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Everything posted by Davematthews16

  1. What will the sex be of our first born? (if you plan on kids) Who will get the wedding cake smashed in their face? That's all I have for now lol
  2. Oops, I closed mine but that was very fun! Thanks! I got hooked on quizzes for an hour. My FI even took the one you posted. We each have a computer in our office and took them at the same time. They were very accurate, and we are very much alike. Thanks again!
  3. Great! Thanks! Annnd, I'm hoping they will help my hair get longer too hehe
  4. Thanks sooo much! OMG, I have to do a Mario cake for my FI. (Inside joke, between us, but he'll LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!) That's perfect for our AHR. The football cake you posted is GREAT! I love it! Thanks for the post!
  5. You could put it on your website. We called it "Wishlist" on our's, Bo and Andrea | January 7th, 2009 137 Days Until we Say "I Do"! and all we are "asking for" is a contribution to our honeymoon fund. I'm sure people would be happy to contribute for your new bedroom set. I like Danielle's idea about giftcards too
  6. I feel like a dork but what exactly is a "grooms" cake? I mean obviousy it's for your man, but is it like in honor of him or what? Sorry I should know the answer to this. LOL
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Yey!!! I went too. They started me on prenatal 6 months before. Thats great about your insurance! YAY! It feels good to get "ready" for a baby! I'm still completely FLOORED that we are so blessed to be able to grow a baby in our bodies. WHAT A MIRACLE! Did the pre-natals make you sick at all?
  8. Hmm...He made it in photoshop and I'm not sure on the exact font size. I will ask him tonight and let you know Sorry I can't be of more help!
  9. I don't see ANYTHING wrong with wanting travel vouchers. We're the same way. We own a house and have more than enough of what we need. Check out our website Bo and Andrea | January 7th, 2009 137 Days Until we Say "I Do"! and go to "Wishlist" This is how we "conquered it." I agree with the others about not putting gift info on invites though.
  10. This might help...http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...light=monogram Also, Amarillis (a wonderful BDW member) offered to help people as well. You might want to PM her. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...light=monogram (Sorry my FI had to create it, cause I am "monogram challenged."
  11. I'm interested in splitting cups as well. I posted on my January forum to see if anyone wanted to do it too. The only problem with me is, I kind of wanted the year on it and I'm a January 09 bride. Buuut, if no one in that thread wants to split, I will just join in with you guys if that's ok? I'm not picky, I just LOVED these cups and want some, but am only having 22 guests.
  12. albertabride-I LOVE your dresses, and have to also tell you how precious your little one is Everything will look GREAT!!! Where did you find your GM/FI attire? We have my FI's suit, but nothing for the GM's yet. Nicole-I was having the same dilemma with the sashes too. We're having royal blue and deep pink BM dresses and decided to stick with white sashes. I was worried it would "clash" if the colors didn't match up. But, at the same time I'm OCD about stuff like that lol. Dez(And anyone else interested)-I'm only having 22 guests but LOVE these cups. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...+changing+cups BUT, you have to order like 200 of them. If we could get enough people to split them I would love to. They wouldn't be able to be too personalized, but Mexico 2009 and a starfish or palmtree works for me...Anyone else interested?
  13. I visited my gyno yesterday to make sure everything is "good to go" before we start trying to conceive. She went over my ovulation schedule and menstral cycles and talked a little bit about our family history, and I was on my way. I had just had a pap 2 months before, along with blood work, all of which was normal. I'll start taking pre-natals in October, and come January it's baby go-time! And, after not being sure if I could keep my current OBGYN (who is 1 in a million) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...nity+insurance, I found out yesterday that I can keep my current insurance, won't have to pay an arm and a leg, AND she said she will make sure she's on call to deliver my baby! I'm soooo excited I had to share
  14. Is there any paticular reason he wants to wear it on the right opposed to the left? In my mind, the ring worn on the left hand symbolizes "being married" Chicks might look at his left hand, see that it's ring-less and try and hit on him. If it's on the left, they will know for sure that hes yours
  15. To: nicholeandscott Thank you!! I got the first-aid kits at target for .99 cents each! They were in the mini travel toiletree aisle.
  16. I LOVE seeing everyone's stuff! You girls all look beautiful in your dresses!!! I love the idea of the coral earrings!!! Have any of you had your 1st fitting yet??
  17. I too have a lot of stuff to post. Links are: My DIY MIB Invites OOT's My DIY veil Centerpieces/Ring holder My wedding dress My BM dresses (They'll be royal blue and watermelon pink) My FI's suit http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...bottle+invites http://www.boandandrea.com/assets/images/oot-bags/ http://www.boandandrea.com/assets/images/veil/ http://www.boandandrea.com/assets/images/ornaments/ David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns VW8897 Organza tea-length dress with metallic embroidery and ribbon accent at waist. David's Bridal - Bridesmaid F12899 Sleeveless chiffon short dress with satin beaded straps. Joseph & Feiss Three-Button White Suit | Men's Wearhouse
  18. I know that question about the invites wasn't directed towards me, but here are mine if you are interested... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...bottle+invites
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Those came out awesome! Maybe when I'm ready to start ordering those things i'll see if anyone wants to split an order Hey chica! I might be interested in splitting these with you. We only have 22 people so I definetely couldn't order 200+ YIKES! BUT if we could share them, or even find a 3rd person, I would LOVE to get these!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by erinnjosh Hey ladies!! I'm also an January 2009 Bride. 1.16.09 to be exact. We were planning a Moon Palace wedding in Cancun BUT we have changed it to Aventura Spa Palace! I'm super excited about it and the on-site WC has already been emailing me! We have our save the dates out for the AHR and Wedding in Cancun. Photog Booked--using Elizabeth Medina. Dress purchased. Only one BM, GM. So that's easy enough. AND...so far that's it! I've started looking at invitiations/announcements. I'm amazed at home expensive they are! Anyways, I can't wait to chat with you ladies more!! Just wanted to introduce myself! Erin Welcome to the thread Erin! Sounds like you're right on track! As far as announcements/invites being expensive, have you considered doing them yourself? I know A TON of brides on here including myself made them on our own and had them printed at Kinko's or somewhere similar. It saved a TON of money!
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