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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. Wow those came out great! I like the seahorse and the bedazzled eye hehe! Nice job! And good work with your coupons!
  2. That is such a good idea! I have never seen those before! Thanks for the tip!
  3. Those robes are beautiful!! I want one, one has my name on it and it made me want it even more! What about the matching slippers? Or some lotion and bath stuff?
  4. Look in the "registry, gifts, and OOT bags" forum under "Free pocketsize DIY Foreign Language Guides" someone posted a link to free ones they look really cute and are free!
  5. Nice finds.. and dont worry I did post about the Purell so you don't have to feel bad!
  6. I like them! I think the plastic will be great for wet towels, swimsuit, and sandy things!
  7. Those are great!! Exactly what our groomsmen would want, I'll keep that in my favorites.
  8. I think you could wrap it and then put a pearl bead on top to hide it if you wanted. I'd love to see how it works out!
  9. Welcome!! Don't worry there are plenty of people here to help!
  10. Don't worry you will find lots of help here! Welcome!!
  11. Welcome and happy reading/posting!
  12. merocket59


    Congrats and welcome!!
  13. Target is great!! I'll being hunting around for those tins tomorrow! Actually I have a test on Fri so maybe after my test!
  14. It was so thoughtful of you to share this! .. I'm sure no one even noticed that your fiance was holding a purse in Ogunquit haha!
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