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Everything posted by Davematthews16

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy There is a book called 101 nights of great sex - there are little cards in it - 50 for the guys (to do to the girls) and 50 for the girls (to do to the guys) - some of them are very corny....but others are very sexy, surprising etc. My FI knows it will be a good week, when I'm looking through that book I LOVE books like this! It's amazing how much fun you can have with simple items. Feathers, ice cubes, naughty dice, edible pens, I could go on and on....LOL...Geez, my head is in "sex land" the past couple of days lol....I'm sure Bo doesn't mind though LOLOLOL
  2. Hmm...Well, my dad's from Boston and we took a family road trip back east a couple of years back. It's so beautiful back there!!!! If you like seafood then DEFINETELY get lobster while you're back there. They also have AWESOME pizza! Enjoy your time
  3. There's definetely some good info on there! Thanks for the post
  4. OMG, give my parents a few drinks and you'll hear stories you never ever want to hear. LOL...I remember the first time my mom and I aknowledged the fact that I had "sex" I mean obviously it didn't take a rocket scientist, but it's just crazy the day you and your mom can actually discuss the subject. I think as kids we have this sub-conscious stereotype that our parents stopped having sex once they became "our parents." Too funny....
  5. WELCOME! I lived on St. John for 4 months and LOOOOVVVEE the U.S.V.I..........Your wedding will be beautiful! Happy planning!
  6. Welcome fellow BDW member!!!!!!!!!!!! You will love it here!
  7. Welcome to the forum! You will have no problem at all finding help here!!! These girls ROCK! Congratulations and happy planning!
  8. Me and my FI have been eating a lot more soy lately. To be honest I was always too scared to try it..Stupid of me, because I LOVE IT! I will be honest, we don't eat 100% organic but slowly we are making the swich over. We definetely want our future kids to eat all organic. Awesome you decided to!
  9. Awww, you two look so happy!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hey girls!!! How's everyone coming with their planning Here's the thing...I LOVE THE SUMMER so much! In fact, July is my favorite month of the year. I know the Summer is gonna fly by, then fall will come, we'll have bachelorette parties, then the Holidays and BOOM January will sneak right up. We have 6 full months left basically. I feel very confident on where I'm at in the planning. I made an alphabetical wedding to-do list that is AWESOME. It's all in Microsoft Word, and I just cross stuff off, and add as I go. Just thought I would check-in on everyone and see how you are all doin?
  11. Veerry cute! I couldn't access the website....shopangel.com right? It says it doesn't exist. Mind tellin me the site again?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Yeah, ask her about the beach beds at the resort! On second thought, don't!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.........That's TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny.................
  13. Ordered my dress in May, it will be here mid-August. Then 1-2 more months for alterations...Wedding is in January...Lonnng process
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS Yeah, Mandy, we only "did it" twice. Once for you and once for Grant. Yeah, that's right. You and your daughter CRACK ME UP!! My parents have been married 29 years and they still have a wonderful relationship. LMAO "We only did it twice" my mom said the same thing to my sister and I swear hehe...
  15. Aww, I love hearing stuff like this!!! We're lucky ladies, and our guys are juuuust as lucky to have us hehe
  16. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!!!!!!!! Happy Planning!
  17. It will look beautiful on you!!!!!!!!!! It feels sooo good to love your dress so much
  18. I just think it's EXTREMELY important to always show gratitude twards eachother. I wouldn't change a single thing about our relationship, and I loooove the look on his face when I make him feel appreciated! I can tell you honestly that he makes me feel sexy, beautiful, smart, and definetely appreciated everyday!!! I can't wait to marry this amazing guy!!! Andrea <-----
  19. Relax, breath, and remember this is supposed to be FUN!!!! Here's how my "wedding journey" has gone thus far: 1. I googled "Destination Wedding Planner" and happened to find a fabulous WC who lived a 1/2 mile away from me. 2. I called her up. She happened to be in Mexico visiting wedding locations, but answered my call and was sooo helpful and nice. We set up a time to meet the following week at Panera. 3. She brought her lap-top, a ton of pictures, and had answers to EVERY SINGLE QUESTION I HAD (which was a lot trust me) She explained how the packages worked, and even showed us the all inclusive packages right online. We sent our STD's, and put our deposits for the hotel down through her. 4. It's basically been a "breeze" She contacts the hotel for me, set the date, and taken care of everything! I haven't (nor will I) personally ever have to call the hotel. I'm LOVIN' IT!!! 5. Our job is to enjoy ourselves, have fun choosing decorations, picking out dresses ect. HAVE FUN, and not stress.
  20. Ok ladies, I was watching my FI last night without him knowing, and I can't help but fall in love all over again. I mean everyday I am bla bla bla the wedding this, and bla bla bla the wedding that, and he always smiles, gives his honest opinion, and ALWAYS helps me out with whatever it is I'm "obsessing over" for the day. It's so easy to get caught up in our busy lives, and our weddings and forget just how lucky we are to have such great guys!!! I thought it would be fun to start this thread, and do a little something extra for the "STUDS" in our lives. When you go home tonight (or when your man gets home) do something special you might not regularly do. Maybe he walks in the front door to find you in nothing but a teddy and the "I wanna jump your bones look in your eyes" or something as simple as "Honey I want you to know how very much I appreciate you" It can be as "naughty" or "nice" as you like. Just think about what would make your man go "ga ga." Go ahead, make your man SMILE FROM EAR TO EAR...I'll start: Tonight I'm going to walk in the door, when Bo walks down the stairs I'm going to give him the usual "hello kiss" not let him say a word and take him strait to the bedroom. I think you can figure out what happens next...Don't hesitate to share if you want....
  21. I think we just need to be thankful for what we have, and stop focusing on what we don't have. If you eat healthy, take care of your body, and are appreciative of what you have, things begin to turn around. Check this amazing woman out. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Search "Mom with no arms" I am SO inspired by this woman, I think she's truly amazing. Stories like this make you count your blessings and realize that some people are too busy enjoying life to let their imperfections get in the way........WOW..........
  22. Your dress is stunning! You look gorgeous!!! Have a wonderful wedding, we can't wait to see pics
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