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Everything posted by cancunbride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Cancunbride2009 Hi ladies, We are having our dinner and dance on the beach and I am wondering how dark it is there at night? We are just trying to figure out if we will need extra lighting. I know they offer lighting for under the tables, but it is a little pricey, so we are wondering if we can do without. We are leaving on Sunday for Dreams, I am getting soo excited!! I requested that she put 6 voltives on each table just to illuminate it at night.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by sunitam im so excited for you- its almost time for your big day!!! can you share what music your using for your ceremony?? do you have a seperate song for your groom and then one for you and a 3rd for the end of the ceremony? i havent a clue of what i would use! thanks! sunita thank you.... Im walking into Just like Heaven by Katie Melua, the groom will already be waiting for me in the gazebo with his grooms men, and my girls ty will walk in with Alan Silverstri, Forest Gump Suite. The end of the ceremony we are still thinking about that one... Ok I think I just high jacked the thread.. shoot me.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl anyone have any advice as to what time i should make my hair appointment for? my ceremony is at 5pm. oh, and i am doing my own makeup, so it's hair-only. My ceremony is at 4pm so therefore I will do my hair at 12 they should be finished by 1 go back to the room and do my makeup till about 230-3 or so then relax a bit have some champagne and get dressed... giving myself enough time
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by kcarnes1108 Can anyone give any feedback on the photos that come with the wedding package? We are trying to find out what we get with the 36 full color professional photos? Also what is the honeypackage on the wedding contract? May 2nd is getting closer and closer. If you go to dreams website and look under wedding packages it will give you all this information
  5. Ok ladies, I got a short response from Claudia regarding the sound system but I have yet to get my other response on my 10 questions.. Will you be providing a sound tech. to work the music for the ceremony? Our technician will operate the sound system equipment,you need to bring a cd or an ipod with your special songs
  6. Dj. Doremixx is on this forum. screen name: IvanG Has anyone heard back from Claudia or Dreams about allowing Doremixx to come as an outside vendor with pass paid? Im so upset about her not responding back to me, I am 30+ days away from my wedding. She last quoted me approx 1700.00 for 3 hours and dance floor with Mania, its a total rip off and Im so livit.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DJMannia Hello !!!The price of the lighted dance floor depends of the size of it What are your prices for the illuminated dance floor? I need one for about 40 people and if Im not mistaken, Dreams Cancun is charging me 800 for it.
  8. Just wanting to give everyone an update with regard to the Dreams Salon, received this email today... Hello Is pleasure give information to you, for sure, you will find differents services that you can enjoy. In the case that you want to made reservation is important that you do in advance, specific in the beauty parlour, our salon is small, we have only two stylist and is difficult to find space. ( Ctristian dont work anymore in Dreams Cancun, so no appointment can be made with him, dont worry the stylist do a great job. Your confirmation number is xxxxx on May 14 1:00pm 1 Hair Shaping for Bide / Make up and 1 Hair for Flower Girl I am attaching menu and price list If they have any question let me know Adriana Romero Hernandez Supervisora Spa Dreams Cancun Resort & Spa Tel. +52 (99 8 48 70 00 Ext. 7259 Dreams Cancun Resorts & Spas: Unlimited Luxury Defined what the *&^&%* is the difference between hair shaping and hair styling? Here are the list of prices for spa and what miracles they work... hahah http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&att...lication%2Fpdf http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&att...on%2Fpdf&pli=1
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kate82 thanks! that's a pretty sweet deal! I agree its a pretty sweet deal but once you ask Dreams Cancun they hit are going to hit you with $800+ for 3 hour and 800+ for the illuminated dance floor
  10. Hi ladies... I just tried to start a new thread not realizing there was one here already.. Anyhow, just wanting to post my picture of my hair. I have short hair and I have been letting it grow out.. Here it is.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by lgarner83 I love this! But need to flowers to be more hot pink...I just love the tropical look of the fern: so pretty... this was what I was going to go for but I decided to go with this instead in HOT PINK...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride not sure what the original looked like, but these are awesome... I added flowers to the bottom of the basket and I did candles all around the table, its going to look simple but beautiful...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by milejilo not sure what the original looked like, but these are awesome... I added flowers to the bottom of the basket and I did candles all around the table, its going to look simple but beautiful...
