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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. I'm glad this thread was resurrected because I forgot whose template I used when I attempted to make DIY passport invitations, thanks so much for sharing! I am so impressed by you because it was too hard to cut all the paper and my printing came out strange, it just didn't work so I had to scrap mine but the experience gave me a whole new respect for those who DIY! Great work!
  2. Bachelor and bachelorette parties on the cruise sound like a lot of fun! I'm getting married in port so I can't do that unless I really want to break tradition haha! I live with my FH too so I don't think we will stay in seperate rooms or try not to see each other because I think it will be too much hassle, I want this wedding to go as smoothly as possible so if we happen to not see each other that would be nice but I'm not going to sweat it
  3. Everything looks great!! Thanks for sharing! I love your shower gift!! I hope I get one!
  4. Oh I liked those too and have them on my maybe list, glad to hear you like them!
  5. As far as I understand it the invitation is for who is footing the bill because they are the ones inviting the guests. I suggest you keep just your and FH's names on it and the place to recognize other family members is on the program. It is great that she wants to be involved and if she is traditional in some ways then she may know that if she isn't paying she will not be mentioned in the invitation. Think of it this way, if someone's best friend throws them a wedding shower they don't get their name on the wedding invitation, maybe she can incorporate it somehow into the wedding shower invitation if she wants. I hope I don't sound rude I just want you to get the props you deserve for waiting so long and paying for the wedding all on your own that is no small feat!
  6. That is so nice of OTC, I'm sure the campers will enjoy them!
  7. Those are soo cute!! I might have to steal this idea it is an easy add to the OOT bag. Did you print them with VP?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by scottgm2 so does anyone have templates of the coloring and activity books Here are mine, I'm a cruise bride so they are geared toward that but can be altered to fit your needs and at least give you a place to start! HTH Cruise puzzle book97.doc Ocean coloring book97.doc wedding coloring book97.doc
  9. I think you can do it either way, if you are leaving a space for it between invitation wording then just do it around the invitation but if you want people to open the band to read everything then you could stick it all in there.
  10. Those came out great, I have them bookmarked and can't decide whether or not to get them but this sways me to the yes side.
  11. rain or swine, you are too funny!! That is great! That is something that people will keep either type you get but I vote for the collapsible ones
  12. I'm an embarkment day cruise bride! I'm getting married out of Miami too. So far I have heard of using these: Makeup Artist Miami, Make-up Artist Miami, Make Up Artist Miami or Panache Salon & Spa of Miami Florida which is in the Biscayne Bay Marriott. I haven't made a decision yet, I'll probably make an appt at Panache or have my cousin who is great with hair do it because I'm going with something pretty simple.
  13. Thanks for sharing, everything looks great! You have the cake topper I really want! It looks even better in your pic than the ones I've seen online!
  14. I keep looking at those Martha invites every time I go to Michaels, it is really cool to see how you added to them to make them more personalized to your wedding, they came out great!!
  15. Good to know that people actually wore the caps because I got some for the guys and have a few in mind that I know will wear them but not sure about some of the younger guys but if they don't want them they can give them to the girls some would wear them.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl hehe i posted those bags when i saw them on ebay because i thought it was too good a deal to not share ... i'm glad a BDW bride actually bought them! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...197#post770223 i think that seller had other sets of bags as well, for those girls still searching! OK obv I didn't read the whole thread carefully enough the first time! Thanks for sharing!
  17. OMG those are so cute and such a good price, do you remember the seller? I wonder if they have more
  18. I love all the starfish stuff, esp the tiara! And the bouts are really cool too! Thanks for sharing!
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