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Everything posted by Davematthews16

  1. My dress is a strapless tea-length and I am enjoying it the entire day....No reception dress for me
  2. Here's how it worked with us: In order to get the "group" rate we had to book atleast 10 rooms by a certain date (Put $100.00 deposit per room) And the rooms are heild until Nov 1st, when the remainder of the room cost is due. We are "locked in" with our group rate from here on out. So say we have extra people who decide to go, they will still be able to get the group discount, since we booked 10 rooms already.
  3. This is a great post! I am compiling my list of songs and will post when done
  4. Those are awesome!!! Thanks for the post! Hope you had a happy 4th!
  5. Aww, they look great!!! We did our non-pro pics about 2 weeks ago, and I'm SO glad we decided to do it that way and save the money.
  6. I LOVE THIS IDEA! I went and bought cups today and have the paint pens. We having our guests sign a starfish platter with paint pens instead of the traditional guestbook. Love these things Thanks for the post
  7. Well, I can tell you that my WC has spent a lot of time at both. She's stayed at pretty much all of the "wedding hotels" in Mexico. We did a ton of research, and concluded that the Barcelo Maya Palace was the best fit for us. It's a brand new hotel that just opened in December. (There are other Barcelo hotels nearby as well) My boss, and one of the agents in the office I work at both stayed at the Palace and said it was AMAZING! From the food, to the pool, to the beach, to the rooms. It's all inclusive and has awesome wedding packages to chose from. I also saw a lot of pictures and am completely sold on it!! I think it depends on your budget, and what works best for you. I'm sure there are a ton of great resorts in each category, just do a little research and you'll discover which is best for you.
  8. I know this sounds weird but vinegar will get rid of the pain and heat. If you can stand the smell, pour some in your bathtub with water and just soak, then flip over. I love vinegar so this wouldn't bother me, but my FI HATES even the slightest smell of it. Hope you feel betta...
  9. Yeah, the girls that had 100+ did you even do OOT bags? If so, how in the world did you fit all the stuff? Ship it early I'm assuming? We're having about 22 ppl, and I still have a TON of stuff lol.
  10. I actually know I am very lucky to have landed the job I did. I tried the whole college thing, but it just wasn't for me. I work at a busy RE/MAX office in Denver and have full bennefits, 2 weeks paid vacation and 5 sick days, and over-time. I'm cross trained on the front desk, listing desk and closing desk which are 3 different full time jobs there. I make great money for never having gone to college. Most days it's completely relaxing, and joking around with real estate agents. Like any job it has it's days where you wannna pull your hair out, but not very many *knock on wood*. For as much damn time as we have to spend at our jobs, I can say I do enjoy mine, but wish I could be doing a million other things with Bo and be outside constantly.
  11. Considering I'm OBSESSED with sea turtles and have them tattood on my back, I SAY YES USE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE turtles soooo much. One of the greatest experiences of my whole life was swimming just me and this turtle for an hour in open water. AMAZING! Yes, definetely use it!
  12. OMG, I try and imagine what my wedding would be like without this site too, and it's like Yikes, It's nearly impossible to imagine. Everyone here is so great, and always helps out as much as they can Thanks girls!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. We are having a small wedding of about 22 ppl. (Close family and friends) For those of you with a smaller wedding, how did you "seat your guests"? Were they escorted by an usher, or did they just sort of sit down? Thanks
  14. Ok, these may be really dumb questions but I need some help please. For those of you who did a sand ceremony can you tell me: 1. Do you need to have a large container opening so you can easily pour sand in there? The bottle we bought doesn't have a huge opening, but I saw it posted by several other brides on here. It's like the one thing I don't have picture of ATM, but the hole is like 1 1/4 inches wide. Will it work? 2. At what time in the ceremony is a good time to incorporate the sand ceremony? Thanks
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha No! Don't cut it....especially is they are "you!" All I think you need to do is wear your hair like you normally would and just get a hair flower and wear it on one side of your head. That's all I am doing (except I don't have bangs)! EXACTLY!!!! I have naturally curly hair but live in Colorado so I can straiten it most everyday. However, in Mexico it's going to be really really curly. I've been wearing my hair "natural" a lot lately, and my FI absolutely LOVES it. I say go with what's YOU, and with what is most natural. You don't want to look at your wedding pics and go OMG who the hell is that? You will look beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Welcome to the forum!!!! Happy planning! Start reading and responding and you'll have points in no time
  17. I went barefoot. I am wearing barefoot sandals for the wedding (basically barefoot) and cute white glittery shoes for the reception just in case I don't want to keep the BF sandals on
  18. I LOVE my ring!!!!! I wouldn't have it set any other way!
  19. Hmmm....And I can't find small aloes ANYWHERE.....If you want sunscreen I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and they still have a ton (it's in the travel isle) If you don't have them at yours, I can send them to you if you want? Where did you get the aloes, because I would really like to add them to the OOT's Thanks
  20. Sounds like everyone's coming along juuust great!!! For the sunscreen did you try WAL-MART? That's where I found ours. I know it's frustrating when someone makes a post and you go to get it and can't find it..UGH, but don't worry, you will!!!! My alphabetical list is really simple actually...Here are the subjects I have so far. Under each subject is a list of what I have to do. After the "task is complete" I go back into word and highlight it and cross it off If you want to see the actual list let me know and I'll send you it to you...Have a nice safe weekend ladies Example: Rings- Purchase Wedding band Purchase Bo's Ring Boxes for rings for traveling Insure rings Wedding to-do list Animals- Airport Shuttle Announcements- Before leaving do you have? Bride- Bridesmaids- Bachelore/Bachelorette parties- Cake- Ceremony- Clothing- Deposits- Decorations- DIY- Engagement Pics- Engagement Party Favors- Flight info- Groom Groomsmen- Guestbook- Hair- Hotel- Legal docs- Music- OOT bags- Photography- Reception- Rings- Welcome dinner-
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