I love the pop up laundry bag as well I might have to add that to my list with that price!
Here is what I have/what I want to get for my bags:
~OTC blue paper fan
~Vistaprint pen
~Vistaprint sticky note pad
~Vistaprint hat
~Vistaprint postcards (i'm thinking about doing the post card idea that was mentioned above)
~Vistaprint photoshare cards
~Luggage tags vistaprint business cards in clear luggage tags from ebay
~Food: Maybe Tropical jelly beans, Lifesavers with a personalized wrapper, Personalized mints
~First aid kits: I got little pencil holders from Staples in one of their penny sales and I'm using those as the kit and putting these items in them: Tylenol, bandaides, sunscreen packs, Dramamine, Chapstick with Vistaprint labels, alka seltzer, mini hand sanitizers
~Crossword puzzles, suduko print outs, maybe playing cards
~Tissues packets
~Timeline, meeting times and places, welcome letter, list of excursions, map of miami