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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. It's back! Haha I like this one better too... Way to go printing your own, that's what I did, I "stole" paper from my old school, I figured I paid them enough!
  2. Yeah there is something at the end where they offer you a discount if you click on it then you are signed up for a monthly charge, it was a few months after I click it that I got hit with a charge so I thought I was in the clear but I called them up and they took the charge off right away. Lots of sites run out of their security certificate, my old school, UMass Dartmouth's site was telling me that a few months ago and now it is up to date.
  3. I plan to just let them flow, my FH teases me all the time saying "you are def going to cry" so I think he might be dissapointed if I don't hahah... but maybe I'll try midol so I don't 'do the ugly cry' and ruin all my pics.
  4. I was going to get the but they only have 5 left at my Peir One by the time I got there so I decided against it, but I still think it is a cute idea and may do it if I like the next ones they come out with.
  5. Sachets! I was really trying to figure it out from the pic but couldn't, thanks for answering! They are really cute!
  6. I was bored of the other one, but this one is too small.. which do you like better?
  7. Those will be great for the week, I agree with you it doesn't matter if they don't last b/c people might want to reuse them again without the sticker afterwards.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BirminghamBride2010 Thanks. You are right about using the lines on the back of the business cards. I lined them up as best I could. I have no idea what I am going to do with 250 business cards. I wish they would let you get some blank and some with text. Oh well. They are free!!! I know, way too many free business cards! Did you order them yet? I obv have plenty extra if you want them.
  9. So cute, thanks for sharing the website, what is the item you got from Pier one, I see the starfish but what is it?
  10. OMG this thread gave me a flash back.. my grandmother used to freeze m&ms (well lots of candy) foreverrrr and then we'd get to find it on Easter = gross!! m&ms aren't good after being frozen for a long time, they do get chalky... But as has been posted above just store them, don't freeze them and you'll be fine.. Good luck finding the perfect m&m ladies just had to share!
  11. tbriley- I love the shower registry info on business cards idea! Birminghambride- I used just ordered a separate business card for the back, so I put a decorative one on one side, the info card on the other, and a piece of cardstock in the middle. I didn't upload my own image so it was a little hard to use the lines that vistaprint has but my info card says "If found please contact" on the top line which I moved over to the middle using the space bar, the rest of the lines are left aligned and say "Name", then "address", then "phone number", and then "email address" punkie- I like the book mark idea! I am slowly getting pens too hehe Keep these ideas coming, I am addicted to vistaprint!!
  12. Vistaprint lets you download a template if you have adobe but if you are like me and don't have one then just change the dimensions of a word doc to the same size as what you are making, so if you wanted to make them using the small magnets then the doc size after it is trimmed would be 3.43" x 1.93" However pink and brown are good colors, I've seen one of their small magnets that is half pink and half brown, it might have a different pic in it but if you hit advanced editing and then click on the image you don't want, hit replace image and then search their image library you can search shell or starfish and then pick the one you like, with this method you don't have to upload one of your own images which would cost extra. HTH
  13. Send out STDs now, then a newletter when the rates are out and you have more details, then the invitation as a little reminder.
  14. I was thinking of doing DIY envelope liners, can't wait to see how yours turned out, would you recommend it or was it harder than you thought?
  15. I have people sailing with us and some that arent but I figure that both are traveling to my wedding so I want to give them something, so I am giving both OOT bags but they will be a little different b/c those not sailing don't need cruise items.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Virg Thanks everyone! I hope it goes over well. One just bought a house, with a bar in the basement, and the other has a bachelor pad. So hopefully they love them Oh and for those that are wondeirng, the signage is full of inside jokes, I hope "Ramcock", NB didn't offend anyone... As soon as I saw them I thought that would be great for a bar in the basement (mantown)... perfect gift!!
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