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Everything posted by Davematthews16

  1. I too have a dog trapped in a cats body. He even sleeps with his head on my pillow every night like a human. I could never live without goofy animals
  2. LOL that's too funny! Gotta love kids! I was at work a few months ago and this little girl about 4 years old looked up at me and said "Daddy, she's a scary lady" Her dad was completely mortified, but I thought it was funny.
  3. Awww, I love bats...Poor little guy just wanted a nap...lol
  4. Wow, you guys look HOT together! My favorite pic is the one where he's "swooping" you down to kiss you. Beautiful pics!!
  5. We're all different, and we're all close do different people in our lives. If you feel in your heart that you want to go alone then go alone. If you are having regrets already and wondering if it's the right thing, then you may want to consider just having a very very small intimate wedding. We are having his parents, my parents, our siblings, and a few very close friends. Ours is small and intimate, but it was still very important to have our familes there. The choice is yours
  6. Congratulations and happy planning!!!!!!!!!
  7. I'm sure they will look fabulous! I have heard great things about them!
  8. Awww, engagement stories are my favorite!!! Sounds like you found a special guy Congratulations and happy planning!
  9. That's awesome!!! I am having trouble finding one in Colorado I really want to do it though. Let us know how it goes
  10. That's great!!!! You may enjoy this too.....YouTube - Best Wedding Dance... Ever?
  11. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!!!
  12. I am gettin married at the Palace in January 2009. There are a few Barcelo Maya palace threads in here. I'd love chatting with you as well Welcome to the forum!
  13. Wait, don't you mean which candy bar don't I like? And my answer to that is none of them! I LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY
  14. You go girl! Sounds like you are doing great! As far as the dresses in aqua; I forget do you guys have davids bridal? I'm thinking you don't but I cant remember. If you do they have a beautiful aqua color in every style you can imagine. Good idea on getting stuff early for DIY. I bought all my clothes,swimming suit and all OOT bag contents and put them in the closet. Me and my BMs are going to get their dresses ordered in the next few weeks. Let's see, photographers booked, flights booked, I've bought centerpieces, ring holder, sand ceremony vase, BM gifts, my jewelry, BM jewelry, I've made my veil and BF sandals. I'm having so much fun planning and buying stuff, it's hard to stop. I just figured it would be much easier to get it all out of the way, enjoy the rest of the summer, then fall comes, following the bachelorette party, Then the holidays, and all of a sudden it will be time for all of us to go! I'm now working on our ceremony music, and will be making my BM's each BF sandals to match their dresses as soon as they order their dresses. I am getting so excited!!!
  15. If you look that good without make-up then I'm in trouble LOL....Great pics!!
  16. Thanks for the post! The flowers are beautiful!
  17. WELCOME to the forum!!!!!!!!!!!!! V-day, that will be awesome!
  18. Welcome to the forum, and way to go on lookin' at what your girl wants. That's totally sweet that you are taking the time to look into DW. Happy planning
  19. WOW! Your hair looks great! That's awesome you donated it to Locks of Love. I worked at a Salon for 4 years and we would always save up bags of long hair to donate! You look great!
  20. OMG that is TOO funny! Men suprise you at the most unexpected times. I love that you did this though, it CRACKS me up!
  21. I think at first they aren't really into planning and then they suddenly realize that you aren't getting married by yourself, and that they will actually be a part of everything What a concept heh? LOL I asked Bo last night if he would be "in-charge" of what he is wearing, what the GMs are wearing, and the gifts for the GMs. Now he feels like he has his own little part in it and it's one less thing for me to do. I can see myself trying to track down his brothers in MN and asking them what kind of fabric they want to wear and what size they are.....Not......Maybe you could "assign" your FI a wedding job too! Men are toooo funny!
  22. If anyone works at an office where you order supplies (paper, toner, pens ect) You can order mini OOT meds at most of the office supply websites. Our office uses Source Office Products. I searched for Imodium AD and got a 36 2 pill packs for $15.00! I just put it on the rest of the company order, then they pay for the shipping (which they would have anyway) and I paid them back for the Imodium.They also have tylenol and first aid kits (although I think the first aid kits at Target are cheaper) I hated to order Imodium from a random website because the shipping was atleast $5.00 or more. Maybe I am cheap but, it saved a few bucks!
  23. So in the end we are having 20 people including ourselves at our wedding. We told people it meant a lot to us to have a semi-private small wedding and that we would party it up at the AHR
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