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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. Thanks for sharing, your thread is great, and I love your dress!!!
  2. Everythign looks so wonderful! Especially the fg bucket, I might have to copy you if I ever find myself a fg!! Hehe. Love the hair photos too, just like what I want! Thanks for sharing!!
  3. Welcome and happy planning, if you look around this forum and do some searches I'm sure you will find the answers to all your questions!
  4. Welcome, a wedding right before halloween, how fun!! I have seen cute save the dates that have pumpkins with the wedding date carved in them you might want to try that is you haven't sent any yet
  5. Welcome, I'm getting married in FL in Aug 09, Miami to be specific, let me know if there is anything I can help you with!
  6. Welcome! Hope you find the help you need and are able to share your experiences!
  7. Welcome, you can find lots of help here!
  8. Welcome, 2010 seems far away but it will come very quickly!!
  9. Welcome! Invites out already, big check for you!!
  10. Welcome, this is a great forum to search for or ask all of your questions!!
  11. merocket59


    Welcome and congrats on the engagement!!
  12. Welcome, this is the place that answers all my questions too!!
  13. Congrats, Vegas is so much fun, you will have a great wedding!!
  14. Welcome!! There is tons of great advise here, especially if you are having trouble booking.
  15. Welcome, what fun you will have with all of those different generations in one place!!
  16. The only other one I found was this one: Re: photo scavenger hunt in OOT bag? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The list so far, keep the ideas coming! 1. Sweet pic of groom/bride 2. Speedo gone wrong 3. Best real dance face 4. Mimic a statue or fountain 5. Do exactly what the sign says (any sign) 6. Capture a reflection of yourself 7. “I can’t believe we all fit in here!†8. A pic of a guy with a mullet 9. Someone you don’t know holding hands 10. A spelling mistake on a sign 11. Are you really going to wear that? 12. Someone sleeping where they shouldn’t be 13. “What the heck is this?†14. Girls just wanna have fun! 15. Cannon Ball! 16. Get a room... 17. Raccoon eyes 18. Hungry? (someone stuffing their face) 19. Boys will be boys 20. 80's bangs 21. Spell something using people (this would be a fun one while drinking!) 22. Something big (I like open-ended ones like this for the creative people!) 23. "oh my!" 24. Sand castle 25. Bad hair day 26. Bride and Grooms true colors 27. What I want to be when I grow up 28. How did he/she do that? 29. Why 30. How romantic 31. Share the road (probably relevant in Mexico and Jamaica) 32. Best Dancer 33. Worst Dancer 34. Someone who doesn't know you are watching them 35. Are those real? (could be flowers, boobs, ...) 36. Someone looking bored 37. Your silliest face 38. Bride enjoying a cocktail 39. Groom enjoying a drink 40. Bride and her maids up to something Some of the ideas are cute and you could pick the ones more tailored to the cruise... some other ideas off the top of my head for a Carnival cruise would be pic of the flute (is that what the call it? The big thing on the back of all their ships). Another idea is to look up your ship on the carnival website and use the ship highlights to guise your list. HTH!
  17. Hey August Brides! I didn't know this thread was here! Hunny it looks like we are wedding date twins! I'm actually doing a cruise wedding so I will be stopping in Jamaica so you aren't crazy for getting married there in Aug, plus I'm getting married in Miami which will be really hot! Made wedding website Bought "the dress" Sent STDs Booked my cruise and the wedding Working on OOT bags
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