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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. Those are so cute!! And they look like they cost more than $1! Dod you buy them recently?
  2. Wow that is great, I'll have to look into that, I don't know why I have never heard of it? I must be hiding under a rock over here
  3. Looks like I'm making a trip to Michaels to see if my wedding section has been redone! I actually haven't been in it in a while because it was always the same stuff. If you type in michael's coupon into a google search they pop up, or if you get a newspaper they come every week.
  4. I haven't gotten married yet and I'm using the ship photographer but I can offer an opinion if it helps... everyone says that the pics are the best part and spend the extra on that area, if you need to save somewhere else do so in order to spend it on the photog/photos... so I think that your outline for time looks good and that way you won't look back and regret not capturing a fun moment that happened.
  5. I didn't even know you could do group flight booking, that is a good idea but lots of my guests are coming from different areas and on different days so I don't think it would work out for me. I've decided to suggest if they want to use 1 800 hotels it is a good deal (hopefully the rooms aren't crummy, it is a nice hotel so even the not so nice ones may be fine) and if they want to book there they can but I'll also give a few other suggestions for hotels in the same area. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. that's a good deal esp for the resealable ones, I already got some but hopefully other brides will be able to use this tip.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Kate~ I got them off Amazon - check Beck's thread here for really great directions on which ones to order: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23345 They were the cheapest I could find, even with shipping, etc. However, I know people get them from Staples and other places like that too. I got mine off amazon too but if you have an office depot closing near you that is another place to look, I found horizontal ones at the one closing near me and scooped them up to use for room card holders. They are advantus badge holders.
  8. They are beautiful!! I'm sure you have just been looking at them for too long, you'll love them when you look back, and a magnet can never hurt b/c I'm pretty sure everyone has lost my STDs already.
  9. Weird, I stalk Michaels every week and I haven't seen them, what section are they in at yours?
  10. Oh man, I was right by one yesterday and I decided not to go in becasue I knew I would be in there for a long time wandering around but now I wish I did!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sdnative222 misses: mini sunscreen packets sewing kits gummy bears (they were a little melted) local coffee/tea I never thought of gummy candy melting! I was trying to stay away from chocolate candy for that reason, thanks for the tip!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by zethers Papermart! Wow, I would have never thougth to look there. I don't need 100, but for anyone else who might need a lot of them, they have those reusable grocery type bags for a really good price. They also sell by the package so you don't have to buy 100... just thought I'd let you know, didn't want you to rule them out if you liked them but just didn't want that many
  13. That's soo cool that you did it, I secretly wanted to go but I already have a dress and have decided not to be a multi dress bride... And that is an amazing deal!! Good work to you and your team!!
  14. Those are so cute, and what a good idea to just send them to those without access or ability to use the internet!
  15. Those look so nice!! The gable boxes def look classier! I love your personalized stuff as well!
  16. I have been ordering caps from Vistaprint, they are free if you get them one at a time so I have slowly been collecting. They are a screen print not embroidered but they are cute. I am doing a cruise wedding so mine say "I went on a cruise.." "and saw Megan and Doug get married!" And it has a pic of a cruiseship between the sentences.
  17. They are all gone up here too but I think I saw that someone was selling them in the buy/sell/trade whatever it is called subforum
  18. I love it all!! I've seen bits and pieces in other posts it is great to see everything together, it flows really well! You are going to have a beautiful wedding, enjoy!!!
  19. cute site, i like how they have a wedding section... and I have been scooping up those travel playing cards, they are so cute! I got a 25% off entire purchase coupon with my purchase today so I will grab the rest with that. They also have travel themed stickers which I thought would be cute to seal a pre-travel broucher.
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