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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. sign up for their emails on the site and they will send you some every couple of days for free stuff.
  2. Thanks for sharing! I'll have to stop by and see if they are around here too!
  3. Everything looks so nice! Love the Jr bridesmaid dance idea!! And def wear the other sandals later, they are really cute! Congrats and the weight loss and have fun showing it off at the wedding and on the beach!
  4. Hmm my fave so far I think is my puzzle books, they were really simple but I know my fam is going to use them and like them. I copied some puzzles off different sites and printed them on plain computer paper then put them together with summer themed brads. I have a template too if anyone wants it. I also made coloring books doing the same thing & have templates.
  5. I love your RSVP cards, so simple but with the writing on the side it makes it so unique!
  6. I think the sail away party out be a good time for a meet and greet since you aren't getting married on embarkment day.
  7. Well it's good to hear that I'm not the only one losing my hair.. literally as well!! I'm glad you got someone else to do your dress, hope it goes better and she is quick! As for less expensive OOT bags you could do reusable shopping bags, this site has pretty good deals Non-Woven Totes or you could use paper bags from a craft store and put your logo on them.
  8. Congrats on that, I can't wait to finish my invites and send them out. If you upload the image to photobucket and hold the mouse over the image then copy the img code and paste it into the message box here it should show up, it was hard to get the hang of at first but now it is easier.
  9. If you want to do STDs with cardstock I made luggage tag STDs with cardstock I can give you instructions if you want it was pretty easy but a little time consuming, and always make extra, everytime I thought I was done someone would tell me about some random family member that I HAD to invite even though the probably won't come haha I can't tell you how many times I have heard that line! I didn't make RSVP cards with them but they could be incorporated.
  10. I got my clear luggage tags from amazon, they are vertical advantus badge holders, you can look on ebay too there are good deals on both sites.
  11. I like #1, #7, and #10 as well, I promise I didn't look at what others thought first I just agree
  12. I didn't use it but I have seen that others attached them to a coordinating VP postcard and I think that looks cute
  13. Love that idea, it will get them very excited for the trip!
  14. Wow thanks for sharing your designs they all look so great!! I def want to do TY cards thru Vistaprint, way cheaper than other places!
  15. You could either add a little note to this invitation with the date/location of the AHR or just send out another one later... if you wanted to you could add something like a magnet from vistaprint or just write it on some colored cardstock that matches your invites. Did you put any info about the AHR on them?
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