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Everything posted by weddingchick

  1. to the forum! congratulations.
  2. weddingchick


    to the forum! You'll find the right place for your wedding with all the information on this forum.
  3. to the forum!!!!! You'll find lot's of helpful information on here. Happy planning!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jhawkev I just heard from our TA and we are definitely confirmed for the April 11th. YEAH!!! I can oficially update my profile. Congrats!!! Make sure to add your name to the list if you haven't done so already. That way we can keep it current!
  5. yes. you'll find it along the top. you need to be logged in to see it.
  6. Great review. This will certainly be helpful to RIU Yucatan brides. BTW, the pics you took came out great. Congratulations!
  7. You both look so calm and happy. The pics and location are beautiful. Congratulations and enjoy planning your DW.
  8. I voted for #1 but now I want to change my vote. Darn. Well- I voted for it b/c I love the color and it looks great on you but it is sort of dressy. So I've changed my mind to #3 - best for a RD.
  9. Have a fantastic time and enjoy yourselves!!! We look forward to the pics, your review and all the fun stories. Best wishes!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I think $380/night double occupancy is about the going rate for the lowest room category. If anyone else has lower, please let us know! Are you sure you mean "per night"? My TA was able to secure a group rate of $498 pp for jr jacuzzi ste for 3 nights (lowest rm category) and $528 pp for luxury jacuzzi ste (family section) for 3 nights (includes taxes and airport transfers). Yes it comes out to $166 pp/per night for a basic room. Rates do vary - depends on what time of year you are staying. If anyone else has lower, please share!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by katken I heard from Fabio! Photographer approved!! It usually takes four days to get a response, I know he's swamped, he's actually really good to work with you just have to be cool with a response in three or four days after you email him. I can't imagine how busy he must be. Yay, so happy right now! Congrats. You received a quicker response than I. I just received my confirmation from Nancy approving my photographer (yay). I had emailed Nancy three times and received the approval 2.5 wks after of the original email. Four days is actually fantastic!!
  12. Spreadsheets request too please!! email is wendy dot ivan at yahoo dot com. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for your review. I'm sorry that you had challanges. Can't wait to see your pics. Congrtulations!
  14. Wow there are so many of us now so please make sure to update the list that Jenny started. TA Jennifer just became certified as a Karisma Resort specialist. I asked that she visit our thread and help answer our questions. For those of you who have not secured a TA, she's got a great offer. (I requested that she post that offer here as well). In the meantime... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t27779
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Are there any questions that people want asked when I go down in September ? I plan on interviewing the WC at each of the properties so that we can get any confusion straightened out! Congrats Jennifer. We really needed a Karisma expert on the board! Azul Sensatori brides have tons of questions - since it's a new resort. Please share any information you may have. Please see the thread below (and post the same offer there!) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23412
  16. Your pics are beautiful. Can't wait to see more and check out your review. Congratulations!!!!
  17. Sounds like a beautiful color combination. It will definitely look great in pics.
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