their parents will LOVE them! I agree - they are wonderful and will be treasured for a long time, but maybe something to go with them, like a toy or something for the kids to enjoy now would go over well.
  20. Sorry if this is one of those kind of questions, but I searched and did not find, so i'm hoping a mod can answer this one for me: IS there some sort of established etiquette for editing your posts? I have started a thread with a list of songs and i want to compile them all. Is it okay for me to go in and edit the original post multiple times, adding songs as i go, or is this frowned upon? Is it better to just post again multiple times instead of editing? Thanks!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda This is a really cool idea...hmmm let me think of some songs. Spanish songs too? Spanish songs would be awesome. Not sure any of my people would know them (Canadians generally speak French if they have a second language!) - but they might be good for someone else here on BDW! Gotta add the James Taylor one... though it might have to be Jimmy Buffett's version!
  22. ***UPDATE- SONGS ADDED (see below)*** Hi ladies (and gents) I did a few searches and didn't come up with anything remotely similar to this, so here goes... I am planning on putting together a "Name that Tune - Mexico" type game for my OOT bags, and maybe to play at the AHR as well, so i am wracking my brain (and googling like crazy) to come up with songs that have "Mexico" in them somewhere. We, and most of our friends, are huge music people, so the plan is to have just the clip with the Mexico part and have people guess the title/artist. EDIT: I am thinking of having multiple versions - like a beach/holiday/vacation version, a drinking/booze/bar version, etc. For you other ladies - how bout one for your hometown (best if you are from LA or New York, or maybe Paris!) or other themes... Please help me out with any songs you can think of. I know there are also a ton of country songs, but we don't really listen to country, so i haven't included those. But by all means, to help everyone else out, please list them if you know of any! Here's what i have so far: Chris Isaak - South of the Border The Refreshments - Mexico Steve Miller Band - Going to Mexico Cake - Mexico Sara Bareilles - Vegas The Killers - Ballad of Michael Valentine Queens of the Stone Age - Mexicola Johnny Cash - Highwayman Rage Against the Machine - Zapata's Blood Counting Crows - Holiday in Spain Live - Like a Soldier Destiny's Child - Nasty Girl Elton John - Understanding Women Seal - Hey Joe (*couldn't find this version, but it has been done by a TON of people - most popular being Hendrix. Others include Cher, the Offspring, Joe Cocker... probably going to use the Robert Plant version myself) Stone Temple Pilots - Atlanta Incubus - Mexico James Taylor (or Jimmy Buffett) - Mexico Beck - Mexico Elvis Presley - Mexico Concrete Blonde - Mexican Moon Billy Joel - Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out On Broadway) Kenny Chesney - Beer in Mexico Toby Keith - Stays in Mexico Clay Walker - Mexico George Strait - The Seashores of Old Mexico ZZ Top - Goin' Down to Mexico Willie Nelson/Carlos Santan - They All Went To Mexico Tim McGraw - That's Why God Made Mexico Garth Brooks - Rodeo or Mexico Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby - Hills of Mexico, also - Gulf of Mexico Fishing Boat Blues Winger - Short Flight to Mexico The Coasters - Short Flight to Mexico Electric Six - Germans in Mexico Scooter - Raving in Mexico Bad Company - Old Mexico Butthole Surfers - Mexico Dick Dale - Mexico Insane Clown Posse - Mexico Nazareth - Mexico Harry Belafonte - 'Round the Bay of Mexico RBD - Mexico, Mexico Anyone have anything to add?
  23. CayoLargo - Check out this link. It has some interesting information comparing the three metals (white gold, platinum and paladium). Keep in mind it came off the internet, so it might not be 100% accurate, but it might help some! Jewelry, Gems, & Minerals: PALLADIUM VS. PLATINUM RINGS, platinum engagement ring, metals market
  24. I would do some research on the different properties of the metals. It seems like i read or heard somewhere that wearing them together, the platinum (which is extremely strong and durable) would wear away the gold over time, because gold is such a softer metal. Also, you should check to see how the look of each metal will change over time, because while they may not look very different together right now, you want to know that they won't look drastically different years from now as well.
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