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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. Wow those are so pretty, I already bought the stuff for DIY vistaprint ones but those are much classier!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by kleslie5 I used the brochure template on Vistaprint. I put in a black background, then added the text box and the Mexican themed artsy thing at the bottom. I copied this to all three panels of the front of the brochure, and then did the same process on the back. We got 25 brochures (they come in batches of 25), so we have 75 door hangers. Steve took them to work to cut them and run them through the laminator. If you can laminate them, they are a little stiffer and will likely hold up through travel, etc, a bit better; however, the brochure paper was surprisingly sturdy so I wouldn't say it is necessary. Wow that is a great idea, I will be stealing it!! Thanks!!!
  3. Wow very cute idea! I don't know if coustoms would let me take them on a ship tho? hmmm
  4. I love the door hanger idea, I'm always looking at ways to get great stuff from vistaprint. I'm doing a lot of the same ideas as you but I never thought of the door tags.. what did you use to make them?
  5. Wow everything looks amazing!! I hope my shower is that cool!
  6. Last time I went to Dollar Tree I saw a bunch of different air fresheners but i'm not sure if they specifically had the spray kind, but they do have travel spray bottles if you wanted to make your own like the previous poster mentioned, that is a cute idea
  7. Very cute and it saves you a lot of time getting it all in one place!
  8. Def. try here and craigslist, I have been looking for ones on craigslist.. but unfortunately my bridesmaid won't fit in a 0 petite.
  9. Go to vistaprint.com for personalized labels, sign up for their emails first and you will get emails about all sorts of free stuff, just don't click on any free offers at the end or the thing that says you will save $x on your next order.
  10. Those came out great, good work! Doesn't Crabtree & Evelyn stuff all smell great~!
  11. Cute cute! Thanks for sharing the real pics of those items, it is better than the pics on their website!
  12. Wow great deal!! Thanks for sharing! I might have to add these to my list!
  13. I love the pop up laundry bag as well I might have to add that to my list with that price! Here is what I have/what I want to get for my bags: ~Bags ~OTC blue paper fan ~Vistaprint pen ~Vistaprint sticky note pad ~Vistaprint hat ~Vistaprint postcards (i'm thinking about doing the post card idea that was mentioned above) ~Vistaprint photoshare cards ~Luggage tags vistaprint business cards in clear luggage tags from ebay ~Food: Maybe Tropical jelly beans, Lifesavers with a personalized wrapper, Personalized mints ~First aid kits: I got little pencil holders from Staples in one of their penny sales and I'm using those as the kit and putting these items in them: Tylenol, bandaides, sunscreen packs, Dramamine, Chapstick with Vistaprint labels, alka seltzer, mini hand sanitizers ~Crossword puzzles, suduko print outs, maybe playing cards ~Tissues packets ~Timeline, meeting times and places, welcome letter, list of excursions, map of miami
  14. Are there any local places to shop? If so you could add something about that but it looks like a great list to me!
  15. Great idea... "socks" really made me laugh but it is a good idea because you always seem to need them when you don't have them!
  16. I was thinking of doing the same thing but after seeing all the other places that sell adorable starfish necklaces for less I think I'd rather get my matron of honor that and then something else, maybe a personalized robe, makeup bag, pay for her BM dress, spa gift cert... just some thoughts
  17. Honestly in comparison to your hand in the pic it does look pretty big and you don't want it to distract from you or your dress so maybe you should think of something else to do with it, put in on your chair at the wedding or on a handbag?
  18. Have you received the starfish yet? Do they smell? I really like the idea of the frisbees, I can't wait to see how they turn out!!
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