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Kate82 Can someone tell me what are the extra costs if you were to have more than 20 guest in Dreams Ultimate Wedding package? Do you have to pay for the cost of cocktail, sparkling wine and cake for the additional guests? Thanks! There is additional fees for above 20 guests, food, drinks, cocktail time, cake, champage, I think a bottle of champagne runs you 40.00. And a bigger cake depending may run you up to 165.00.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 Does this apply to Dreams weddings as well? When I emailed him about prices he said to go through my WC because he was the designated DJ for Dreams. That would be so messed up if Claudia doesn't allow it! I just asked this same question... I doubt she will be ok with accepting this, if you find out, please let me know
  16. Do you ladies know if this discount will work for Dreams Cancun Brides? It seems like they are pretty set on their price...
  17. Taking the sand over there, did anyone have problems with customs?? I figured the gazebo is to windy to have a unity candle, is this correct?
  18. I have yet to see the package under the Ultimate... is there really a huge difference?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I honestly don't remember everything we ordered lol. I should have wrote it down. I think we had scallops, lobster bisque, surf and turf and Creme brulee. I don't think Mania will do the music for the actual wedding but I could be wrong. I am sure you can change the package. I switched some things up. I didn't have the package photographer and got a few things in exchange. I know it is stressful and everything is up in the air until you get there. But it really will work itself out. Yes its true, they are super strict on what you can exchange and cant. Claudia tried to tell me that its all put in a package for you so exchanging things is out of the question. She did allow me 3 centerpieces priced at $150.00 each in exchange for the photographer, makeup and hair person.. its such a rip off still.. Im really annoyed!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I honestly don't remember everything we ordered lol. I should have wrote it down. I think we had scallops, lobster bisque, surf and turf and Creme brulee. I don't think Mania will do the music for the actual wedding but I could be wrong. I am sure you can change the package. I switched some things up. I didn't have the package photographer and got a few things in exchange. I know it is stressful and everything is up in the air until you get there. But it really will work itself out. Hmmmm, I was considering the scallops, are those yummy? The lobster bisque for sure but I dont see the surf and turf on my menu... Creme Bruleee is soo yummy but FI wants to do the Alakan something cake and ice creme...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 It depends on how many people you have. I was going to do menu cards but then I just decided to wait until I got down there to pick my food. Did you pick from the Gold Menu? What did you go with, I know I heard the lobster bisque is amazing and so is that desert with the cake and ice creme. I hear the cancun dreams salad is a piece of leave! hahaha so thats been xd. Also, Im renting the sound system from them, do I need to provide them with my own music for the procession or will Mannia be there to do it for me?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl if you have the ultimate package it includes gold menu for 20 people (i think the lower package includes the silver). you can upgrade to platinum menu at a price. according to lana, you can mix and match between menus (i.e. entree from one menu, dessert from another). oh, and you get only one choice per course, meaning everyone is eating the same meal. guests don't get a choice at dinner, unless you are having the buffet (you need 40 people for that). however, claudia told me they could "of course" accommodate vegetarians, or those with allergies. so if you really want to choose seafood but have people with allergies they will make something else for those people. Hmmm, ok IM looking on the gold menu right know, if I opt for platinum do you know what the xtra cost is, I see some yummy things on there also.
  23. Hi ladies..... My day is almost here Im super excited!!! Anyhow, my MOH wants to make menu cards for each seat but I dont know what I need to pick from? I have a silver gold and platinum menu. Does anyone know what Im suppose to be looking at and how many items IM suppose to pick?
  24. Hi girlies.... Ive been away but I just wanted to pop in and post some responses I got from Claudia regarding questions I had for her... enjoy! Thank you for responding. Where can I have the flowers delivered the day of my wedding for my centerpieces? Near the area where the reception will be held at. I need to see kids menu. Kids menu is: Hamburguer with fries Chicken nuggets with fires Piszza & pasta Mini kebobs with vegetables Are you only giving me 2 centerpieces? I'm not using the makeup, hair, 1 boutonniere, and photographer. I did the math and it doesn't sound correct. We can’t give the same value of items not used same as a la carte prices, this is a package and prices are lower in order you have a good deal on a full package, all I can do is to give 3 centerpieces, please confirm in order to make the changes in the contract Also ladies, they give you a piece for your table during the ceremony and a piece for your reception table... she has a few of them for you to pick from. If I can upload ill post it.
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