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Everything posted by weddingchick

  1. Congratulations and I'm a NJ bride too!!! Good luck planning.
  2. It all looks great!!! Thanks for posting. Can't wait to see your review.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 I'm waiting for confirmation too. I e-mailed Fabio, and he got back to me a few days later. Told me to fill out the online app and I would hear back about my date very quickly. That was weeks ago, and I still haven't heard anything. So I guess not? Still waiting! Try emailing him again or you could call him. I did call once and got him right away. He is totally swamped though. My communication is through email.
  4. Congrats pepper55 Official!!!! YAY! I still don't have all the details yet. I think a large part of it has to do with the hotel not being open yet. They are probably still working on the locations where things can be held, etc. I'm anxious to get everything set and done. I guess patience is the key here but it's working one on me.
  5. Your DIY is amazing. I love your dress. Can't wait for your review and pics!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS Lauren, since you aren't working this summer try adjusting your schedule to his for a while. Get up early when he does and get whatever you want done for the day before he gets home. Have dinner ready when he gets home and then just spend time together - don't worry about dishes or anything else. Go to bed when he does and spend more time cuddling, etc. When you only have a few hours a day to be a couple, it's really important to make those hours count. Enjoy those days off together, too. I totally agree if you can flexible. My FI and sister commute into NYC. We make the most of wkends for sure! Rest assured that things will definitely ease with time. Remember that this is a major change and it takes time for everyone to adjust to change. Hang in there~~~ BTW - you're getting great advice from everyone. It's really great to have all of us to turn to.
  7. Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians!!! Have a drink!
  8. I'd suggest a country in central america. not too far and not too $$. I've been to Costa Rica with FI and we LOVED it!!!
  9. I'll have to definitely try this one!!! Sounds yummy.
  10. very cool. i guess it's the next celebrity wedding to look out for!
  11. great review and great pics too!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
  12. weddingchick


    Congratulations!!!! Welcome to the forum. Join us on the newly created Azul Sensatori thread. There are a few of us and #'s keep growing. It's a great way to share information.
  13. Some of those were pretty insightful others plain ol' icky traditions. Glad to share.
  14. I'm sure it's beautiful and it will be fine (as long as you're confortable) Still want to see a pic though!!!
  15. FI just sent me this - I thought it was a bit scary but hilarious. Bizarre origins of wedding traditions - CNN.com
  16. unofficially pepper55 The confirmation takes longer than you want to wait!!!! sorry but true 4-5 days-ish? Good Luck !!!!!
  17. Congratulations and to the forum Laura!!!! Here's some info on Azul Fives AZUL Fives hotel, by Karisma, Xcalacoco, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico Happy Planning!!!!
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