Quote: Originally Posted by AprilandPatrick
Good morning, ladies!
First thank you all so much for your sound support, it has been truly appreciated by me, and my fiance.
I want to let you all know that we took the advice and FI had a "come to Jesus", if you will, with FMIL. Mind you, they live 2-hours away, so the talk was done over the telephone, and lasted approxiamtely a little over an hour.
He conveyed everything to her. It was a battle, as she refused to see our wishes and dreams. He explained why we wanted our wedding in Mexico, how it was more financially feasible for us, how it was intended to be stress free, and that we are having a reception there, and we are willing to have AHR back home in Oklahoma as long as they are willing to pay.
She took it as an attack - not a constructive conversation. She even said to FI, "Are you trying to put me in my place?" You girls would DIE, if you knew my fiance. He is a teddy bear and wouldn't hurt an ant!
At the end of the day, she said that she and FFIL will attend. She stuck to her guns about providing me a list of over a hundred people for me to send STD cards to.....all people neither of us know - whatever. We still have yet to receive this list from her, as she promised it would be in our hands 2-days ago.
My fiance even asked her why she doesn't call me to discuss the wedding with me, she had no response. He told her that I am the one that knows all the details and he would appreciate it if she would at least express interest in trying to get to know his future wife, and become more involved....she said she would try. So we'll see.
My final thoughts. You are all right. I can't change her or anyone, and I don't want to. I have shifted focus on my life with my FI, and I can see clearly now. I'm going on planning our dream wedding full force. You girls rock with the support I received and for those out there experiencing the same, I hope this serves as a sounding board for you as well.
I'm off to work. Love you all! BESOS!
YOU ARE AWESOME!!! I just wanted to stand up and clap after reading this (I'm totally cheezy) but seriously, I'm SO glad that you stuck to your guns and TOLD her your plans. Is she anything like Jane Fonda in the movie "Monster In-Law"? This whole thing reminds me of that movie A LOT! You are such a nice person and it seems like your FMIL is being very stubborn. I'm sure over time she will mellow out and realize how great you are! Now on with your plans!!!! How exciting! What would happen if you just called her up as nice as can be and ask her if she had time to get the list for you and basically kill her with kindness? Anyway, It's VERY cool that you get to have your dream wedding! We'll all be here to help you plan!