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Everything posted by weddingchick

  1. Hi Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we changed our wedding location. It was the best decision for us and our guests (though it was also a costly one - we had a room block). Sensatori is a gorgeous resort. Please be reminded that it's a newly opened resort and it will only get better with time. I'll definitely continue to read this great thread (many thanks to Jenny for starting it). Keep sharing information and support each other! Your weddings will turn out amazing. Best to everyone!
  2. Great job with everything. Your guests will love all the attention to detail. Have a great time!
  3. Here's a link to Mishka's Mishka Designs' Blog: A Maraca By Any Other Name...
  4. congrats. your photos came out great. my fav is the one with the party jumping on the beach while your hubby dips you.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be Hey girls, We've been fairly quiet lately. Is no news, good news? Anyone talk to Fabio lately? I'm just patiently waiting until our turn to plan. P.S. Happy New Year! Hey Jenny! I think no news is good news. It was a little there for a while. I'm awaiting my turn to plan too. It's the waiting that's getting to me though. Happy New Year to everyone!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by AustinGirl I didn't know about the terrace of Zocolo for a reception. How many people will you have at your reception? I'm just curious as to how many people it holds. I can't wait to read your review! I will be there in February for a site inspection as well. I can't wait to see it in person. Zocalo terrace is about 60pp. I was able to get this information during my pre-opening site visit 10/2008. my site visit review can be found here... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t31252
  7. I'm in the same boat too petals! My hair currently has blonde highlights and I was thinking about what to do since the wedding is coming up soon. I'm leaning towards keeping them in. Who knows maybe I'll change my mind. Your photos look great either way since the change is subtle.
  8. Congratulations Dayla! You'll find a lot of brides with different locations on here! You should consider what is important for you and your fiance and take it from there (vibe, food, beach, costs, etc.). My first thought for a small wedding is at Ana y Jose in Tulum. You can check it out Tulum Hotels - Ana y Jose - Beach Cottages Tulum, Mexico Good luck!
  9. You look beautiful in your photos! Your dress is so simply elegant and so are the BM dresses. Thanks for sharing.
  10. oh sorry. I'm feeling your pain! I went through that about 3 wks ago. Turned out I needed to have my wisdom tooth pulled and I absolutely needed the pain killer for about 2.5 wks. Try ice cream shakes -they helped me.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2beTWells I guess I needed someone who is going thru the same thing to tell me that it is going to be ok, I guess it would be more of a pain to change this late in the game! Thanks! Magda's review definitely provides that for us! Quote: Originally Posted by Magda&Neil I just got back from my wedding and I posted my review here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...978#post637388
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