I'm convinced that I will be completely finished with everything before my FI will finally pick out his clothes and his GM's clothes. 6 months out is WAY to far in advance to plan something you know? lololol. Like we said, MEN...I keep e-mailing him tropical clothing websites, and he always says "Thanks for reminding me hunny," but has yet to buy anything! That cracked me up about the BM duties". Drink beer and eat ribs. Can anyone sign me up for that? HAHA. Any of you girls have a strapless dress? I do, and I've been living in a tube-top for the whole summer so far to get rid of tan lines. They are almost completely gone! YAY It sounds like everyone is right on track!!!! It's good to get stuff out of the way before winter and holidays. I just keep buying stuff and putting the bags right into the closet. The other day was like Christmas because I decided to actually re-look at everything. You actually tend to forget what you buy when you don't look at it for a month or two. Music is what we are working on currently. Since we are having a small 20 person wedding, I thought it would be a good idea to pick out 3-5 songs that each guest LOVES for the reception. You know when you are drinking a few beers and one of your favorite songs comes on, and you feel like all is right with the world? LMFAO...Well, that's what I'm going for here. I want people to be having a great time, and then suddenly they hear some of their favorite songs and BAM, the night just got even better!!!! So I'm making a 3 hour C.D compiled with our favorite songs, and the guests favorite songs! Time to go play in the sun, it's gonna be a hot one!!!