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Everything posted by weddingchick

  1. Your pics came out great. Your dress was awesome, little boy was cute and the cake was beautifully decorated. Congrats
  2. They came out really great. I love the colors and the seahorse with bling!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad yes the way our dj is going to give us the mix is on cd and the songs will be data files so the whole reception will be on one cd so that will def be there for backup as well we are going to put the playlist on both of our ipods so we will then have a double backup system 1st the 2nd ipod then the cd in last resort porbally will burn 2 cds just to be safe! Great idea. I like the backup to the backup to the backup plan.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by manders757 Ok... so I am new to this forum but booked at the Azul Sensatori a couple months ago. I am so glad I found this... I thought I was the only Azul bride!!!! Manders!!!! There's a few of us here and growing by the day!!!! There's lots of great info here.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lucky1 Hey Everyone, I just got my confirmation for my date . Conrgatulations
  6. Hey Polly. Don't stress. I'm certain that it's 3 day stay or $500 and I'd stick to that if they want to argue. Check the karisma wedding page, optional amenities file and contract and you'll find no 3 day AND $500. Let us know what you hear back from them. Jenny - did you ever receive confirmation in writing from Karisma or are they still arguing that point with you?
  7. Both are really nice - what an awesome mommy! Since you mentioned that you want to incorporate the colors of hte local flowers, I'll vote for the mango and pink (with a green accent - either bold or faded hmmm a border, ampersand, ribbon?)
  8. Both are really nice - what an awesome mommy! Since you mentioned that you want to incorporate the colors of hte local flowers, I'll vote for the mango and pink (with a green accent - either bold or faded hmmm a border, ampersand, ribbon?)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I have a special treat for you girls. Great pics Jenny! Thanks for sharing I've been on vacation and just caught up on the thread! Wow looks like we're keeping Fabio super busy. We'll definitely need to support each other in this planning process. It seems that we all want to get all the details planned out and set and Karisma isnt' quite there yet. These guys have a well oiled machine process for EDR so I'm confident we'll be fine. I'll look forward to reading all the posts!
  10. Wow those really look great! Your idea to keep the response cards as thank you's is perfect. love the blue!
  11. Absoultely beautiful. I love the color combo, runner and all the diy touches. Best wishes~
  12. Congratulations on the legal "husband and wife" titles!!!! You both look so happy in the pics and your dress is cute! Way to go Target!
  13. your dress is absolutely beautiful. i really like the two pieces and color. 9 months will go by quickly.
  14. what a crazy day and a great review. your dresses are beautiful. Congratulations!!!!
  15. Oh and good luck with the interview! You'll do great!
  16. Have lots of fun and share lots of pics when you return.
  17. Sorry but LMAO too! I can just imagine you writing responses to the interviewer and passing the tablet over with a cracked and bloody smile. Ok a little dramatic indeed. Seriously - A little lip gloss will do fine. Call it the Hollywood/So Beach lip injection look. Simply fabulous!!!!
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