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Everything posted by weddingchick

  1. Congratulations!! I'm glad that it all turned out great for you! Can't wait to see your photos!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jennik13 hi girls, i met with Fabio yesterday. he is adorable! very nice and very on top of everything. younger than i expected. he actually got into a "soccer" accident and is limping and having some breathing issues, but is ok. i also met tiffany who is lovely. they are a nice bunch. i feel very confident that i will (and all of you) will have the weddings we are dreaming of. yes, you are correct, his inbox is flooded! i feel overwhelmed for him, but he is very very organized and assured me that all our weddings will be sorted out. clearly he needs to give priority by date. love from sunny florida, jenni Thanks Jenni. This is great news! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Congratulations! Your photos are beautiful! I think your choice to cover the excursion is a wonderful gesture for your guests. Both excursions sound like fun!
  4. Great review! You looked stunning and your photos are amazing! Congratulations!
  5. Ah that's so sweet of Anny! Congratulations Tammy!!!!
  6. christmas time : gingerbread houses
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel&B Thanks girls! I can't figure out how to quote more than one person on the same post... I have a feeling this thread is about to become a lot more active after the fiest of the year! Bridget, congrats on all you've accomplished! Mel, to multi-quote, go to each post you want to quote and click mq (below right side) then on the last one click quote. At that point, you can type your response(s). I agree after Jan 1, we will be posting frantically!
  8. Mel your invites are great! BTW love the new logo!
  9. wow a lot of may brides. count me in for hair and makeup too. I would be able to carpool. Thanks Kristy!
  10. Everything looks great! Can't wait to see your photos when you return!
  11. thanks for your review lenka. i hope the beach conditions improve. i can't wait to see your photos!
  12. I agree with petunia. see how she'll try to fix it. she should be the one responsible to see that spelling is correct even if you accept her erroneous proof. if you choose to accept them as is, i think you should be extremely happy with the services rendered. Good luck.
  13. I'm sorry that you had so many challanges. I'm sure that your guests had a great time! Can't wait to see your photos! Congratulations!
  14. poutine : disco fries (though they are quite different)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by amysteele444 amysteele444 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Okay. Let me know if there is any issue with this. Sorry for the mass of photos but I figured to many was better than not enough. As you can prob. tell we had a red and pink wedding (everything was and had to be red and pink) notice my sunglasses and shoes. I will post the rest from the reception later this week. I am super wiped out and buried in laundry. Amy your photos are great. Can't wait to see the other photos and your review! Congratulations!!!
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