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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. I wouldn't worry about being practical, lots of people use gable boxes which aren't reusable, plus the pails are reusable if they want, they could always give them to a kid they know if they don't want them. And for 30 people you could find a way to travel with them.
  2. So cute!! I love that the male ones are in black, nice touch!
  3. I have seen pics of this on other sites and it looks so cute!! I'm sure you can figure out a way to transport them if you plan ahead, how many guests are you having??
  4. I'll be at Michaels at some point this week do you have anymore details, did you see them in a thread on here? I don't specifically remember flip flop ones so if you have a little more info it would help. But I don't mind wandering around a little to look for them, I love that place!
  5. Maps, I printed out maps of Miami with vistaprint flyers Hat notepad pen I'm starting to make passport invitations with vistaprint postcards for the cover/1st and last page, and vistaprint flyers for the inner pages, it is a little tricky to make them the right size so I had to reorder my covers and I have another page coming, but this is what I have so far RSVP postcards The best "vistaprint advice" is when you can use advanced editing you can replace an image and search the vistaprint image library for whatever image you are looking for.. it beats uploading an image which costs extra... other advice, sign up for the emails or go to vistaprint.com/boxdeals and you get this stuff for free, you just have to pay for shipping, choose the longest shipping time, you will always get it sooner than expected. Feel free to ask my any questions as I have obviously played with the site a lot.
  6. OK I've done a lot thru vistaprint but don't have pics of all of it yet b/c some projects aren't finished but here is what I have so far... luggage tags with vistaprint business cards labels for my hand sanitizer that say "share your love, not your germs" with vistaprint address labels I'm also going to do chapstick labels with the vistaprint address labels, they are bigger than chapstick tho so don't fill the whole line thing with an image just center one so you can cut it and I am made labels for eyeglass cleaner with vistaprint address labels so people will know to use them to clean their sunglasses (they are on their way so I can take a pic when I get them) Door hangers (not finished yet but here is the beginning) what you do is use a vistaprint broucher and copy the same image to all 3 panels on the front then the same on the back for whatever you want to say on the back, they are kinda flimsy so I'm going to laminate them and then hole punch them Photoshare cards with vistaprint business cards Guestbook, I made postcards and will have the guests send one back to me for my postcard, also made directions for this with vistaprint business cards .. getting long I'm going to split this into 2 posts
  7. I saw all this stuff too it is really cute, there are little notebooks with pen that say bon voyage and note cards that match.
  8. I think it would be nice to add a little thank you note, maybe you could make your own with vistaprint that way you can personalize it.
  9. I was thinking of decorating silver pails and putting them in there and have my WC walk around with it so people can take one.
  10. Great deal, I'll have to go check them out! My OOT bag list just keeps getting longer!
  11. Darcy yours is really cute too!! Sorry I didn't notice it until after I posted. I like your colors!
  12. Those are sooo cute!! I miss Vegas! I like the blue one a litttle better it stands out more but they both look great!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KathleenandDan I just graduated nursing school in December. It was hard planning a wedding and having to study at the same time. My problem is I am addicted to this forum and wanted to be on here and not studying, but I got through it and you'll do the same. Best of luck in your nursing career and wedding planning. Same story here! I graduated in Dec too, and am very glad now that I don't have to feel guilty spending all the time I want on here... did you take the NCLEX yet?
  14. I can't see the pic, but I opened the attachment and they are really cute!! Great work so far!
  15. I'm assuming if they aren't prepackaged they will not let you bring them into Mexico.. sorry
  16. -tote bags, probably reusable ones (Dunwoodybooth.com) -timeline, welcome letter, list of events we'll be attending throughout the week (excursions and whatnot) -maps of miami -vistaprint postcards -photoshare cards (vistaprint) -doortags (vistaprint) -DIY puzzle book -DIY coloring books -Playing cards (Michaels) -First Aide Kit: alcohol wipes, alka seltzer, chapstick w visaprint labels, bandaides, tylenol, some sort of antinausea pill, sunscreen pack, aloe -Hand Sanitizer (from Staples penny deal) with Vistaprint label "share your love, not your germs" -For the women, a ladies prep kit: mini nail polish (target), nail polish remover (work), lip balm ($ tree), makeup wedge (target), bobby pins (xmas tree shop), Bath fizz & floating flower (xmas tree shop), nail files, cello heart bags to put them in (Michaels) -For the men sample size Nautica Cologne -Eye glass cleaner (Target) with vistaprint label "to keep your shades clean" -Tissue packets (dollar tree) -Highlighters (office depot going out of business sale) -Sign and Sail pouch (office depot), will get carabeaner clips from OTC -Vistaprint pen, sticky note, hat for the men -Water bottle with DIY water bottle holder (haven't done yet), and/or Travel mugs (dollar tree) -Maybe Downy wrinkle releaser -Snacks My list keeps growing, we'll see what actually ends up in the bags!
  17. The reason some send them out sooner is so that people can start planning and saving up to attend the big day/weekend/week.. It is up to you if you want to follow that logic or wait a little while and create the perfect STD. I sent out a STD e-mail soon after I started planning and then sent out STDs about a year or less out.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by newbride If you want to do something funny you could always go to the beer store and see if they have any empty 12 pack cardboard containers. I'm thinking that I might do that for my single guy friends because I know that they won't use a bag and they'll get a kick out of anything drinking related. This is such a good idea!! Forget my other suggestion, I like this one better
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