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Everything posted by weddingchick

  1. 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I love healthcare. I currently work as a Director of Human Resources for a non-profit nursing facility for people living with HIV/AIDS. I also work p/t at a hospital as a phlebotomist (vampire). My ideal job would be food critic. 2: What is your favorite hobby? Travel. FI would say “being on the laptop†3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Christmas. I love the warmth of people, spirit of giving, smells, cookies, and snow. 4: What is your greatest achievement? Finding my true love. 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? Oh geez. I don’t have a favorite. I’m highly allergic to dogs, cats and horses (known allergies). They are darn cute though. 6: What is your dream trip? Morocco 7: What is your fav food? Thai food. I also love cucumbers. 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? My mother. She’s the one that started it all ! haha. She was my mentor, friend and the greatest blessing any child could have (I especially miss her during this planning process). 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? Yellow – always bright and cheery (ok I loved to make a sun in the corner of the drawings). 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Right now it’s Costa Rica. It’s absolute gorgeous nature in all its beauty. And sometimes it’s Italy awesome architecture, people, food and fashion. 11: How many siblings do you have? 1 sister and 2 older half brothers 12: What is your biggest fear? Little bugs in large quantities. Thousands of creepy crawlies. 13: What’s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? My fantastic sweet potato dish. 14: Do you have a nickname? No. 15: What causes do you support? Me, myself and I. (sorry I couldn’t resist) I support The United Way. I also provide an award at my univ. for text books for students in need. 16: What is your guilty pleasure? Oreos and milk 17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why?? Mind reader. I love to know what people really think. 18. How old are you? 35 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? Travel to every country in the world. 20. What gadget do you not need, but still want? Towel warmer. 21. What is your favorite T.V. show? Home décor shows. 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" When we stared and spoke to each other so much before being able to order dinner on our first date. The waitress came to the table about 6 times. His smile stole my heart. 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? Black dress pants. 24. How many or do you want children? 2 or more? As many as we are blessed with. 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? Steve Forbes, Hilary Clinton, James McGreevey (famous NJ Gov), James Earl Jones, Christopher Reeve, Andrew Shue (from Melrose Place), Jon Bon Jovi, Deepak Chopra. Wow –never knew it was that many. 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? Queen Elizabeth. I want to wear the jewelry. 27. What is your worst bad habit? Fighting sleep like a toddler. 28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? I don’t have a middle name. 29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Drive through a flooded road to meet my FI on our first date. Sooo worth it. 30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? Talks during a movie. My question: What’s your favorite movie?
  2. Wow Jenny the final product came out great ! ! ! You should be very excited!! Nice touch with the sand dollar brads.
  3. Great review Jennifer. Congratulations! Thanks for all the detailed info and beautiful photos. I look forward to more. I'm glad it all turned out well. BTW, I love your dress (looks like mine).
  4. Congratulations! Everything looks wonderful. Can't wait to see the professional pictures!
  5. Everything looks beautiful. Can't wait to see pictures!! Have a great time!!!
  6. sorry to hear that you are going through this. get those STD's out and plan the beautiful wedding of your dreams!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel You beat me to it. I was just about to post it. They are really cute. They're too cute right? Damn now I want those too!
  8. they're called jada. n boy are they super cute. i found them here Betsey Johnson
  9. Wow Maura those came out great! Good question niels. I'm interested in the responses to this.
  10. You still have some time. Definitely go somewhere where you can buy off the rack, visit sample sales, go to larger cities by you (it might be worth the trip), try nicolemiller.com, jcrew.com, or nicer dept stores that may carry wedding dresses (I'm thinking something like nordstrom.com) Good luck.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Peace Is the tammsphotographer someone listed on the sensatori site? She is not listed on the site. She is a photographer that a couple of the girls are bringing in and using for their wedding. If you do not choose one of Karisma's photographers, you will need to get approval from Fabio or Nancy.
  12. I've updated the list to include mrs.meyer73109 and Beecher2Be. Anyone else? October 2008 November 2008 jennrenn23-November 3, 2008 andrea110808 - Nov 11, 2008 amysteele444 Nov 14, 2008 December 2008 Magda&Neil - December 22,2008 January 2009 Beecher2Be - January 2, 2009 Mrs.StephP2Be - January 8, 2009 winwinbride - January 10, 2009 candj08 - January 17, 2009 McBradley - January 21, 2009 February 2009 tsashamia - February 7, 2009 shannonmarie09 – February 28, 2009 March 2009 saavy - March 7, 2009 manders757 – March 14, 2009 April 2009 Lucky1 – April 8, 2009 jhawkev - April 11, 2009 lilmisssunshine - April 16, 2009 mitchell.johanna - April 18, 2009 miro2be - April 19, 2009 khoyle - April 22, 2009 JHarwood2Be – April 25, 2009 Polly….Prince – April 26, 2009 teethdh – April 26, 2009 May 2009 trayce2222- May 3, 2009 MGP - May 5, 2009 milejilo – May 8, 2009 weddingchick – May 9, 2009 [email protected] - May 9, 2009 Sensatori Bride - May 14, 2009 Polina - May 15, 2009 jennik13 - May 17, 2009 moore.vj1 -May 17, 2009 heather hunder - May 20, 2009 kddsmj - May 21, 2009 khoyle - May 22, 2009 pepper55 – May 24, 2009 June 2009 katken - June 5, 2009 Jenkatherine - June 12, 2009 Soon2beTWells -June 12, 2009 SolidShan83 - June 26, 2009 July 2009 mrs.meyer73109 - July 31, 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 selina - October 1, 2009 Wendi80 - October 24, 2009 November 2009 mexicanbridewithquestions - November 6, 2009 Ania - November 12, 2009 lenka14 – November 14, 2009 heather0618 - November 21, 2009 rtswan – November 26, 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I will say that I would have liked to see more details in the reviews. Also the people who got married had connections to the owners and they were the only guest being catered to at the time. But it is good to know that the reviews will begin to flow in!!! I agree. Unfortunately none of the reviews were detailed or included photos. In fact, I read a few posts questioning how genuine the reviews actually were. I look forward to checking it out daily!!!
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