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Everything posted by Davematthews16

  1. I think it depends on the outfit you put on them. I would say yes, $25.00 would be just fine. Is there a store near you?
  2. Not sure if she's into "Build-a-bear's, or if she has a store nearby, but I thought this place was so cute! My FI and I even went in and made one! Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: Home Page
  3. I know there are a few new Colorado brides I saw. I know we mentioned doing a meet-up a while back, and I think it would be fun!!!! Anyone interested?
  4. Also, here's the Colorado thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...light=colorado
  5. Welcome to the forum!! After a few days on here you will feel MUCH better! There are a lot of brides who are just starting out, brides who are almost ready to get married, and brides who are now WIVES who have already walked down the aisle, and are here to share their experiences on what to do and what not to do. I can recommend the Barcelo Maya Palace. (We will be getting married there in January 09) It's located in Playa Del Carmen, is kid friendly, and has it's own 2 mile beach. (There are 5 Barcelo hotels that share the beach) I would be more than happy to send you pictures and or give you more info! Don't stress!! Happy Planning!
  6. This may or may not work but it's worth a shot...Call them from a number they wouldn't recognize, act really interested in wanting to come in the store, and tell her it's a VERY far drive but you REALLY want to come in. Tell them you would like to know what designers they carry before you drive down. If you're lucky, they will tell you the designers, you can write them down and you could go to their websites, cross your fingers and search for the dress that way. You know we will help as well! It's only a phone call AND may end up being the key to finding the designer!!!
  7. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ost+dance+song
  8. The prices are incredible! A co-worker wore the shorts yesterday and they are SOOO cute! I bought them in all 3 colors! The are originally $40.00 for the shorts and $50.00 for the pants!! I never shop online, but was stoked about this!!!
  9. I just stocked up! But hurry they're going quick!! They have shorts for $8.99 and Pants for $13.99 Here are the links! They would be PERFECT for the beach and our DW's! Victoria's Secret - Belted wide-cuff short in linen & cotton Victoria's Secret - The Bridget Fit wide leg pant in linen & cotton
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by eblum999 Has anyone gotten married at the Barcelo Maya Colonial in the Church? I am planning on getting married in the Church because I want a Catholic Ceremony. Does anyone know how that works? I believe it is done in English... not Spanish! Please help!! It's your wedding and you can have it in either Spanish or English I'm sure. Especially if you are doing the legal part in Mexico as well. In fact I've heard the legal part IS done in Spanish and translated if people want. That's a good question for your TA.
  11. Oh right, I forget it's NIGHT TIME! lol....Well, it's worth a shot tomorrow to call maybe? Also, I'm sure they will go on sale again soon!!!
  12. I understand why you're frustrated! Is there a contact number you can call and tell them they are advertised for the lower price until August 13th and when you purchase them the price goes up? Maybe they would give you the lower price, especially since it's an item that fluxuates so much! I hope it works!!
  13. WTF is up with these difficult FMIL's? Has your FI talked to her at all about it? I know it can be a touch subject, but he needs to to TELL her that you guys are happy to HELP pay, but cannot afford a few THOUSAND extra. It will all work out in the end, it's just one of those "wedding speed-bumps"
  14. Here are a few ideas for you http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ces+long+table http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...t+centerpieces
  15. OHhhhhh a catholic wedding in Italy sounds FAAABBBUULLLOUUUSS!!!! Happy Planning!
  16. Welcome to the forum!!!! Happy Planning! You will have no problem finding the PERFECT location. Well, deciding may be the only problem hehe... Have fun!!!
  17. Welcome fellow DIYer I have made my own veil, barefoot sandals, and bouquets, so if you need help or ideas let me know.
  18. Welcome to the forum! Since your wedding is so close, you could take pictures of all your stuff and do a "planning thread" before you leave? Everyone on here is a SUCKER for pictures and we would love to see what you have come up with!!! Don't forget to post pictures and a review when you return!!!!
  19. Welcome to the forum!!! We're very happy to have you!!!
  20. Well, if you intend on getting wet or sandy (which is why most of us do the TTD) I would definetely do it after your wedding. I suppose if you are not getting wet or sandy then you would be safe to do it before?? I know that for my TTD I'm going to literally TRASH MY DRESS as much as possible and have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by AprilandPatrick [uPDATE] Good morning, ladies! First thank you all so much for your sound support, it has been truly appreciated by me, and my fiance. I want to let you all know that we took the advice and FI had a "come to Jesus", if you will, with FMIL. Mind you, they live 2-hours away, so the talk was done over the telephone, and lasted approxiamtely a little over an hour. He conveyed everything to her. It was a battle, as she refused to see our wishes and dreams. He explained why we wanted our wedding in Mexico, how it was more financially feasible for us, how it was intended to be stress free, and that we are having a reception there, and we are willing to have AHR back home in Oklahoma as long as they are willing to pay. She took it as an attack - not a constructive conversation. She even said to FI, "Are you trying to put me in my place?" You girls would DIE, if you knew my fiance. He is a teddy bear and wouldn't hurt an ant! At the end of the day, she said that she and FFIL will attend. She stuck to her guns about providing me a list of over a hundred people for me to send STD cards to.....all people neither of us know - whatever. We still have yet to receive this list from her, as she promised it would be in our hands 2-days ago. My fiance even asked her why she doesn't call me to discuss the wedding with me, she had no response. He told her that I am the one that knows all the details and he would appreciate it if she would at least express interest in trying to get to know his future wife, and become more involved....she said she would try. So we'll see. My final thoughts. You are all right. I can't change her or anyone, and I don't want to. I have shifted focus on my life with my FI, and I can see clearly now. I'm going on planning our dream wedding full force. You girls rock with the support I received and for those out there experiencing the same, I hope this serves as a sounding board for you as well. I'm off to work. Love you all! BESOS! YOU ARE AWESOME!!! I just wanted to stand up and clap after reading this (I'm totally cheezy) but seriously, I'm SO glad that you stuck to your guns and TOLD her your plans. Is she anything like Jane Fonda in the movie "Monster In-Law"? This whole thing reminds me of that movie A LOT! You are such a nice person and it seems like your FMIL is being very stubborn. I'm sure over time she will mellow out and realize how great you are! Now on with your plans!!!! How exciting! What would happen if you just called her up as nice as can be and ask her if she had time to get the list for you and basically kill her with kindness? Anyway, It's VERY cool that you get to have your dream wedding! We'll all be here to help you plan!
  22. First of all, you should join our January brides thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21722 Also, I would recommend contacting CANCUN STUDIOS They created a special package just for us and our budget! I also did a TON of research and love their work! Good luck!
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