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Everything posted by Davematthews16

  1. Sadly, I'm in a similar situation except my best friend decided she couldn't go from the beginning. I've been there for her through EVERYTHING, and we even offered to pay. She isn't going due to the fact of a dead-beat man who controls her life. When money isn't an issue then WTF is the excuse It makes me so sad she won't be there, but at the same time it's her choice to let a man control what she does and doesn't do. Maybe your friend will get to thinking and change her mind??
  2. Welcome Chica! There are a lot of great people on the site FULL of ideas! Feel free to ask any questions you may have Happy Planning!
  3. Welcome Jennifer! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Happy Planning
  4. My thoughts and prayers are with the both of you, as well as with his family....I am so incredibly sorry for your loss
  5. Keepsake? Umm, no I just want to send message in a bottle invitations (they are actually really cool and are glass and come in a box and have the invite on a scroll inside along with sand and shells) and they're only going to the people who have booked their room and close family whom CAN'T attend. I am the bride that had everyone and their mother trying to invite themselves and the invites are not going out to ANYONE else for that reason. I just need help with wording since I already know who's coming.
  6. So, the STD's have been sent and I have already booked everyone's $100.00 room deposits. So basically I already know who's coming for sure. Aren't you supposed to send invitations only to the guests that are attending for sure? If so how do you word it? I don't need to know if they are coming or not (I already know they are) but want them to have a nice formal invitation. Anyone know what I mean? LOL
  7. I know there are a lot of posts regarding photography but I still am a bit confused on pricing, and how to know who to chose? What are most of you paying for your photographers? I thought about just having our family and friends take a bunch but I feel like we'll regret it if we don't have a pro. We're getting married on January 7, 2009 at the Barcelo' Maya Palace (Riviera Maya) Any feedback ladies?
  8. YAY!!! Doesn't it feel like a LOAD OFF? Congratulations, and HAPPY PLANNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. My best advice: Find a WC! Once you find one, she will do all the work for you, so you can focus on the fun stuff like the wedding theme, reception ect. With out my WC I would be COMPLETELY lost. So put it this way: I haven't had to make a SINGLE phone call to the resort. Also, the wedding package we chose includes a WC for when we get to Mexico as well. Happy Planning!!
  10. Welcome!!! Wow, girl you have your work cut out for you!!! I suggest an awesome wedding planner who knows the area VERY WELL. We are staying at the Barcelo Maya Palace. (Ive done tons of research and this hotel took the cake) Any questions feel free to ask me!!
  11. WOW!!!! You look absolutely beautiful!!!! It's as if the two of you were "made" for each picture! VERRRY NICE
  12. Aww, I know how it can be when something just isn't right with a pet :/ Another possibility could be that he's lacking something in his diet, and his body thinks it can somehow fulfill it by drinking lots of water. If only our little furry friends could talk and tell us what the problem is. I'm sure your vet will put your mind at ease
  13. Aww, I know how it can be when something just isn't right with a pet :/ Another possibility could be that he's lacking something in his diet, and his body thinks it can somehow fulfill it by drinking lots of water. If only our little furry friends could talk and tell us what the problem is. I'm sure your vet will put your mind at ease
  14. I will give you my honest opinion. I worked in a professional hair salon for 4 years. I let them put extensions in my hair 1 time. If you've never had them before, I wouldn't recommend putting them in right before the wedding. If possible I would do a lot of research, find a reputable salon, and have them put in 10 or 15,(several months before the wedding) just so you can see how you like them, how your hair takes to them, how hard it is to hide them ect. The biggest problem I had with them was that they tend to tangle near the root, and tend to "stand out" from regular hair. The ones I had were all 100% human hair, and I still wasn't crazy about them. I BUT, I also have "weird" hair, so your hair may take to them juuust fine. You may love them, and have no problems at all, but I would start with a few before doing your whole head.
  15. You guys SHOULD be ok, but every hotel is different. Does your hotel have a website with a wedding section it? Or can you call the hotel direct and ask them? I'm sure it's fine, but I know of several locations where you MUST arrive 4 days prior for legal ceremony. I would double check just to be safe
  16. WeLcOmE!!!! And yeah double wedding I presume?
  17. YIKES!!! We are going to Mexico January 2009 and tix are about $430.00 per person + our wedding planner got us 10% off so about $387.00 PP Don't worry girl, the fares will drop! Keep lookin ^^
  18. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Very COOL! We're staying January 4 thru the 11th. Maybe I'll bump into ya, hehe. ATM we have 10 rooms booked for sure, and 2-3 more possibles. We'll have about 20-24 guests. That has actually been the trickiest part. I did a post about ppl inviting themselves :/ We had to nip that right in the butt, and make it clear it was only family and close friends. How many guests will you have?
  20. Great to hear more positive feedback about the Barcelo. I know all of them are gorgeous! When are you set to get married? My wedding planner has taken care of contacting the resort, set the date ect. but she also said it can be tough to reach the coordinators. I'm pretty easy going and know it will all turn out GREAT!
  21. Hey!! We're getting married January 7, 2009 at the Barcelo Maya Palace. Let's see, All STD's have gone out, we have our wedding date reserved, have10 rooms booked for sure, and are going to book flights next week. I ordered my dress last week and it won't be in until Mid August. That's about where I'm at. I can't belive how stress-free and fun it's been so far!!!! I would love to hear how everyone else is coming!!! Happy Planning!
  22. I think its absolutely WONDERFUL that you foster animals. That story made me cry. How can people be so irresponsible in the beginning and let their pets health get so poor? GRRRRR.....I'm so greatful for kind hearted animal lovers like yourself (I know the animals are too)
  23. I walked up to our house after a long day at work. When I opened the door my jaw dropped. Bo had candles all over the down-stairs, a romantic dinner for 2 set up in the middle of the room, even a "fire burning" on his laptop computer(we don't have a fireplace) He greeted me at the door and was dressed up in a white button down shirt. He cooked and served me a 3 course meal, and we had drumsticks for desert. Although we were in our own home, it felt like we were anywhere but there. It was so comfortable and magical. Our 2 cats and the dog were laying close by(they are like our kids) and everything was perfect. Then....he pulled out the little wooden box. The ring is exactly what I wanted!!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful guy!!!! Ahhhhhhh
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